7 research outputs found

    Factors affecting the development of the automotive Sector in a region of Mexico

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    [ESP] El estudio aborda el contexto de las Unidades Económicas del sector automotriz en la región de Aguascalientes, México. Se analizaron estudios y teorías relacionadas a identificar las características de las unidades económicas y sus variables de desarrollo. El objetivo del estudio es analizar el perfil de las empresas, como opción para entender mejor los factores que inciden en su desarrollo. Se realizó la investigación de acuerdo a la siguiente metodología: Primeramente se seleccionaron las empresas del sector a ser estudiadas, siendo estás las del padrón de empresas registradas, resultando 40 casos a encuestar. Para este propósito se diseñó un cuestionario estructurado en preguntas que describen: el perfil de las unidades económicas, en la opinión directivos de las unidades económicas encuestadas, en relación a los factores que más inciden en su desarrollo. Obteniendo como resultados que el perfil de las unidades económicas se puede dividir en 8 dimensiones o factores. [ENG] The study examines the context of the economic units of the automotive sector in the region of Aguascalientes, Mexico. Studies and related theories were analyzed to identify the characteristics of economic units and their development variables. The objective of the study is to analyze the profile of companies, as an option to better understand the factors that affect their development. The research was developed according to the following methodology: First were selected the companies to be studied of the sector, being these of the census of companies registered, resulting in 40 cases to be surveyed. For this purpose a structured questionnaire was designed with questions that describe: the profile of economic units, in the opinion leaders surveyed economic units, in relation to the factors that more influence their development. Obtaining as results, that the profile of the economic units can be divided in 8 dimensions or factors

    Profile of Economic Units on the Manufacturing Sector: An Approach in the Case of Mexico

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    The aim of the study was to identify factors which describe the profile of economic units (EUs) in Mexico. For this purpose, were consulted the databases of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MLSW, “Secretaría del trabajo y Previsión Social” - STPS, Mexico) and the National Institute of Statistic, Geography and Informatics (NISGI, “Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática” - INEGI, Mexico), as institutions responsible for carry out officially, the application of surveys through the National Survey on Employment, Wages, Technology and Training in the manufacturing sector (NSEWTT, “Encuesta Nacional de Empleo, Salarios, Tecnología y Capacitación” - ENESTYC, Mexico). With the capture of these surveys by the institutions responsible, subsequently allow us determine the factors which describe the profile of the economic units. With this research we identified eight factors, which describe the profile of the economic units, being these: Establishment’s characteristics (F1), Production and organization (F2), Market (F4), Quality control and technology (F5), Employment Forms (F6), Salaries (F7), Training and Health and safety (F8). DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4p2

    Obnovljivi izvori energije u Meksiku: razvoj i prikaz fotonaponske (PV) energije

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    From the energy resources point of view, Mexico has an advanced worldwide rank in the availability of fossil resources as well as renewable energy resources. The major abundant conventional resources are oil and natural gas while the abundant renewable energy resources include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. Due to the geographical and topological conditions of Mexico, the meteorological conditions of various locations in Mexico are significantly location-dependent. In addition, the potential of the major renewable energy resources (i.e. wind, solar, and hydro) is neither fully explored nor exploited. With a focus of solar-PV energy, this paper analyzes the renewable energy industry in Mexico and investigates the most suitable way for promoting the public policies and finding the absolute advantages. In doing so, the international theories and experiences are considered as a development guide. International experiences show that it is possible to establish ‘green energy’ markets in which the end users cover their costs. These emerging markets are identified to be highly profitable for both sides i.e. the energy provider and the energy consumers. It can also be seen that government programs are available for supporting these markets; a fact that makes the green energy alternatives tempting for the investment of national and international firms. Some of the data presented in the presented study are based on techniques such as Herfindal-Hirshman Concentration Index (HHI), Pascual concentration indices and game theory.Sa stajališta izvora energije, Meksiko je u samom svjetskom vrhu u dostupnosti klasičnih izvora energije, kao i obnovljivih izvora energije. Glavni klasični izvori su nafta i prirodni plin, dok izvori obnovljive energije uključuju energiju sunca, vjetra, hidroenergiju, geotermalnu energiju i biomasu. Zbog geografskih i topografskih uvjeta Meksika, meteorološki uvjeti na raznim lokacijama u Meksiku znatno oviseo lokalnim uvjetima. Osim toga, potencijal glavnih obnovljivih izvora energije (tj. vjetra, solarne i hidro) niti je u potpunosti istražen, niti iskorišten. S naglaskom na solarnu PV energiju, u ovom radu analizira se korištenje obnovljive energije u Meksiku te se istražuje najprikladniji način za promoviranje smjernica daljnjeg razvoja i pronalaženje apsolutnih prednosti obnovljivih izvora energije. Na taj način, međunarodne smjernice i iskustva smatraju se kao dobar vodič za razvoj. Međunarodna iskustva pokazuju da je moguće uspostaviti tržište \u27zelene energije\u27 u kojima krajnji korisnici pokrivaju svoje troškove. Takve vrste tržišta u nastajanju identificirana su kao vrlo unosna za obje strane tj. proizvođačeenergije i potrošače energije. Također se može vidjeti da su državni programi dostupni za podržavanje takvih tržišta; činjenica je da navedeno zelenu energiju čini primamljivom za ulaganja domaćih i međunarodnih tvrtki. Neki od podataka prikazanih u ovom radu temelje se na pokazateljima kao što su Herfindal-Hirshman Koncentracijski Index (HHI), Pascual-ov indeks koncentracije i teorije igara


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    ABSTRACT In this paper we examine the relationships between students' attitudes towards mathematics and technology, therefore, we take a Galbraith and Hines' scale (1998, 2000) about mathematics confidence, computer confidence, computer and mathematics interaction, mathematics motivation, computer motivation, and mathematics engagement. 164 questionnaires were applied to undergraduate students of several profiles: business and management, mecatronic engineering, industrial engineering, strategic system engineering and mechanic engineering all they in a study carried out at the Universidad Politécnica de Aguascalientes. The statistical procedure used was factorial analysis with an extracted principal component


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    Cualquiera que sea el status social o económico de un estudiante, no puede negarse que en su día a día, las matemáticas siempre están presentes. Esta disciplina es considerada como una herramienta competitiva para el logro de una vida productiva sin embargo, la brecha en el rendimiento académico es grande, de ahí que en las últimas décadas, la investigación en educación ha puesto su atención en este punto. Por este motivo, los objetivos de esta investigación es comprobar si existe  ansiedad hacia las matemáticas en los estudiantes de nivel medio superior inscritos en una institución privada de Rioverde S.L.P. y si hay diferencia con relación al género. La muestra seleccionada aleatoriamente se conformó de 353 alumnos de nivel medio superior. Se utilizó la subescala del cuestionario de Auzmendi. Los índices indican un buen ajuste del modelo de ansiedad:  con 7 gl,es de9.6747, p=0.208, CFI=0.996 y RMSA= 0.034, además la diferencia crítica de los dos grupos da un valor de 0.00 para el grupo de los hombres  y 1.109 para el grupo de las mujeres, y el valor critico (-4,113) es mayor de 1.96 lo que indica que las mujeres muestran más ansiedad hacia las matemáticas que los hombres.  Regardless of the social or economic position of the student, cannot refuse the fact that day by day, mathematics is always present in his life. This discipline is considered as a competitive tool for achieving a productive life, however, the gap in academic achievement is great, hence, in the last decades research in education has turned their attention to this point. Therefore, the aims of this research is to determine if there anxiety toward mathematics in students enrolled high school level in a private institution of Rioverde S.L.P., and if there is difference in relation to gender. The randomly selected sample was formed by 353 students from the middle level. The subscale of the questionnaire of Auzmendi was used. The indexes indicates a good fit model of anxietywith 7 df, was 9.6747, p = 0.208, CFI = 0.996 and RMSA = 0.034, also the critical difference between the two groups gives a value of 0.00 for the group of men and 1.109 for the group of women, and the critical value (-4.113) is greater than 1.96 indicating that women show more math anxiety than men.  Article visualizations

    Attitude toward Statistic in College Students (An Empirical Study in Public University)

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    Abstract This study aims to measure student's attitude towards statistics through a model that considers the variables proposed by Auzmendi (1992). Was examined whether the constructs: usefulness, motivation, likeness, confidence and anxiety influence the student's attitude towards statistics. Were surveyed face to face 328 students at the Universidad Politécnica de Aguascalientes using the questionnaire proposed by Auzmendi With all this we obtained significant evidence in order to reject Ho. Finally we obtained two factors that explain attitude toward statistic in college students: One of them is composed by three elements: Confidence (.852), Likeness (.818) and Usefulness (.768) and the other is composed by two elements: Anxiety (.837) and Motivation (.800). Their explanatory power for each factor is expressed by their Eigenvalue: 2.170 and 1.383 (with % variance 43.39 and 27.67 respectively, Total variance explained 71.05%)


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    From the energy resources point of view, Mexico has an advanced worldwide rank in the availability of fossil resources as well as renewable energy resources. The major abundant conventional resources are oil and natural gas while the abundant renewable energy resources include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. Due to the geographical and topological conditions of Mexico, the meteorological conditions of various locations in Mexico are significantly Locational-dependent. In addition, the potential of the major renewable energy resources (i.e. wind, solar, and hydro) is neither fully explored nor exploited. With a focus of solar-PV energy, this paper analyzes the renewable energy industry in Mexico and investigates the most suitable way for promoting the public policies and finding the absolute advantages. In doing so, the international theories and experiences are considered as a development guide. International experiences show that it is possible to establish ‘green energy’ markets in which the end users cover their costs. These emerging markets are identified to be highly profitable for both sides i.e. the energy provider and the energy consumers. It can also be seen that government programs are available for supporting these markets; a fact that makes the green energy alternatives tempting for the investment of national and international firms. Some of the data presented in the presented study are based on techniques such as Herfindal-Hirshman Concentration Index (HHI), Pascual concentration indices, and game theor