482 research outputs found

    Simulating the dynamic responses of Highway bridges for multiple vehicle presence effects

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    The paper investigates the dynamic amplification factors to be applied for critical loading events involving multiple vehicles in bridge design. Numerical simulation of dynamic responses of two typical highway bridges, a short span one and a medium to large span one, reported in the literature as part of the DIVINE research program was carried out for the purpose. During DIVINE field investigations, these bridges had responded very heavily to single truck passage to the extent that the current dynamic amplification factors in bridge design codes were exceeded. From the simulation studies it is observed that vehicles with air suspensions, generally supposed to induce lower dynamic loads compared to those with steel suspensions, are capable of generating amplified bridge responses whenever the combination of road profile and vehicle speed is capable of exciting the critical frequencies and there is condition of frequency matching between bridge and vehicle. Also, it was observed in the case of short span bridge that there can be many cycles of amplified bridge oscillations even when the vehicle is over the bridge, which may have implications in its fatigue life. Presence of multiple vehicles in bridge span reduced the dynamic amplification factors in case of both short span and medium span bridges, with the reduction being more pronounced near vehicle speeds capable of exciting critical vehicle frequencies. The reduction was more pronounced in the case of medium to large span bridge than for the one with short span

    Design of single switch-boosted voltage current suppressor converter for uninterrupted power supply using green resources integration

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    Introduction. Uninterrupted power supply is the major requirement in the areas since it involves human lives. In the current scenario the demand and price of fossil fuels is increasing rapidly and availability also is not sufficient to the needs, an alternative identification to power generation is solar and wind energies. The purpose of designing an aimed, single switch boosted voltage and current suppressor (SS-BVCS) converter topology that interfaces both the wind and solar hybrid model. The method involves in the proposed chopper converter is derived by simply merging a switch and a pair of diodes and CLC filter which is used in realization of zero voltage switching for the main switch and a reversing diode to extract high voltage gain. The designed SS-BVCS converter topology can able to have a tight self-control on two power-processing paths. The novelty of the SS-BVCS converter module is designed to ensure maximum throughput, feeding to the load with high quality uninterrupted output, by boosting the DC voltage to a required amount and thereby supressing the current. Practical value obtained by the developed model utilizes both the sources for supply to the load individually or combined based on the extraction availability of the feeder. Also, the proposed SS-BVCS module delivers with efficient lesser component count and gaining maximum power from the harvest of green energy.Вступ. Джерело безперебійного живлення є основною вимогою в галузях, що пов'язані з людськими життями. У поточній ситуації, коли попит та ціна на викопне паливо швидко зростають, а їх доступність також недостатня для задоволення потреб, альтернативною технологією виробництва електроенергії є сонячна та вітрова енергія. Метою є розробка цільової топології перетворювача з підвищеною напругою та пригнічувачем струму з одним перемикачем (SS-BVCS), яка взаємодіє як з вітровою, так і з гібридною моделлю сонячної енергії. Метод включає запропонований перетворювач переривника, отриманий шляхом простого злиття перемикача, пари діодів і CLC-фільтра, який використовується для реалізації перемикання при нульовому напрузі для основного ключа і реверсивного діода для вилучення високого коефіцієнта посилення по напрузі. Розроблена топологія перетворювача SS-BVCS може забезпечити жорсткий самоконтроль на двох ланцюгах обробки енергії. Новизна модуля перетворювача SS-BVCS призначена для забезпечення максимальної пропускної здатності, живлення навантаження з якісним безперебійним виходом шляхом підвищення напруги постійного струму до необхідної величини і, таким чином, придушення струму. Практична цінність, отримана завдяки розробленій моделі, дозволяє використовувати як джерела живлення навантаження окремо, так і комбіновано залежно від можливості відбору фідера. Крім того, запропонований модуль SS-BVCS забезпечує ефективне використання меншої кількості компонентів та отримання максимальної потужності за рахунок збирання зеленої енергії

    Effect of sodic water irrigation on yield and cation composition of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash.)

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    The effect of residual sodium carbonate in irrigation water on the yield and cation composition of vetiver (Vetiueria zizanioides) was studied in open bottom reinforced concrete cemented cylindrical barrels embedded in the field at Lucknow, India. While shoot and root yields of vetiver were not significantly affected with residual sodium carbonate in irrigation water, oil yield significantly decreased at the residual sodium carbonate concentration of 8 meP and above as compared to control (tube well water). The concentration of sodium was about 10 times higher in the root than in shoot tissues. The great ability of vetiver to limit sodium entry in shoot tissues and maintain sufficient potassiunl and calcium concentration at high residual sodium carbonate concentration indicate that it is a tblerant to sadie stress. &nbsp

    Effect of sodic water irrigation on yield and cation composition of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash.)

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    The effect of residual sodium carbonate in irrigation water on the yield and cation composition of vetiver (Vetiueria zizanioides) was studied in open bottom reinforced concrete cemented cylindrical barrels embedded in the field at Lucknow, India. While shoot and root yields of vetiver were not significantly affected with residual sodium carbonate in irrigation water, oil yield significantly decreased at the residual sodium carbonate concentration of 8 meP and above as compared to control (tube well water). The concentration of sodium was about 10 times higher in the root than in shoot tissues. The great ability of vetiver to limit sodium entry in shoot tissues and maintain sufficient potassiunl and calcium concentration at high residual sodium carbonate concentration indicate that it is a tblerant to sadie stress. &nbsp

    Effect of sodic water irrigation on yield and cation composition of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash.)

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    The effect of residual sodium carbonate in irrigation water on the yield and cation composition of vetiver (Vetiueria zizanioides) was studied in open bottom reinforced concrete cemented cylindrical barrels embedded in the field at Lucknow, India. While shoot and root yields of vetiver were not significantly affected with residual sodium carbonate in irrigation water, oil yield significantly decreased at the residual sodium carbonate concentration of 8 meP and above as compared to control (tube well water). The concentration of sodium was about 10 times higher in the root than in shoot tissues. The great ability of vetiver to limit sodium entry in shoot tissues and maintain sufficient potassiunl and calcium concentration at high residual sodium carbonate concentration indicate that it is a tblerant to sadie stress. &nbsp

    Effect of sodic water irrigation on yield and cation composition of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash.)

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    The effect of residual sodium carbonate in irrigation water on the yield and cation composition of vetiver (Vetiueria zizanioides) was studied in open bottom reinforced concrete cemented cylindrical barrels embedded in the field at Lucknow, India. While shoot and root yields of vetiver were not significantly affected with residual sodium carbonate in irrigation water, oil yield significantly decreased at the residual sodium carbonate concentration of 8 meP and above as compared to control (tube well water). The concentration of sodium was about 10 times higher in the root than in shoot tissues. The great ability of vetiver to limit sodium entry in shoot tissues and maintain sufficient potassiunl and calcium concentration at high residual sodium carbonate concentration indicate that it is a tblerant to sadie stress. &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT The demand of electricity is continuous increasing and it is expected to double in 7 -10 years and the pollution in the environment likely to increase in the coming years. The main pollutants from the thermal power plants are dust and objectible gases like CO, CO 2 , SO 2 , NO 2 etc. SO 2 is a major constituent in air pollution. Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) which produces during combustion of Coal in power plants and reacts with atmospheric water and oxygen to produce sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ). This sulphuric acid is a component of acid rain, which lowers the pH of soil and freshwater bodies, resulting in substantial damage to the natural environment and chemical weathering of statues and structures. Hence our aim of the project is removal of SO 2 in flue gases and production of commercial applicable product with these gases. Laboratory studies were conducted to compare the efficiency of different concentration of NaOH, pH of solution, and temperature of NaOH solution for absorption of SO 2 contained in flue gases. Thus it is concluded that the 5 % Conc. of the NaOH is found to be optimum as compared to higher concentrations. pH of the solution should be alkaline for good absorption of SO 2 . Maximum absorption of SO 2 found in temperature range between 20-25 o C

    Novel extractant impregnated resin for preconcentration and determination of uranium from environmental samples

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    A novel method based on impregnation of Amberlite XAD-4 with extractant isonitroso-4-methyl-2-pentanone (IMP) has been developed for U6 + extraction and determination in various samples. The prepared extractant im- pregnated resin (EIR) sorbent was characterized by the field emission scanning electron microscope. The sorbent was packed in a glass column and investigated for various parameters such as pH, eluent, sample and eluent flow rates to optimize sorption desorption conditions for U6+. U6+ is quantitatively determined at pH 4 with flow rate 2 mL/min which showed recovery of 98.9%. The sorption behaviour of U6 + by EIR was also studied using different equilibrium isotherms and kinetic models and the experimental data confirmed that it follows Freundlich iso- therm and Weber-Morris pore diffusion kinetic model. The investigation of foreign ions influence on U6+ sorp- tion showed least interference and thus, facilitated its extraction and determination in Uranmicrolite (leachate) ore tailing, synthetic mixtures and spiked water samples. The detection limit was 0.41 μg/L while the limit of quantification as 1.35 μg/L made the method quite accurate

    Association of TGFβ1, TNFα, CCR2 and CCR5 gene polymorphisms in type-2 diabetes and renal insufficiency among Asian Indians

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    BACKGROUND: Cytokines play an important role in the development of diabetic chronic renal insufficiency (CRI). Transforming growth factor β1 (TGF β1) induces renal hypertrophy and fibrosis, and cytokines like tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα), chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and regulated upon activation and normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) mediate macrophage infiltration into kidney. Over expression of these chemokines leads to glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis. The effect of MCP-1 and RANTES on kidney is conferred by their receptors i.e., chemokine receptor (CCR)-2 and CCR-5 respectively. We tested association of nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from TGFβ1, TNFα, CCR2 and CCR5 genes among individuals with type-2 diabetes with and without renal insufficiency. METHODS: Type-2 diabetes subjects with chronic renal insufficiency (serum creatinine ≥ 3.0 mg/dl) constituted the cases, and matched individuals with diabetes of duration ≥ 10 years and normoalbuminuria were evaluated as controls from four centres in India. Allelic and genotypic contributions of nine SNPs from TGFβ1, TNFα, CCR2 and CCR5 genes to diabetic CRI were tested by computing odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Sub-analysis of CRI cases diabetic retinopathy status as dependent variable and SNP genotypes as independent variable in a univariate logistic regression was also performed. RESULTS: SNPs Tyr81His and Thr263Ile in TGF β1 gene were monomorphic, and Arg25Pro in TGF β1 gene and Δ32 polymorphism in CCR5 gene were minor variants (minor allele frequency <0.05) and therefore were not considered for case-control analysis. A significant allelic association of 59029G>A SNP of CCR5 gene has been observed and the allele 59029A seems to confer predisposition to development of diabetic CRI (OR 1.39; CI 1.04–1.84). In CRI subjects a compound group of genotypes "GA and AA" of SNP G>A -800 was found to confer predisposition for proliferative retinopathy (OR 3.03; CI 1.08–8.50, p = 0.035). CONCLUSION: Of the various cytokine gene polymorphisms tested, allele 59029A of CCR5 gene is significantly associated with diabetic renal insufficiency among Asian Indians. Result obtained for 59029G>A SNP of CCR5 gene is in conformity with reports from a Japanese population but due to sub-optimal power of the sample, replication in larger sample set is warranted