1,028 research outputs found

    Radar scattering from desert terrains, Pisgah/Lavic Region, California: Implications for Magellan

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    A major component of the 1988 Mojave Field Experiment involved the simultaneous acquisition of quad-polarization multifrequency airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging radar data and ground measurements thought to be relevant to the radar scattering behavior of a variety of desert surfaces. In preparation for the Magellan mission to Venus, the experiment was designed to explore the ability of SAR to distinguish types of geological surfaces, and the effects of varying incidence angles on the appearance of such surfaces. The airborne SAR system acquired images at approx. 10 m resolution, at 3 incidence angles (30, 40, 50 degs) and at 3 wavelengths (P:68 cm, L:24 cm, C:5.6 cm). The polarimetric capabilities of the instrument allow the simulation of any combination of transmit and receive polarizations during data reduction. Calibrated trihedral corner reflectors were deployed within each scene to permit absolute radiometric calibration of the image data. Initial analyses of this comprehensive radar data set is reported, with emphasis on implications for interpretation of Magellan data

    Development of a polysilicon process based on chemical vapor deposition (phase 1)

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    A dichlorosilane-based reductive chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process demonstrated is capable of producing, at low cost, high quality polycrystalline silicon. Testing of decomposition reactor heat shields to insure that the shield provides adequate personnel protection assuming a worst case explosion was completed. Minor modifications to a production reactor heat shield provided adequate heat shield integrity. Construction of the redesigned PDU (Process Development Unit) to accommodate all safety related information proceeded on schedule. Structural steel work was completed as is the piping and instrumentation design work. Major pieces of process equipment were received and positioned in the support structure and all transfer piping and conduits to the PDU were installed. Construction was completed on a feed system for supplying DCS to an intermediate sized reactor. The feed system was successfully interfaced with a reactor equipped with a modified heat shield. Reactor checkout was completed

    Development of a polysilicon process based on chemical vapor deposition, phase 1

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    The development of a dichlorosilane-based reductive chemical vapor deposition process for the production of polycrystalline silicon is discussed. Experimental data indicate that the ease of ignition and explosion severity of dichlorosilane (DCS)/air mixtures is substantially attenuated if the DCS is diluted with hydrogen. Redesign of the process development unit to accommodate safety related information is described. Several different sources of trichlorosilane were used to generate a mixture of redistributed chlorosilanes via Dowex ion exchange resin. The unseparated mixtures were then fed to an experimental reactor in which silicon was deposited and the deposited silicon analyzed for electrically active impurities. At least one trichlorosilane source provided material of requisite purity. Silicon grown in the experimental reactor was converted to single crystal material and solar cells fabricated and tested

    Surface scattering properties estimated from modeling airborne multiple emission angle reflectance data

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    Here, researchers apply the Hapke function to airborne bidirectional reflectance data collected over three terrestrial surfaces. The objectives of the study were to test the range of natural surfaces that the Hapke model fits and to evaluate model parameters in terms of known surface properties. The data used are multispectral and multiple emission angle data collected during the Geologic Remote Sensing Field Experiment (GRSFE) over a mud-cracked playa, an artificially roughened playa, and a basalt cobble strewn playa at Lunar Lake Playa in Nevada. Airborne remote sensing data and associated field measurements were acquired at the same time. The airborne data were acquired by the Advanced Solid State Array Spectroradiometer (ASAS) instrument, a 29-spectral band imaging system. ASAS reflectance data for a cobble-strewn surface and an artificially rough playa surface on Lunar Lake Playa can be explained with the Hanke model. The cobble and rough playa sites are distinguishable by a single scattering albedo, which is controlled by material composition; by the roughness parameter, which appears to be controlled by the surface texture and particle size; and the symmetry factor of the single particle phase function, which is controlled by particle size and shape. A smooth playa surface consisting of compacted, fine-grained particles has reflectance variations that are also distinct from either the cobble site or rough playa site. The smooth playa appears to behave more like a Lambertian surface that cannot be modeled with the Hapke function

    Opportunity Mars Rover mission: Overview and selected results from Purgatory ripple to traverses to Endeavour crater

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    Opportunity has been traversing the Meridiani plains since 25 January 2004 (sol 1), acquiring numerous observations of the atmosphere, soils, and rocks. This paper provides an overview of key discoveries between sols 511 and 2300, complementing earlier papers covering results from the initial phases of the mission. Key new results include (1) atmospheric argon measurements that demonstrate the importance of atmospheric transport to and from the winter carbon dioxide polar ice caps; (2) observations showing that aeolian ripples covering the plains were generated by easterly winds during an epoch with enhanced Hadley cell circulation; (3) the discovery and characterization of cobbles and boulders that include iron and stony-iron meteorites and Martian impact ejecta; (4) measurements of wall rock strata within Erebus and Victoria craters that provide compelling evidence of formation by aeolian sand deposition, with local reworking within ephemeral lakes; (5) determination that the stratigraphy exposed in the walls of Victoria and Endurance craters show an enrichment of chlorine and depletion of magnesium and sulfur with increasing depth. This result implies that regional-scale aqueous alteration took place before formation of these craters. Most recently, Opportunity has been traversing toward the ancient Endeavour crater. Orbital data show that clay minerals are exposed on its rim. Hydrated sulfate minerals are exposed in plains rocks adjacent to the rim, unlike the surfaces of plains outcrops observed thus far by Opportunity. With continued mechanical health, Opportunity will reach terrains on and around Endeavour's rim that will be markedly different from anything examined to date

    Image processing applied to gravity and topography data covering the continental United States

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    The applicability of fairly standard image processing techniques to processing and analyzing large geologic data sets in addressed. Image filtering techniques were used to interpolate between gravity station locations to produce a regularly spaced data array that preserves detail in areas with good coverage, and that produces a continuous tone image rather than a contour map. Standard image processing techniques were used to digitally register and overlay topographic and gravity data, and the data were displayed in ways that emphasize subtle but pervasive structural features. The potential of the methods is illustrated through a discussion of linear structures that appear in the processed data between the midcontinent gravity high and the Appalachians

    Nature and origin of the hematite-bearing plains of Terra Meridiani based on analyses of orbital and Mars Exploration rover data sets

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    The ~5 km of traverses and observations completed by the Opportunity rover from Endurance crater to the Fruitbasket outcrop show that the Meridiani plains consist of sulfate-rich sedimentary rocks that are largely covered by poorly-sorted basaltic aeolian sands and a lag of granule-sized hematitic concretions. Orbital reflectance spectra obtained by Mars Express OMEGA over this region are dominated by pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar, crystalline hematite (i.e., concretions), and nano-phase iron oxide dust signatures, consistent with Pancam and Mini-TES observations. Mössbauer Spectrometer observations indicate more olivine than observed with the other instruments, consistent with preferential optical obscuration of olivine features in mixtures with pyroxene and dust. Orbital data covering bright plains located several kilometers to the south of the landing site expose a smaller areal abundance of hematite, more dust, and a larger areal extent of outcrop compared to plains proximal to the landing site. Low-albedo, low-thermal-inertia, windswept plains located several hundred kilometers to the south of the landing site are predicted from OMEGA data to have more hematite and fine-grained olivine grains exposed as compared to the landing site. Low calcium pyroxene dominates spectral signatures from the cratered highlands to the south of Opportunity. A regional-scale model is presented for the formation of the plains explored by Opportunity, based on a rising ground water table late in the Noachian Era that trapped and altered local materials and aeolian basaltic sands. Cessation of this aqueous process led to dominance of aeolian processes and formation of the current configuration of the plains

    Sexuality and Health: A Study of Tanzanian Men\'s Experiences of Living with HIV/AIDS

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    The aim of this study was to explore Tanzanian men\'s experiences regarding their health and sex life after they had been diagnosed with HIV. In-depth interviews were performed with a purposive sample of ten men living in an urban area in Tanzania and who had been HIV positive for more than one year. A phenomenological-hermeneutic approach was used for analyzing the transcribed interviews. Three themes emerged from the texts; “awareness of HIV infection”, “perceived and ideal health”, and “sex life a source of happiness and caring”. Living with HIV meant profound adjustments to daily life activities for the participants. HIV forced them to learn new ways of having sexual intercourse and new ways of acting as a man. The meaning of being a “real man” had changed from being a man with great sexual prowess to being a “caring man” within one elationship.Keywords: HIV; sex life; phenomenological-hermeneutic method; interviewsAfrican Journal of Reproductive Health Vol. 12 (1) 2008: pp. 35-4

    Disparities in self-reported activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living disability among Asian American subgroups in the United States: Results from the National Health Interview Survey 2001-2003

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    Background The purpose of this study was to compare disability and functional limitations among elderly Asian American subgroups using datasets from the National Health Interview Survey 2001−2003. Methods This retrospective cross-sectional study analyzed whether activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental ADL (IADL) disabilities were different among Asian American subgroups in the United States using data retrieved from the 2001−2003 National Health Interview Survey. For comparing all Asian American subgroups, χ2 analysis was applied for the bivariate comparisons. Results Rates of 7.1% and 12.2% for ADL and IADL disability, respectively, within Asian American group were found. The elder Chinese subgroup accounted for the highest ADL and IADL disability (11.6% and 17.3%, respectively, p \u3c .05). Being female, not married, and older was associated with higher ADL and IADL disability (p \u3c .05). Conclusions The findings of the study highlight the intergroup variability among the elder Asian American subpopulations