362 research outputs found

    Chemical analyses of two plant essential oils and their effects on functional response of Habrobracon hebetor Say to Sitotroga cerealella Olivier larvae

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    Salvia officinalis L. and Glycyrrhiza glabra L. are two valuable medicinal plants from Kermanshah province in Iran. In this study, chemical analyses of their essential oils were performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and the effects investigated on functional response of Habrobracon hebetor Say on larval stage of Sitotroga cerealella Olivier. Accordingly, emerged females of H. hebetor were treated by LC30 of the isolated essential oils for 24 h. Then, six wasps were accidentally selected and introduced to densities of host larvae for 24 h. The results showed that naphthalene, decahydro-4a-methyl and alpha-thujone were dominant compounds in both essential oils, respectively. Holling model (1959) by using regression analyses confirmed functional response type III in the control wasps and type II in both essential oils treatments. The highest and lowest attack rates were observed in the control wasps (0.0443 ± 0.00278 h-1) and S. officinalis treatment (0.0349 ± 0.00257 h-1), respectively. Moreover, the treated wasps by G. glabra essential oil showed shorter handling time than S. officinalis treatment (0.4497 ± 0.0373 h versus 0.5196 ± 0.0589 h). Accordingly, G. glabra due to lower negative effects on the functional response of H. hebetor was more compatible than S. officinalis for their combination in integrated pest management schedules

    Metrizability of Cone Metric spaces

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    In 2007 H. Long-Guang and Z. Xian, [H. Long-Guang and Z. Xian, Cone Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Theorems of Contractive Mapping, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 322(2007), 1468-1476], generalized the concept of a metric space, by introducing cone metric spaces, and obtained some fixed point theorems for mappings satisfying certain contractive conditions. The main question was "Are cone metric spaces a real generalization of metric spaces?" Throughout this paper we answer the question in the negative, proving that every cone metric space is metrizable and the equivalent metric satisfies the same contractive conditions as the cone metric. So most of the fixed point theorems which have been proved are straightforward results from the metric case.Comment: 9 page

    Cooperative Control and Connectivity Assessment of Multi-Agent Systems subject to Disturbance and Constrained Measurements

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    The problem of designing distributed control strategies and developing connectivity metrics for multi-agent systems subject to constrained measurements and external disturbances is studied in this work. The constraint on the field of view (FOV) of the sensing devices used in multi-agent networks is ubiquitous in a wide range of applications. Such constraints have a fundamental impact on the overall performance of the network. The consensus and containment problems for a network of single-integrator agents are investigated, where each agent is assumed to have a sensor with a constrained angular FOV. The flocking problem for a network of double integrators with constrained FOVs is then investigated, where each agent is assumed to be equipped with relative distance and bearing angle sensors, with conic-shaped sensing areas of limited visibility. The angular velocity of the FOV of each agent along with the corresponding control inputs are designed such that the flocking objectives are achieved in a certain neighborhood of the desired configuration. A distributed consensus controller for a network of unicycle agents subject to external disturbances in input channels is also developed for two different cases of disturbances with known linear dynamics and unknown disturbances with known upper bounds. Then, a multi-agent system composed of underwater acoustic sensors is considered, where the network is modeled by a random graph. Different notions for the connectivity assessment of the expected graph of a random network are introduced, and efficient algorithms are developed to evaluate them. Simulations are provided throughout the work to support the theoretical findings

    Management of an Endodontic-Periodontal Lesion in a Maxillary Lateral Incisor with Palatal Radicular Groove: A Case Report

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    The radicular groove is a developmental anomaly that predisposes the tooth to periodontal break-down. Sometimes the situation becomes more complicated by pulp necrosis and development of a combined endodontic-periodontal lesion which is a diagnostic and treatment challenge for the clinician. This report presents the successful management of an endodontic-periodontal lesion in a maxillary lateral incisor that has a developmental palatal radicular groove using a combination of nonsurgical endodontic therapy and periodontal regenerative techniques. Conclusion: The combination of nonsurgical endodontic and periodontal regenerative treatment is a predictable method in treating combined endodontic-periodontal lesions caused by palato-gingival groove.Keywords: Endodontic-Periodontal Lesion; Maxillary Lateral Incisor; Palatoradicular Groove; Periodontal Regeneratio

    A Framework for Assessing Digital Maturity in Organizations

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    For today's businesses, the move to digital transformation and the use of disruptive technologies for survival and growth is inevitable and can create many innovative opportunities for them. In order for organizations to move in this direction and design a roadmap for their digital transformation, they must first have a comprehensive and holistic understanding of the current digital situation of themselves. Assessing digital maturity can be the first step in developing the roadmap of digital transformation. Since digital transformation is not a one-dimensional issue and involves many dimensions in the organization, so identifying and paying attention to these dimensions can make it easier to plan for the digital transformation of the organization. This is possible with the help of digital maturity models. This study was conducted to provide a framework for assessing digital maturity. The research method used here was a systematic literature review. Dimensions of digital maturity in this framework include "strategy", "governance and leadership", "business model and ecosystem", "culture and skills", "process", "employee experience", "customer experience", "technology", "data" "Innovation" were identified and then 69 indicators related to each dimension were introduced