4 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Budaya Kerja Champion Dalam Pelaksanaan Tugas Pokok Dan Fungsi Dosen Serta Pegawai Di Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

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    This study aims to determine, 1) understanding of faculty and staff in terms of the values of work culture Champion, 2) obstacles in the implementation of the cultural values of working champion faculty and staff in the implementation of Auth, 3) identify the role of leadership in the development of work culture champion lecturer and employees, 4). Auth achievement for faculty and employees, 5) the influence of work culture champion faculty and employees to the achievement of the implementation of the Auth. This study uses a qualitative method. Data were collected by interview, observation and documentation in order to dig deeper into the work culture champion lecturers and administrative staff FIP UNG. The object of this study are professors and employees a total of 93 people. This study found the first, a fact that reinforces the results of previous studies, employee perceptions about the implementation of the Auth is the good category is subjective because it is understood from finished or not duties, not pay attention to the level of satisfaction and quality of service on the stakeholders (stakeholders), both identities UNG, vision, mission FIP give effect to the development of work culture lecturers and employees, the three values of work culture and employee dominant lecturers comprising; a) cooperation, b) innovation, c) religion, d) achievement orientation, e) empathy, f). honesty, g) mutual cooperation, h) moral, i) optimistic, j) relationships, the four working philosophy faculty and employees are constructed of acculturation and philosophy of work of cultural entities origin dominant namely culture Gorontalo with the philosophy of custom bersendikan syarak-syarak bersendikan Al -qur\u27an, and culture of gotong royong (huyula), Bugis and Makassar entity with Siri philosophy of \u27Na Passe ot Pacce, as well as Java and surrounding entities have relented wani sublime philosophy wahasane, working into the fifth appearance of behavior, namely; gotong royong (huyula), single-minded use of personal items, zakat books, the use of technology in the lecture and administrative affairs and a commitment not to smoke on campus FIP UNG, There are still some appearance of work that still needs to touch in the development of work culture lecturers and employees in a structured, systematic and massive (TSM)

    Organizing Educators Psychology In Dealing With The New Normal Digital Diera 4.0

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    Ew Normal Condition Educators must be friendly and happy with the arrival of the digital revolution. The New Normal Pattern is learning that can be adapted to situations and circumstances, which remains connected and has social activities with other people even between educators and students through the internet online network (online and virtual apart from offline or offline). The learning system in conditions and situations on a new normal scale means that the phenomenon of the educational process for education cannot be replaced by the internet, but the internet is only a medium or media tool that can support the learning process, which is operated and controlled by educators


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    Perguruan tinggi memiliki peranan penting dalam menjadikan mahasiswa yang memiliki soft skill, pengembangn soft skill dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai kegiatan baik melalui integrasi ke dalam kurikulum dan kegiatan, kegiatan kemahasiswaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembelajaran soft skill mahasiswa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk, dengan pendekatan penelitian menggunakan kualitatif diskriptif, melalui observasi, wawancara studi dokumentasi, data yang diperoleh disimpulkan. berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran soft skill mahasiswa sudah dilakukan namun masih dalam pelaksanaan pendekatan konfensional atau kesepakatan. Pengembangan soft skill mahasiswa dengan prioritas pengembangan agar mahasiswa mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dilakukan dengan pendekatan model pembelajaran yang dapat mensinergikan antara hard skill dan soft skill

    Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Soft Skill Mahasiswa

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    Perguruan tinggi memiliki peranan penting dalam menjadikan mahasiswa yang memiliki soft skill, pengembangn soft skill dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai kegiatan baik melalui integrasi ke dalam kurikulum dan kegiatan, kegiatan kemahasiswaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembelajaran soft skill mahasiswa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk, dengan pendekatan penelitian menggunakan kualitatif diskriptif, melalui observasi, wawancara studi dokumentasi, data yang diperoleh disimpulkan. berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran soft skill mahasiswa sudah dilakukan namun masih dalam pelaksanaan pendekatan konfensional atau kesepakatan. Pengembangan soft skill mahasiswa dengan prioritas pengembangan agar mahasiswa mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dilakukan dengan pendekatan model pembelajaran yang dapat mensinergikan antara hard skill dan soft skill