677 research outputs found

    Electromigration failure by shape change of voids in bamboo lines

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    The behavior of electromigration-induced voids in narrow, unpassivated aluminum interconnects is examined, using scanning electron microscopy. Some electromigration tests were interrupted several times in order to observe void nucleation, void growth, and finally the failure of the conductor line. It is found that voids which opened the line have a specific asymmetric shape with respect to the electron flow direction. Besides void nucleation and void growth, void shape changes can consume a major part of the lifetime of the conductor line. A first attempt to model these processes on the basis of diffusion along the void surface shows that voids with a noncircular initial shape tend to produce the fatal asymmetry due to electron wind effects, with the anisotropy of surface energy possibly playing only a minor role

    On void nucleation and growth in metal interconnect lines under electromigration conditions

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    Electromigration failure in rigidly passivated metal interconnect lines is studied with particular reference to the vacancy supersaturations and hydrostatic stresses that can be developed at blocking grain boundaries under electromigration conditions. It is shown that the high stresses needed for homogeneous void nucleation to occur are probably too high to be developed by electromigration and that failure is more likely to involve the growth of pre-existing voids. We also show that the amount of void growth that can occur at a blocking grain boundary by electromigration of vacancies down the adjoining grain boundaries is small relative to the dimensions of the line unless the adjoining grain boundaries are continuous in a very long section of the line. This suggests that other mechanisms of void growth are responsible for electromigration failure. An analysis of the electromigration of small pre-existing voids shows that above a critical size, large voids migrate faster than smaller ones. This leads to a catastrophic process in which large voids can catch up with and coalesce with smaller ones, growing in size and migrating more rapidly as they do so. We conclude that the migration and coalescence of preexisting voids is a more likely mechanism of electromigration failure

    Proposing "b-Parity" - a New Approximate Quantum Number in Inclusive b-jet Production - as an Efficient Probe of New Flavor Physics

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    We consider the inclusive reaction \ell^+ \ell^- -> nb +X (n = number of b-jets) in lepton colliders for which we propose a useful approximately conserved quantum number b_P=(-1)^n that we call b-Parity (b_P). We make the observation that the Standard Model (SM) is essentially b_P-even since SM b_P-violating signals are necessarily CKM suppressed. In contrast new flavor physics can produce b_P=-1 signals whose only significant SM background is due to b-jet misidentification. Thus, we show that b-jet counting, which relies primarily on b-tagging, becomes a very simple and sensitive probe of new flavor physics (i.e., of b_P-violation).Comment: 5 pages using revtex, 2 figures embadded in the text using epsfig. As will appear in Phys.Rev.Lett.. Considerable improvement was made in the background calculation as compared to version 1, by including purity parameters, QCD effects and 4-jets processe

    Searching For Anomalous τνW\tau \nu W Couplings

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    The capability of current and future measurements at low and high energy e+ee^+e^- colliders to probe for the existence of anomalous, CP conserving, τνW\tau \nu W dipole moment-type couplings is examined. At present, constraints on the universality of the tau charged and neutral current interactions as well as the shape of the τ\tau \to \ell energy spectrum provide the strongest bounds on such anomalous couplings. The presence of these dipole moments are shown to influence, e.g., the extraction of αs(mτ2)\alpha_s(m_\tau^2) from τ\tau decays and can lead to apparent violations of CVC expectations.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    A Model-independent Description of New Physics effects in e+e- to t tbar

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    We study the potential of a future e+ee^+e^- collider for the search of anomalous gamma t t bar and Z t t bar couplings, assuming that CP-invariance holds. This is done in a model-independent way, considering that all six possible couplings do appear. Two experimental situations are envisaged, with and without electron beam polarization. Observability limits in the form of domains in the 6-dimensional parameter space are established. Illustrations for specific constrained models are also presented and implications for new physics searches are discussed.Comment: 26 pages and 5 figures. e-mail: [email protected]

    Four-Fermi Effective Operators in Top-Quark Production and Decay

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    Effects of four-Fermi-type new interactions are studied in top-quark pair production and their subsequent decays at future e^+e^- colliders. Secondary-lepton-energy distributions are calculated for arbitrary longitudinal beam polarizations. An optimal-observables procedure is applied for the determination of new parameters.Comment: Polarized e^- plus unpolarized e^+ collisions were include

    CP violation in gauge theories

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    We define the CP transformation properties of scalars, fermions and vectors in a gauge theory and show that only three types of interactions can lead to CP violation: scalar interactions, fermion-scalar interactions and FF~ F \tilde F associated with the strong CP problem and which involve only the gauge fields. For technicolor theories this implies the absence of CP violation within perturbation theory.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, revtex and epsf require

    Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment and Lepton Flavor Violation

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    A non-universal interaction, which involves only the third family leptons induces lepton flavor violating couplings and contributes to the anomalous magnetic moment of muon. In this paper, we study the effects of non-universal interaction on muon (g-2) and rare decay τμγ\tau \to \mu \gamma by using an effective lagrangian technique, and a phenomenological ZZ^\prime model where ZZ^\prime couples only to the third family lepton. We find that the deviation from the theory can be explained and the induced τμγ\tau \to \mu \gamma rate could be very close to the current experimental limit. In the ZZ^\prime model, MZM_{Z^\prime} has to be lighter than 2.6 TeV.Comment: references added, the version to appear in PR

    Search for anomalous top-gluon couplings at LHC revisited

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    Through top-quark pair productions at LHC, we study possible effects of nonstandard top-gluon couplings yielded by SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) invariant dimension-6 effective operators. We calculate the total cross section and also some distributions for p p -> t tbar X as functions of two anomalous-coupling parameters, i.e., the chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments of the top, which are constrained by the total cross section sigma(p pbar -> t tbar X) measured at Tevatron. We find that LHC might give us some chances to observe sizable effects induced by those new couplings.Comment: One comment and related two refs. added. Final version (to appear in Eur.Phys.J. C