5 research outputs found

    Leptospirosis pada Tikus Endemis Sulawesi (Rodentia: Muridae) dan Potensi Penularannya Antar Tikus dari Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Leptospirosis is zoonotic disease which caused by pathogenic Leptospira bacteria and potentially causing death in human. Rat, as main reservoir of Leptospira, had been most studied in urban or rural areas around the settlement  of community. In contrast, leptospirosis studies in endemic rat were still limited. This study was aimed to identify endemic rat species of Sulawesi as reservoir of Leptospira in some regencies of South Sulawesi Province namely Bulukumba, Pangkep and East Luwu. This study was a part of Rikhus Vektora in 2017 by using live traps to catch rats in six various ecosystem types each regency. All catched rats were identified morphologically and followed by examinations using Microscopic Agglutination Test and Polymerase Chain Reaction. The result showed various endemic rats such as Rattus marmosurus, Rattus hoffmanni, Bunomys chrysocomus, Bunomys andrewsi and Bunomys coelestis were infected with leptospirosis. This study also showed new record of some endemic rat species were infected with leptospirosis. It is important to rise awareness  of  leptospirosis transmission in the forest habitat by the endemic rats. ABSTRAK Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis disebabkan bakteri Leptospira patogenik dan berpotensi menyebabkan kematian pada manusia. Tikus sebagai reservoir utama Leptospira kebanyakan diteliti di kawasan perkotaan atau pedesaan di sekitar permukiman. Sebaliknya, penelitian leptospirosis pada tikus endemis jumlahnya sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis tikus endemis Sulawesi sebagai reservoir Leptospira di Kabupaten Bulukumba, Pangkep dan Luwu Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari Rikhus Vektora tahun 2017 dengan menggunakan perangkap hidup untuk menangkap tikus di enam ekosistem berbeda pada tiap kabupaten. Seluruh tikus tertangkap diidentifikasi secara morfologis yang selanjutnya diuji Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) dan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Hasilnya diperoleh berbagai tikus endemis seperti Rattus marmosurus, Rattus hoffmanni, Bunomys chrysocomus, Bunomys andrewsi dan Bunomys coelestis terinfeksi leptospirosis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan catatan baru beberapa jenis tikus endemis Sulawesi terinfeksi leptospirosis. Kondisi ini perlu diwaspadai karena terdapat potensi penularan leptospirosis di habitat hutan dari tikus endemis tersebut


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    oai:jurnalkesehatan.ejournal.litbang.depkes.go.id:article/8121Leptospirosis merupakan zoonosis yang terdapat hampir di seluruh daerah tropis dan subtropis dengan tingkat morbiditas dan mortalitas cukup tinggi di dunia. Di Indonesia, leptospirosis sering menimbulkan Kejadian Luar Biasa. Tiga sumber penularan penting leptospirosis adalah lingkungan terkontaminasi bakteri leptospira, keberadaan tikus dan keberadaan hewan ternak sebagai reservoir. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui reservoir yang berperan dalam penularan leptospirosis di daerah peningkatan kasus leptospirosis di Desa Pagedangan Ilir, Kecamatan Kronjo, Kabupaten Tangerang. Penangkapan tikus dilakukan selama dua kali, masing-masing selama 2 hari. Selain itu juga dilakukan survei hewan ternak yang ada di area lokasi penelitian. Spesimen serum tikus dan hewan ternak diambil untuk pemeriksaan leptospirosis dengan metode MAT, sedangkan spesimen ginjal tikus diambil untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan dengan metode PCR. Hasil penangkapan tikus pertama dan kedua menunjukkan kepadatan relatif 17% dan 20% di dalam rumah, serta 14% dan 10% di luar rumah. Terdapat dua spesies tertangkap yaitu Rattus norvegicus serta Rattus tanezumi. Prevalensi leptospira patogen pada tikus dengan uji PCR adalah 33% pada penangkapan pertama dan 26% pada penangkapan kedua. Hasil survei hewan ternak diperoleh 4 spesimen darah dari 4 kambing. Semua hewan ternak tidak menunjukkan positif PCR melainkan hanya ditemukan satu sampel positif serologis (MAT) dengan titer rendah (1:20). Hasil penelitian memberikan informasi bahwa tikus merupakan reservoir yang paling potensial dalam penularan leptospirosis di daerah penelitian


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    Hantavirus infection is one of zoonotic diseases as a major global threat for human health. Anthropologic, biologic, and cultural factors contribute in the transmission of the infection in Sulawesi. In Sulawesi, some communities have a tradition of eating rat meat. A total of 52 endemic rats species is found in the area.  The objective of this study were to identify the species of rats acting  as hantavirus reservoir and the percentage of hantavirus seropositive in domestic, peridomestic and silvatic rats in the area. The study was conducted in four provinces, namely Central  (year of 2015), North and South East (2016) and South Sulawesi (2017). Three districts of each provinces were selected. The rats captured were identified, and  blood sample from each was drawn. Hantavirus infection was identified by an Elisa. The data obtained were presented descriptively. A total of 1259 rats were captured, consisted of eight genus and 27 species, ten of which were seropositive, for hantavirus infection. Six out of ten seropositive rats were record as new record of hantavirus reservoir, namely B. coelestis, B. chyssocomus, B. fratotum, B. prolatus, R. nitidus, and R. hoffmanni. The highest percentage of seropositive Hantavirus was found in peridomestic rats (5.06), while in silvic rats 4.60 and domestic rats 3.46. It is necessary to do hygiene and sanitation campaign and socialization of risks for hantavirus transmission. Abstrak Infeksi hantavirus adalah zoonosis yang telah menjadi ancaman kesehatan global dengan tikus sebagai reservoir utama zoonosis ini. Secara biologi dan antropologi penularan hantavirus rentan terjadi di Pulau Sulawesi karena di pulau ini mempunyai 52 spesies tikus endemik dan sebagian kecil masyarakat di Sulawesi mempunyai kebiasaan mengonsumsi daging tikus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi spesies-spesies tikus yang berperan sebagai reservoir hantavirus dan menghitung persentase seropositif  hantavirus pada tikus domestik, peridomestik dan silvatik di Pulau Sulawesi. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2015 di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, tahun 2016 di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dan Sulawesi Tenggara, serta tahun 2017 di Sulawesi Selatan. Penangkapan tikus dilakukan di tiga kabupaten pada setiap provinsi. Tikus tertangkap diidentifikasi dan diambil spesimen darahnya. Pemeriksaan serologi dengan menggunakan teknik Elisa. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tikus tertangkap sebanyak 1.259 ekor yang terdiri dari delapan genus dan 27 spesies. Sepuluh spesies seropositif terhadap hantavirus, enam diantaranya merupakan catatan baru sebagai reservoir hantavirus. Keenam spesies tersebut adalah Bunomys coelestis, B. chyssocomus, B. fratotum, B. prolatus, R. nitidus, dan R. hoffmanni. Persentase tikus seropositif terhadap hantavirus tertinggi ditemukan pada tikus peridomestik (5,06), sedangkan pada tikus silvatik 4,60 dan tikus domestik 3,46.  Perlu dilakukan kampanye peningkatan sanitasi serta sosialisasi ke masyarakat terkait risiko penularan hantavirus


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    In Indonesia, leptospirosis often causes outbreaks. Three important sources of transmission of leptospirosis are the environment contaminated with leptospira, the presence of rats and presence of livestock as reservoirs. This study aims to determine the reservoir that plays a role in the leptospirosis transmission in increased case areas of leptospirosis in the Pagedangan Ilir Village, Kronjo Sub-district, Tangerang. Rat traping was done twice. Each trapping was done two times, in consecutive days. Livestock sampling was also conducted in the study area. Rat and livestock serum specimens were collected for leptospirosis detection using MAT, while rat kidneys were collected for PCR test. Leptospirosis detection was performed by PCR and MAT. The results of the first and second rat traping showed relative density of 17% and 20% in the houses, as well as 14% and 10% in outdoor area. Rat traped consist of two species, Rattus norvegicus and Rattus tanezumi. The prevalence of pathogenic leptospira in rat (with PCR assay) was 33% in the first trap and 26% in the second trap. The MAT test showed a positive 14% on R. norvegicus in the first trap, but negative in the second trap. While livestock did not show PCR positive, but one serological positive sample (by MAT) with low titers (1:20) was found against the serovar Robinsoni &nbsp


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    Beside as seed dispersal and high valued plant pollinator, frugivorous bat (Pteripodidae) also has a role as reservoir of Leptospira. This study was aimed to survey the the prevalence of Leptospira among Pteripodidae in three regencies of Central Java Province namely Purworejo, Pati and Pekalongan, and their potential as reservoir of Leptospira. This study used four mist nets and a harp trap to collect bat at each site of each regency which has six sites. The caught bats were identified morphologically and followed by serological examination by Microscopic Aglutinasion Test (MAT). A total of 278 Pteripodidae was examined by MAT consisting of five genera with eight species. The result of MAT for Leptospira showed that there are no examined bats were positif (0%). It indicated there is no sufficient evidence that Pteripodidae as potential reservoir of Leptospira in Central Java