
Identifikasi Ketahanan Sumber Daya Genetik Kedelai Terhadap Hama Pengisap Polong


Pod sucking bugs are the main insects pest that affect both yield quality and quantity of soybean seriously. There are three kinds of insect pest ie: Riptortus linearis (F), Nezara viridula (L), and Piezodorus rubrofasciatus. The soybean plants were mainly attacked by insects during seed and pod development decreased yield up to 79%. To identify soybean germplasm resistant to pod sucking bugs for breeding base material, 100 accessions of soybean germplasm were tested in Bogor Experimental Station during the wet season 2003. Each accession was planted in 2 m x 3 m plot with 40 cm x 15 cm plant spacing. There was no pest control during flowering stage until pod maturing stage. Data collected were population of each pod suckers bugs, percentage of seed and pods damage. The accessions with 0-20% of seed damage (score 1) were selected as the resistant genotypes. The result showed that among three kinds pod suckers, population of Riptortus linearis was higher then others. It was found nearly in each plot with different insect incident (score 1-4). Based on seeds and pods damage symptom, there were identified 17 accessions resistant to pod suckers. The lowest seed and pod damage caused by the insect were found in TGM 131-1-1-1B and GM425 Si accessions. The selected accessions were suggested to be used as parent materials for future breeding program

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    Last time updated on 16/11/2017