119,142 research outputs found

    Performance of EcoSan Toilets at Majumbasita in Dar Es Salaam – Tanzania

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    The performance of Ecological Sanitation (ECOSAN) toilets at Majumbasita-Ukonga in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania was studied in order to assess their feasibility for low cost and effective environmental protection. The studied parameters for urine were pH, TKN, phosphorus , potassium and E-coli and for faecal sludge were temperature, pH, TS, VS, COD , TKN, ammonium, phosphorus, potassium and Ascaris eggs. Results indicated a high pH up to 10.3 in the faecal contents due to addition of ashes. The temperatures were between 270C – 31.70C during the whole study period. The total COD measurements varied from 33 - 74 gCOD/l, while TS and VS were respectively 57– 81 gTS/l and 21 – 46 gVS/l. The results for TKN, ammonium, phosphorus and potassium in faecal sludge were 5045 – 6080mg/L, 5207-5852 mg/L, 29-70mg/L and 105-176 mg/L, respectively. Ascaris eggs were efficiently removed from faecal sludge that were strictly dry and had a pH of more than 10. The results for TKN, ammonium, phosphorus and potassium in urine were 4285-5010 mg/L, 111-195 mg/L and 190-251 mg/L, respectively. E-Coli were present in urine with pH less than 11.5 and were efficiently removed from urine with pH more than 11.5. Presence of pathogens in urine implies the separated urine can be reused in tree growing and not for fertilising food crops consumed raw

    Variability Abstraction and Refinement for Game-Based Lifted Model Checking of Full CTL

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    One of the most promising approaches to fighting the configuration space explosion problem in lifted model checking are variability abstractions. In this work, we define a novel game-based approach for variability-specific abstraction and refinement for lifted model checking of the full CTL, interpreted over 3-valued semantics. We propose a direct algorithm for solving a 3-valued (abstract) lifted model checking game. In case the result of model checking an abstract variability model is indefinite, we suggest a new notion of refinement, which eliminates indefinite results. This provides an iterative incremental variability-specific abstraction and refinement framework, where refinement is applied only where indefinite results exist and definite results from previous iterations are reused. The practicality of this approach is demonstrated on several variability models

    The structure of two new non-centrosymmetric phases of oxygen deficient bismuth manganite

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    The structure of two new phases in the bismuth manganite system are reported. The phases were determined by electron diffraction studies of two oxygen-deficient bulk samples. The first phase, a minority component of bulk BiMnO2.94 forms a n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper phase with space group Cmc21 . The second phase, from bulk BiMnO2.99 , is an orthorhombic structure with spacegroup Pmn21 and a unit cell approximately equal to 4 × √ 2 × 2 √ 2 times the parent perovskite cell. Importantly both phases are non-centrosymmetric and offer further potential for multiferroic studies.The authors would like to thank EPSRC for financial support for this work through grant EP/H017712

    A defect in early myogenesis causes Otitis media in two mouse models of 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome

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    Otitis media (OM), the inflammation of the middle ear, is the most common disease and cause for surgery in infants worldwide. Chronic Otitis media with effusion (OME) often leads to conductive hearing loss and is a common feature of a number of craniofacial syndromes, such as 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11.2DS). OM is more common in children because the more horizontal position of the Eustachian tube (ET) in infants limits or delays clearance of middle ear effusions. Some mouse models with OM have shown alterations in the morphology and angle of the ET. Here, we present a novel mechanism in which OM is caused not by a defect in the ET itself but in the muscles that control its function. Our results show that in two mouse models of 22q11.2DS (Df1/+ and Tbx1(+/-)) presenting with bi- or unilateral OME, the fourth pharyngeal arch-derived levator veli palatini muscles were hypoplastic, which was associated with an earlier altered pattern of MyoD expression. Importantly, in mice with unilateral OME, the side with the inflammation was associated with significantly smaller muscles than the contralateral unaffected ear. Functional tests examining ET patency confirmed a reduced clearing ability in the heterozygous mice. Our findings are also of clinical relevance as targeting hypoplastic muscles might present a novel preventative measure for reducing the high rates of OM in 22q11.2DS patients

    Functional imaging of plants: A nuclear magnetic resonance study of a cucumber plant

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to study transients of biophysical parameters in a cucumber plant in response to environmental changes. Detailed flow imaging experiments showed the location of xylem and phloem in the stem and the response of the following flow characteristics to the imposed environmental changes: the total amount of water, the amount of stationary and flowing water, the linear velocity of the flowing water, and the volume flow. The total measured volume flow through the plant stem was in good agreement with the independently measured water uptake by the roots. A separate analysis of the flow characteristics for two vascular bundles revealed that changes in volume flow of the xylem sap were accounted for by a change in linear-flow velocities in the xylem vessels. Multiple-spin echo experiments revealed two water fractions for different tissues in the plant stem; the spin-spin relaxation time of the larger fraction of parenchyma tissue in the center of the stem and the vascular tissue was down by 17% in the period after cooling the roots of the plant. This could point to an increased water permeability of the tonoplast membrane of the observed cells in this period of quick recovery from severe water los

    Proton NMR relaxometry as a useful tool to evaluate swelling processes in peat soils

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    Dramatic physical and physico-chemical changes in soil properties may arise due to temperature and moisture variations as well as swelling of soil organic matter (SOM) under constant conditions. Soil property variations may influence sorption/desorption and transport processes of environmental contaminants and nutrients in natural-organic-matterrich soils. Notwithstanding the studies reported in literature, a mechanistic model for SOM swelling is unavailable yet. The objective of the present study was the evaluation of the swelling of peat soils, considered as SOM models, by 1H NMR relaxometry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Namely, information on the processes governing physical and physicochemical changes of peat during re-hydration were collected. The basic hypothesis of the present study was that the changes are slow and may affect water state as well as amounts of different water types into the peats. For this reason, such changes can be evidenced through the variations of mobility and thermal behaviour of the involved H2O molecules by using 1H NMR relaxometry and DSC. According to the experimental results, a mechanistic model, describing the fundamental processes of peat swelling, was obtained. Two different peats re-wetted at three temperatures were used. The swelling process was monitored by measuring spin-spin relaxation time (T2) over a hydration time of several months. Moreover, DSC, T1 – T2 and T2 – D correlation measurements were done at the beginning and at the end of the hydration. Supplementary investigations were also done in order to discriminate between the swelling effects and the contributions from soil solution, internal magnetic field gradients and/or soil microorganisms to proton relaxation. All the results revealed peat swelling. It was evidenced by pore size distribution changes, volumetric expansion and redistribution of water, increasing amounts of nonfreezable and loosely bound water, as well as formation of gel phases and reduction of the translational and rotational mobility of H2O molecules. All the findings implied that changes of the physical and physicochemical properties of peats were obtained. In particular, three different processes having activation energies comprised in the interval 5 – 50 kJ mol-1 were revealed. The mechanistic model which was, then, developed included water reorientation in bound water phases, water diffusion into the peat matrix and reorientation of SOM chains as fundamental processes governing SOM swelling. This study is of environmental significance in terms of re-naturation and re-watering of commercially applied peatlands and of sorption/desorption and transport processes of pollutants and nutrients in natural organic matter rich soil

    Road Rage Menace: A Cross-sectional Study to Assess Driver Anger Level in Public Motor Vehicle Drivers in a City in Central India

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    Introduction: Road rage and aggressive driving is a prevalent condition in today’s society due to motorists’ frustrations during heavy traffic volumes. Objective: This study was done to assess the level of anger amongst the drivers of public transport vehicles in Indore, using Driving Anger Scale (DAS by Deffenbacher et. al.) and various factors affecting it. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 135 drivers of Public transport vehicle drivers (Star bus, City-van and star cab drivers) in Indore to assess their anger level using Driving Anger Scale. The participants were required to record the amount of anger they would experience in response to each item in the scale (1=not at all angry, 2=a little angry, 3=some anger, 4=much anger, 5=very much angry). Results: The mean DAS score in Indore was found to be 3.013 and in the three organizations namely Star bus drivers, City van drivers and Star cab drivers was 2.92, 3.08 and 3.04 respectively. The DAS score of drivers with respect to the 6 sub-scales were: hostile gestures (Star bus -3.42,City van -3.67,Star cab -3.38), slow driving (Star bus -2.73,City van driv-2.78,Star cab-3.17), traffic obstructions (Star bus-2.85,City van -3.25,Star cab-3.18), discourtesy (Star bus -3.23,City van-3.33,Star cab -3.25)and police presence (Star bus -2.15,City van -1.99,Star cab -2.78), illegal driving (Star bus -3.04,City van -3.14,Star cab -2.89). The DAS scores of the drivers did not vary significantly with age group, experience, and educational qualification. Conclusion: Though DAS scores did not vary between the three groups of drivers, however average level anger for various given circumstances commonly found in the Indian traffic scenario was on the higher side

    From Schritte and Wechsel to Coxeter Groups

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    The PLR-moves of neo-Riemannian theory, when considered as reflections on the edges of an equilateral triangle, define the Coxeter group S~3\widetilde S_3. The elements are in a natural one-to-one correspondence with the triangles in the infinite Tonnetz. The left action of S~3\widetilde S_3 on the Tonnetz gives rise to interesting chord sequences. We compare the system of transformations in S~3\widetilde S_3 with the system of Schritte and Wechsel introduced by Hugo Riemann in 1880. Finally, we consider the point reflection group as it captures well the transition from Riemann's infinite Tonnetz to the finite Tonnetz of neo-Riemannian theory.Comment: 14 pages for the Mathematics and Computation in Music Conference in June 2019 in Madrid, the revised version extends the music theoretic discussio