3 research outputs found


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    The air distribution process is still using the manual method, namely by using human power to activate and deactivate the distribution pump and use the average demand graph as a reference. This results in irregular air distribution. Therefore we need a control system on the distribution of the pump that can work automatically to maintain air distribution according to the level of customer needs. One of the most important parts of a water pump is the drive in the form of an electric motor. One type of electric motor that can be used is a BLDC motor. The BLDC (Brushless Direct Current) motor is a development of the DC motor, where in the commutation process it uses electronic commutation so that there are no mechanical problems, and interactions. The use of a BLDC motor requires a control system to regulate its speed. One of the methods that can be used is using a PID controller. PID can improve motor response by producing a fast and smooth response and small overshoot, but the PID controller cannot be applied to non-linear loads, while BLDC motors have a multi-variable, non-linear system, and can easily be affected by parameter variations and disturbances. If this controller is still applied then the system response to stable conditions will be quite long and cause the motor to have poor performance. In this study, a controller was developed by combining PID controller with Fuzzy Logic Control. Fuzzy logic control produces additional parameters for each PID parameter controller. Variations of the FLC output make thecontroller implicitly adjustable. It is hoped that in this study, a response system will be obtained that has a high steady state level with a fast settling time.Keywords: BLDC Motor, PID Controller, Fuzzy Logic Control, Steady Stat


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    The air distribution process is still using the manual method, namely by using human power to activate and deactivate the distribution pump and use the average demand graph as a reference. This results in irregular air distribution. Therefore we need a control system on the distribution of the pump that can work automatically to maintain air distribution according to the level of customer needs. One of the most important parts of a water pump is the drive in the form of an electric motor. One type of electric motor that can be used is a BLDC motor. The BLDC (Brushless Direct Current) motor is a development of the DC motor, where in the commutation process it uses electronic commutation so that there are no mechanical problems, and interactions. The use of a BLDC motor requires a control system to regulate its speed. One of the methods that can be used is using a PID controller. PID can improve motor response by producing a fast and smooth response and small overshoot, but the PID controller cannot be applied to non-linear loads, while BLDC motors have a multi-variable, non-linear system, and can easily be affected by parameter variations and disturbances. If this controller is still applied then the system response to stable conditions will be quite long and cause the motor to have poor performance. In this study, a controller was developed by combining PID controller with Fuzzy Logic Control. Fuzzy logic control produces additional parameters for each PID parameter controller. Variations of the FLC output make thecontroller implicitly adjustable. It is hoped that in this study, a response system will be obtained that has a high steady state level with a fast settling time.Keywords: BLDC Motor, PID Controller, Fuzzy Logic Control, Steady Stat

    Desain Kontrol Kecepatan Motor Brushless DC Menggunakan Metode PID-Fuzzy

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    Motor Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) merupakan perkembangan dari motor DC, dimana dalam proses komutasinya menggunakan komutasi elektronik sehingga tidak terjadi gesekan mekanik, kebisingan dan percikan. Penggunaan motor BLDC diperlukan adanya sistem kontrol untuk mengatur kecepatannya. Metode yang dapat digunakan salah satunya adalah menggunakan kontroler PID. Kontroler PID dapat memperbaiki respon motor dengan menghasilkan respon yang cepat dan smooth serta overshoot yang kecil, tetapi kontroler PID tidak dapat diterapkan pada beban non linier, sedangkan motor BLDC memiliki multi-variabel, sistem non linear, dan dengan mudah dapat dipengaruhi oleh variasi parameter serta gangguan. Jika kontroler ini tetap diterapkan maka respon sistem terhadap kondisi steady akan cukup lama dan menyebabkan motor memiliki kinerja yang buruk. Penelitian kali ini dilakukan pengembangan kontroler dengan mengkombinasikan kontroler PID dengan Fuzzy Logic Control. Fuzzy logic control memproduksi parameter tambahan untuk masing-masing parameter pengontrol PID. Variasi dari keluaran FLC membuat pengontrol dapat beradaptasi secara implisit. Harapannya pada penelitian ini, akan didapatkan suatu respon sistem memiliki tingkat steady state yang tinggi dengan settling time yang cepat