127 research outputs found

    Nesonyms and Power in Historical Cartography. The Denomination of Islands as an Act of Domination

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    L’atto di denominare coincide con il controllo simbolico di un territorio. Quando questo processo avviene dall’esterno e riguarda contesti insulari, spesso coincide con una forma di dominazione. La cartografia storica cristal-lizza questo fenomeno e ci permette oggi di andare a comprendere le dinami-che di denominazione e dominazione dei contesti insulari di nuova scoperta ed esplorazione nel passato. L’intervento si propone di soffermarsi sulla que-stione con alcune riflessioni.The act of naming coincides with the symbolic control of a territory. When this process occurs from outside and concerns island contexts, it often coincides with a form of domination. Historical cartography crystallises this phenome-non and allows us today to understand the dynamics of naming and domina-tion of newly discovered and explored island contexts in the past. The paper aims to address this issue with some reflections.L’acte de nommer coïncide avec le contrôle symbolique d’un territoire. Lorsque ce processus se produit de l’extérieur et concerne des contextes insu-laires, il coïncide souvent avec une forme de domination. La cartographie his-torique cristallise ce phénomène et nous permet aujourd’hui de comprendre les dynamiques de dénomination et de domination des contextes insulaires nouvellement découverts et explorés dans le passé. L’article vise à aborder cette question par le biais de quelques réflexions

    Isola/isole. Appendice fotografica

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    Geography notes on critical toponymy

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    The methodological introduction to the critical toponymy session of the IGU-UGI World Geographical Congress Paris 2022 proposed actual geography notes aimed at delimiting the field of inquiry, identifying the conceptual tools offered by the discipline, and sharing a vocabulary and bibliography. The con-cise reflections offered again here focus on (1) the social production of space; (2) the process of territorialization; (3) memory as a spatial fact; (4) the places of memory; (5) the power of transforming time into space; and (6) critical toponymy as a geographical research perspective

    «Geografia e ambiente» in Italia: una lettura critica condivisa

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    Questo articolo introduttivo ripercorre le fasi che hanno portato alla realizzazione del numero monografico Geografia e ambiente dell’omonimo gruppo A.Ge.I. Dopo un breve inquadramento i curatori presentano il lavoro emerso sia da incontri tematici preliminari, sia dai saggi degli autori che, singolarmente o in gruppo, hanno utilizzato punti di vista, metodologie, presupposti di indagine, temi, aree e scale di analisi diverse tra loro, senza perdere di vista il fuoco di questo numero tematico. Il suo obiettivo ultimo è quello di comprendere in maniera critica le profonde relazioni che in Italia sussistono tra i territori e le popolazioni che li vivono e ne utilizzano le risorse, il degrado che talvolta ne scaturisce, ma anche le sfide che emergono e le opportunità che vengono offerte dalla riqualificazione di tali territori.This introductory article retraces the steps that led to the realization of the monographic issue of the homonymous group A.Ge.I. Geografia e Ambiente. After a brief overview, the editors present the work that emerged from both preliminary thematic meetings, and from the essays of the authors who, individually or in groups, have used different points of view, methodologies, assumptions of investigation, themes, areas and scales of analysis, without losing sight of the focus of this thematic issue. Its ultimate goal is to understand in a critical way the deep relationships that exist in Italy between the territories and the people who live there and use their resources, the degradation that sometimes results, but also the challenges that emerge and the opportunities that are offered by the redevelopment of these territories

    Un atlante delle politiche ambientali

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    Itinerarios de investigación histórica y geográfica

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    El pdf contiene el libro interactivo (482 p.) y la versión para imprimir (633 p.)Este libro recoge treinta y una aportaciones relativas a la Historia Moderna y Contemporánea y la Geografía, que desde la historiografía española e italiana pretenden reflexionar sobre temas en la actualidad sometidos a revisión, caso de la frontera, las minorías, el ascenso social, la relación entre política e Iglesia, la historia de género o las relaciones diplomáticas y políticas tras la configuración de un nuevo orden político resultado de la II Guerra Mundial, poniéndonos, igualmente, en valor cómo la aplicación de incipientes metodologías, como el uso de los SIG, la infografía, el empleo de la cartografía histórica, los estudios de larga duración o la utilización de fuentes, hasta ahora consideradas secundarias, como las aportaciones cinematográficas, nos permiten afrontar viejos y nuevos temas de debate desde innovadoras ópticas y perspectivas de estudio.This book contains 31 contributions on Modern and Contemporary History and Geography, which from the Spanish and Italian historiography are intended to reflect on issues currently under review, the case of the border, minorities, the social ascent, the relationship between politics and the Church, the history of gender or diplomatic and political relations after the configuration of a new political order as a result of the II World War, putting ourselves, similarly, in value as the implementation of emerging methodologies, such as the use of GIS, computer graphics, the use of the historical cartography, studies of long duration or the use of sources, hitherto considered to be secondary, as the film contributions, allow us to face old and New topics of discussion from innovative optical and perspectives of study
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