330 research outputs found

    Optical detection of oil on water

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    Three radiometric techniques utilizing sunlight reflected and backscattered from water bodies have potential application for remote sensing of oil spills. Oil on water can be detected by viewing perpendicular polarization component of reflected light or difference between polarization components. Best detection is performed in ultraviolet or far-red portions of spectrum and in azimuth directions toward or opposite sun

    Assessment of water pollution by airborne measurement of chlorophyll

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    Remote measurement of chlorophyll concentrations to determine extent of water pollution is discussed. Construction and operation of radiometer to provide measurement capability are explained. Diagram of equipment is provided

    Development and test of video systems for airborne surveillance of oil spills

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    Five video systems - potentially useful for airborne surveillance of oil spills - were developed, flight tested, and evaluated. The systems are: (1) conventional black and white TV, (2) conventional TV with false color, (3) differential TV, (4) prototype Lunar Surface TV, and (5) field sequential TV. Wavelength and polarization filtering were utilized in all systems. Greatly enhanced detection of oil spills, relative to that possible with the unaided eye, was achieved. The most practical video system is a conventional TV camera with silicon-diode-array image tube, filtered with a Corning 7-54 filter and a polarizer oriented with its principal axis in the horizontal direction. Best contrast between oil and water was achieved when winds and sea states were low. The minimum detectable oil film thickness was about 0.1 micrometer

    Policies to Reduce Child Poverty in Norway: Can Municipalities Ensure Positive Functionings for Children through Housing Policies?

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    Child poverty is an increasing challenge for Norwegian society and its municipalities. Policies to reduce it include housing as one particularly important health determinant. The capability approach allows us to focus on determinants for health. Methods were triangulated and literature and document studies, interviews and participating observations were part of the data-gathering process. Thematic analyses were used to analyse data. Children and adults view housing as important. Housing determines families’ possibilities of consuming other goods and choosing what functionings they will convert their resources into. Municipalities can change the course of development by engaging with the Norwegian Government Housing Bank and implementing instruments such as social housing, housing allowances and starter loans giving families the possibility to become homeowners. Housing determines intra- as well as inter-generational life chances. Housing is a corrosive functioning if children live in families that have low-quality housing or high housing costs. Housing is a positive functioning for children if families own their housing. Housing is defined as a market good and a welfare asset. Policies enable some families to buy their own housing, whereas the number of poor children still increases.publishedVersio

    Sea surface and remotely sensed temperatures off Cape Mendocino, California

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    During September 3 to 5, 1979, a multisensor oceanographic experiment was conducted off Cape Mendocino, California. The purpose of this experiment was to validate the use of remote sensing techniques over an area along the U.S. west coast where coasted upwelling is known to be intense. Remotely sensed mutlispectral data, including thermal infrared imagery, were collected above an upwelling feature off Cape Mendocino. Data were acquired from the TIRNOS-N and NOAA-6 polar orbiting satellites, the NASA Ames Research Center's high altitude U-2 aircraft, and a U.S. Coast Guard C-130 aircraft. Supporting surface truth data over the same feature were collected aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ship, OCEANOGRAPHER. Atmospheric soundings were also taken aboard the ship. The results indicate that shipboard measurements of sea surface temperatures can be reproduction within 1 C or better through remote observation of absolute infrared radiance values (whether measured aboard the NOAA polar orbiting satellite, the U-2 aircraft, or the Coast Guard aircraft) by using appropriate atmospheric corrections. Also, the patterns of sea surface temperature which were derived independently from the various remote platforms provide a consistent interpretation of the surface temperature field

    Implementering av feedbackinformert tjeneste ved Stiftelsen Fyrlykta

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    Bakgrunnen for denne rapporten er et oppdrag fra Stiftelsen Fyrlykta om å beskrive implementeringen av feedbackverktøyet, Feedbackinformerte Tjenester (FIT), i virksomheten. Formålet med evalueringen har vært å vise hvordan verktøyet benyttes i samarbeidet mellom fagkonsulentene og familiehjemmene, og eventuelt hvordan bruken har styrket fosterforeldrene sine muligheter for medvirkning i oppfølgingsarbeidet. Rapporten viser at implementeringen langt på vei må betegnes som vellykket fordi det i evalueringsperioden viste seg at alle fagkonsulentene har benyttet verktøyet. Et viktig funn er at bruken av FIT har bidratt til at både fagkonsulentene og fosterforeldre er blitt oppmerksomme på problematiske forhold i fosterbarnas hverdagsliv. Dette er forhold de selv mener de ikke ville blitt oppmerksomme på uten hjelp av FIT. Selv om både omfang og bruksmåter varierer mye, må deler av praksisen som beskrives i evalueringen, betegnes som realiseringen av en feedbackkultur i oppfølgingsarbeidet. I hvilken grad denne praksisen er bestemt av fagkonsulentene sin allerede etablerte faglige tilnærminger, eller endret som en følge av implementeringen av FIT er ikke klart, men det synes imidlertid klart at FIT støtter allerede etablerte samarbeidsorienterte arbeidsformer i oppfølgingsarbeidet