6 research outputs found

    Kajian Penggunaan Pupuk Organik pada Tanaman Bawang Merah Asal Biji di Kabupaten Sidrap, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Study of Organic Fertilizer Usage in Onion Plant From Seed at Sidrap Distric, South Sulawesi. Theproductivity of shallots in South Sulawesi is still low due to lack of knowledge about the most appropriate typeand amounts of fertilizer USAge. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of organic fertilizersin combination with inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of shallots grown from seed. Assessment wasconducted at farmers\u27 field, Ponragae village, Pitu Riawa subdistrict, Sidrap district, from July to December2007. The assessment used a randomized block design consisting of ten treatments with three replicates andused the Tuk-Tuk variety. Result showed that applications of an organic fertilizer combined with inorganicfertilizers gave a good effect on growth and yield of shallot. The highest yield was obtained at treatment ofzeo-organic fertilizer at 5 t/ha + 200 kg urea + 50 kg SP-36 and 200 kg KCl/ha i.e 233.70 g of dry bulb perten plants or equal to 5.58 t/ha of dry bulb. On that treatment, plant height and bulb diameter were 50,80 cmand 3,66 cm respectively. Application of organic fertilizer decreased the USAge of inorganic fertilizer on shallot.Key words: Fertilizer, organic, shallot, seedTingkat produktivitas bawang merah di Sulawesi Selatan masih rendah disebabkan antara lain kurangnyainformasi tentang jenis dan dosis pupuk yang tepat. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas pupuk organikyang dikombinasikan dengan pupuk anorganik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah asal biji. Kajiandilaksanakan di lahan petani di Desa Ponragae, Kecamatan Pitu Riawa, Kabupaten Sidrap, pada bulan Juli sampaiDesember 2007. Kajian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok, yang terdiri dari sepuluh perlakuan dan tigaulangan. Varietas yang digunakan adalah varietas Tuk-tuk. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pupukorganik yang dikombinasikan dengan pupuk anorganik memberikan pengaruh yang baik terhadap pertumbuhandan hasil bawang merah. Hasil tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan pupuk zeo-organik 5 t/ha + 200 kg urea +50 kg SP-36 dan 200 kg KCl/ha yaitu 233,70 g umbi kering per 0 tanaman atau setara dengan 5,58 t/haumbi kering. Pada perlakuan tersebut, tinggi tanaman dan diameter umbi masing-masing mencapai 50,80 cm dan3,66 cm. Pemanfaatan pupuk organik mengurangi penggunaan pupuk anorganik pada tanaman bawang merah

    Uji Adaptasi Teknologi Budidaya Bawang Merah di Kabupaten Enrekang Sulawesi Selatan

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    Application of Shallot Cultivation Technology in Enrekang, South Sulawesi. Shallot is one of the important vegetable crops in South Sulawesi, but the level of productivity is still low at 6 t / ha. This is caused partly by the lack of specific location technology. The purpose of the assessment is to to get a package of shallot cultivation technology appropriate and in accordance with local conditions. Assessments conducted at Tominawa Village, Baraka Sub-district, Enrekang District from March to December 2008, using a paired plot design, with two treatments: (1) The application of cultivation technology and (2) Cultivation of farmer ways. The assessment indicated that the application of cultivation technology as recommended giving shallot growth better than the way farmers plant growth. In this treatment of tuber fresh weight per 10 groves of shallots, tubers and higher tuber diameter of each 937 g, 3.86 cm and 4.20 cm. Furthermore, the number of tubers per hill and tuber dry weight per 10 clusters each tuber and 810 g. 7.28 While the yield obtained on the recommendation technology is 2772 kg/ha, equivalent 0.35 7.92 t/ha. Acceptance of farmers on the application of technology recommended treatment is USD. 30,492,000 as of 0.35 ha with RC ratio of 2.45

    Pengendalian Terpadu Vektor Cvpd dan Hama Penyebab Buah Burik pada Jeruk Siem di Kabupaten Luwu Utara

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    Integrated Control of CVPD Vectors and Pests of Citrus Cv. Siem in North Luwu District. The production of citrus plants in South Sulawesi in 2004 decreased sharply (10.60 t/ha) due to the infection of CVPD disease. In the field, the spread of CVPD is faster due to the high population of the vector (D. citri). In addition to the low production, citrus fruit quality in that areas is also very low due to the plague of some pests especially thrips (S. citri). The objective of the assessment is to compare yield of citrus between farmers who implemented the integrated control of D. citri and S. citri and farmers who did not implement the integrated pest control. The Assessment was conducted at Pengkajoang Village, Luwu Utara Regency from January to December 2006 using a pair comparison design consisting of two treatments i.e. (1) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and (2) Non-IPM. The results of the assessment indicated that the number of the fruit per tree was 72.09 fruits on IPM and 55.80 fruits on non-IPM. The vector population per flush per tree and predator population of Coccinelidae on IPM were 2.95 individuals and 2.10 individuals, whereas those on non-IPM were 3.55 and 0.90 respectively. The number of the fruit infected by thrips, S. citri per tree and the intensity of damage per fruit on IPM were 10.40 fruits and 5.95%, whereas those on non-IPM were 12.25 fruits and 7.88%. Farmers' income on IPM was higher (R/C 1,9) than that on non-IPM (1,5). Key words : Citrus cv. Siem, vector pest, integrated control Produksi jeruk siem di Sulawesi Selatan pada tahun 2004 menurun tajam (10,60 t/ha) disebabakan oleh penyakit CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration). Di lapang, serangan CVPD lebih cepat disebabkan oleh tingginya populasi vektor (Diaphorina citri). Selain produksi, mutu buah jeruk juga sangat rendah karena serangan hama penyebab buah burik khususnya thrips (Scirtothrips citri). Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk membandingkan produkivitas jeruk siem antara petani yang menerapkan pengendalian terpadu vektor CVPD dan hama buah burik dengan petani yang tidak menerapkan pengendalian hama terpadu. Kajian dilakukan di desa Pengkajoang, Kabupaten Luwu Utara pada bulan Januari hingga Desember 2006, menggunakan rancangan petak berpasangan, dengan dua perlakuan yaitu (1) Pengendalian hama secara terpadu (PHT) dan (2) Pengendalian cara petani (non-PHT). Hasil kajian menunjukkan jumlah buah yang terbentuk adalah 72,09 buah pada perlakuan PHT dan 55,80 buah per pohon pada non-PHT. Populasi D. citri per kumpulan tunas per pohon dan populasi predator dari famili coccinelidae pada perlakuan PHT masing-masing 2,95 ekor dan 2,10 ekor, sementara pada perlakuan non-PHT masing-masing 3,55 ekor dan 0,90 ekor. Jumlah buah terserang hama trips, S. citri per pohon dan intensitas serangan per buah pada perlakuan PHT masing-masing 10,40 buah dan 5,95%, sementara pada perlakuan non-PHT masing-masing 12,25 buah dan 7,88%. Penerimaan petani yang menerapkan PHT lebila tinggi (R/C 1,9) dibanding yang tidak menerapkan PHT (R/C 1,5)

    Kajian Pengendalian Terpadu Lalat Buah, Bactrocera Dorsalis, pada Tanaman Mangga: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan

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    South Sulawesi is one of the mango development areas, however its productivity is still 38.26 kg/tree. One cause of this low productivity is due to the high damage of fruit fly. By applying a control method it is hoped that the intensity damage caused by fruit fly can be decreased by integrating several available control methods through integrated pest management (IPM) approach. The assessment of fruit fly was conducted at Pattopakang and Cikoang Village, Takalar district from July to December 2004 by applying two treatments i.e. (1) IPM approach and (2) non IPM approach (controlling method used by farmers. The results indicated that the number of adult fruit flies that captured by attractant trap from August to November 2004 were 480 adults, 216 adults, 178 adults and 1001 adults per month, respectively. The damage percentage of fruit (drop fruits) on IPM and non-IPM approach was 0.59% and 9.34% respectively. The yield on IPM and non-IPM approach was 16.98 kg/tree and 12.12 kg/tree, respectively. The income obtained on IPM approach amounted to Rp.2.550.000,- per ha (R/C 4.48), while that on non-IPM approach amounted to Rp.1.820.000,- per ha (R/C 4.36). The majority of farmers•(90%) had recognized well fruit flies and the damage they caused on mangoes. However, some of the farmers (60%) faced difficulty in obtaining methyl-eugenol. In brief, the IPM treatment approach can decrease the damage percentage of mangoes caused by fruit fly Key words: control, fruit fly, integrated, mango Sulawesi Selatan merupakan salah satu daerah pengembangan mangga, namun tingkat produktivitasnya baru mencapai 38,26 kg/pohon. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah tingginya kerusakan lalat buah. Metode pengendalian diharapkan dapat mengurangi intensitas serangan akibat lalat buah adalah penggabungan beberapa metode pengendalian yang tersedia melalui pendekatan pengendalian hama terpadu (PHT). Kajian pengendalian lalat buah dilakukan di Desa Pattopakang dan Cikoang, kabupaten Takalar dari bulan Juli sampai Desember 2004 dengan menggunakan dua perlakuan yaitu 1) Pengendalian terpadu dan (2) Pengendalian cara petani. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa jumlah lalat buah dewasa yang tertangkap dengan perangkap atraktan dari bulan Agustus sampai November masing-masing 480 ekor, 216 ekor, 178 ekor dan 1001 ekor. Persentase kerusakan buah mangga pada perlakuan PHT dan non-PHT masing-masing 0,59% dan 9,34%. Hasil mangga pada perlakuan PHT dan non-PHT masing-masing 16,98 kg/phn dan 12,12 kg/phn. Pendapatan yang diterima petani dengan perlakuan PHT sebesar Rp. 2,550,000 per ha (R/C 4,48), sementara pada perlakuan non-PHT sebesar Rp.1,820,000 per ha (R/C 4,36). Umumnya petani (90%) telah mengenal cukup baik hama lalat buah dan kerusakan yang ditimbulkannya. Namun sebagian besar petani (60%) mengalami kesulitan dalam memperoleh metyl-eugenol. Pengendalian dengan metode PHT menekan tingkat kerusakan buah mangga akibat serangan lalat buah