514 research outputs found

    Estimating quantum coherence by noncommutativity of any observable and its incoherent part

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    We establish an inequality involving the quantum coherence of an arbitrary quantum state, possibly nonpure, in arbitrary dimension and a noncommutativity estimator of an arbitrary observable. The noncommutativity estimator uses the commutator of the observable and its incoherent or classical part. The relation provides a direct method of obtaining an estimate of the quantum coherence of an arbitrary quantum state, without resorting to quantum state tomography or the existing witness operators.Comment: 5 pages, no figure


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    Microbial protease and cellulase are in high demand by different industries due to their minimal cost and availability. This study was aimed to maximize the production of protease and cellulase using two bacteria, Corynebacterium alkanolyticum ATH3 and Bacillus licheniformis CBH7, isolated from fish gut. This study demonstrated the effect of different culture parameters in protease and cellulase production using two different bacterial strains. Results of this study clearly indicated the importance of different parameters such as moisture content, pH, incubation temperature, incubation period, inoculum size, carbon sources and nitrogen sources in enzyme production. The most critical parameters affecting the enzymes production were pH, temperature, carbon and nitrogen sources. Further investigations are required to enhance the enzymes production using genetic engineering

    Development of C-Band RF Front-end of Precision Coherent Mono-pulse C-Band Radar

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    A compact, robust and high performance front-end of a radar receiver is designed and demonstrated in this paper. The important parameters like noise figure, sensitivity, selectivity, dynamic range and tracking range are superior to that of the existing systems and facilitate online monitoring of the above important parameters. The gain and phase matching facility are incorporated. The local oscillator is integrated within the module which in turn reduces the losses as compare with the existing local oscillator, placed in the instrumentation cabin. The frequency, amplitude, delay between skin and transponder frequency can be controlled remotely by computer program. Therefore, the mixed mode operation (skin and transponder) of radar receiver is possible. Moreover, the SPDT switch is integrated in the same module for RF simulation to facilitate the three channel mono-pulse receiver calibration, receiver health monitoring and range calibration of precision coherent mono-pulse C-band radar. The components used are monolithic microwave integrated circuit based technologies with superior specifications, makes the total module miniaturized and reduced the hardware complications. The total power consumption is much less and improves the overall performance than the existing front-end.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 64, No. 4, July 2014, pp. 358-365, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.64.4245

    Non lethal concentrations of pesticide impair ovarian function in the freshwater perch,Anabas testudineus

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    Anabas testudineus were treated with non lethal levels of metacid-50 (0.106 ppb) and carbaryl (1.66 ppm) for 90 days covering the pre-spawning and spawning phases of the annual reproductive cycle. The main purpose of the present work was to identify the effects of metacid-50 and carbaryl on the gonado somatic index (GSI) and ovarian and plasma estrogen level. There was no alteration in GSI until 15 days, initiating the inhibition on day 20 which further intensified from 20 to 90 days of exposure. Plasma and ovarian estrogen level significantly increased up to 15 days of exposure followed by a decline till the end of the experiment. It is noteworthy that the effect of pesticides on GSI is reflected in the ovarian estrogen level. This highlights the fact that at short-term exposures the nonlethal levels of pesticides have no inhibitory effect while at long-term exposure, the pesticides have potent inhibitory effect on the reproduction of fish


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    Probava u riba je složen proces koji se obavlja uz pomoć endogenih i egzogenih enzima. Zabilježen je širok raspon vrsta enzima kod riba, a njihovo lučenje i koncentracije su izrazito ovisne o hranidbenim navikama, strukturi crijeva teokolišnim uvjetima. U ovom istraživanju, utvrđena je aktivnost dva endogena enzima (proteaza i amilaza) u četiri ekonomski važne vrste riba koje mogu udisati zrak (Clarias batrachus, Channa punctatus, Anabas testudineus i Heteropneustes fossilis) pri različitim sezonskim temperaturama. Rezultati su ukazali na višu aktivnost proteaze kod svih istraživanih riba tijekom mjeseca svibnja, nakon čega slijede rujan i prosinac. Također, indicirana je viša enzimska aktivnost u području stražnjeg crijeva (HG) u usporedbi s prednjim crijevom (FG), što upućuje da je HG aktivnije u probavnim aktivnostima od FG. Optimizacija učinkovitosti hranidbe u industriji akvakulture je vrlo važna jer su troškovi hrane visoki a njena dostupnost ograničena. Prikazane informacije u radu moguposlužiti pri razvoju optimalnih hranidba i režima hranjenja za razmatrane vrste.The digestion process in fish is a complex phenomenon and is accomplished with the help of both endogenous and exogenous enzymes. A wide range of enzymes have been reported in fish and their secretion and concentrations highly depend on feeding habits, gut structure and environmental conditions. In this present investigation, we have demonstrated the activity of two endogenous enzymes (protease and amylase) in four economically important air-breathing fish species (Clarias batrachus, Channa punctatus, Anabas testudineus and Heteropneustes fossilis) at different seasonal temperatures. Our results demonstrated that protease activity was higher in all fish during the month of May, followed by September and December. It was also detected that enzyme activity was higher in the hindgut region (HG) compared to the foregut (FG), which suggests that HG is more active in digestion compared to FG. The optimization of feeding efficiency in aquaculture industries is very important, as the cost of feed is high and its availability is also limited. The information presented may be of importance when developing optimized diets and feeding regimes for the species considered

    Quorum-sensing network-associated gene regulation in Gram-positive bacteria

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    Quorum sensing (QS) is the chemical communication processes between bacteria, which may be inter-genus or intra-genus. In general, several physiological functions, such as nutrient uptake, competence development, biofilm formation, sporulation, and toxin secretion, are accomplished through QS process. The QS (cell density-dependent process) circuit in Gram-positive bacteria consists mainly of two parts: an inducer molecule and a receptor protein. The binding of inducer molecule to receptor activates the target gene, which then performs the necessary function in bacteria. In the past few years, several investigations have been conducted to explore the QS circuit in various bacteria, but still this information is insufficient to fully understand the bacterial gene expression cascade. In the present review, we summarize the QS architecture and their associated gene regulation in four Gram-positive bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. It is well established that S. aureus, B. cereus, and S. pneumoniae are potent human pathogen. A detailed understanding of QS circuit in these bacteria would be useful in preparation of customized medicine in future. Whereas, B. subtilis is an industrially important candidate and has been used in several biotechnology sectors. Understanding of QS circuit in B. subtilis will definitely enrich the antibiotics and enzyme industries

    A Survey on WSN and MCN Convergence Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2020, nr 1

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    In this paper, we present a survey concerned with research focusing on the convergence of wireless sensor networks (WSN) and mobile cellular networks (MCN). The convergence of WSNs and MCNs may be a trigger stimulating new research dealing with such issues as architecture, protocols and air interfaces. The highlights and constraints of the phenomenon are discussed in this paper as well. The survey deals with convergence networks and with their smarty city applications. A few open research issues are also brought to the attention of researchers specializing in this fiel

    Nutritional evaluation of soybean meal after fermentation with two fish gut bacterial strains, Bacillus cereus LRF5 and Staphylococcus caprae CCF2 in formulated diets for Labeo rohita fingerlings

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    Twelve isonitrogenous (35 % crude protein) and isocaloric (18.0 kJ/g) diets were formulated incorporating raw and fermented soybean meal (SBM) at 15%, 30%, 45% and 60% levels by weight. Two phytase-producing bacterial strains, Bacillus cereus LRF5 and Staphylococcus caprae CCF2 isolated from the gut of adult Labeo rohita and Catla catla, respectively were used for fermentation of SBM. Fermentation of SBM was effective in reducing the anti-nutritional factors, trypsin inhibitor and phytic acid and enhancing protein, lipid and mineral concentration. The response of L. rohita, fingerlings (initial weight 3.33±0.07 g) fed the experimental diets for 100 days was compared with fish fed a fish meal based diet. In terms of growth, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio, diet S7 containing 45% SBM fermented with B. cereus LRF5 resulted in a significantly (P<0.05) better performance of fish. The overall performance of L. rohita fed fermented SBM incorporated diets was better in comparison to those fed raw SBM incorporated diets. The apparent digestibility of nutrients and minerals was significantly (P<0.05) higher in fish fed diet S7. The maximum deposition of protein in the carcass was recorded in fish fed diet S7. Diets containing fermented SBM reduced fecal P levels.&nbsp

    UAV Formation Control under Fixed and Variable Adjacency based Directed Network Topologies

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    The UAV formation control is one of the key aspects in several applications like surveillance, moving target tracking, load-transportation, and delivery systems etc. These situations demand the multiple UAVs to manoeuvre in a desired formation. To address this problem, a distributed formation control scheme is proposed incorporating the details about the state of the neighbouring UAVs. The communication network topology among the UAVs is considered to be directed with the constant and the weighted adjacency matrices. The nonholonomic constraints are considered while deriving the desired Euler angles. Satisfying the conditions of Lyapunov provides necessary proof of stability along the positional and the attitude subsystems. Simulation results demonstrate that the desired tetrahedron, octahedron, and cube shapes are attained and maintained by the UAVs successfully. Also, the designed formation paradigm works proficiently for both the constant and the weighted adjacency matrices based directed network topologies. The performance validation is done through extensive comparative analysis for varying network connections

    Enhancing fracture toughness of carbon fiber/epoxy composites using polyphenylene ether as a modifier

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    In this study, carbon fiber/epoxy composites (CFRP) were fabricated by vacuum-assisted resin infusion molding (VARIM) with polyphenylene ether (PPE) as a toughening agent. The PPE contained hydroxyl end groups that facilitated chemical bonding with epoxy during curing. PPE was incorporated into the epoxy matrix by dissolution, and spreading in the interlaminar regions. The presence of PPE as a toughener exhibited significant improvement in the Mode-I fracture toughness of the composites. The CFRP samples, which were toughened with 5 wt.% and 10 wt.% PPE, showed about 191% to 380% enhancement, respectively, in the critical energy release rate (GIC) compared to the unmodified sample. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) showed about a 6°C increase in the glass transition temperature of the toughened composites, which is an interesting aspect of this work. These results indicate the potential of using PPE as a toughening agent in CFRP composites