27 research outputs found

    Mesospheric turbulence: the role in the creation of mesospheric inversion layers and statistical results

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    This work contains results of a new statistical analysis of turbulence measurements in the MLT region. The presented results contain of turbulence dissipation rate’s, ε, climatologies for winter and summer periods, as well as extended turbulence statistics. Although significant advances in theoretical understanding of the role of turbulence in the MLT region have been achieved, this work contains very important and comprehensive set of in-situ measurements that consistently supports our current understanding of the significance of MLT turbulence in the atmospheric system

    CFD approach for unburned carbon reduction in pulverized coal boilers

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    Low-NO x technologies are widely used in pulverized coal boilers, but they usually produce high levels of carbon in the fly ash. High levels of unburned carbon represent fuel loss, so the overall boiler efficiency is reduced. Additionally, the higher carbon content affects the suitability of fly ash for cement applications. The purpose of this paper is to provide a CFD approach for unburned carbon reduction by optimizing operating conditions. In this paper, three different boiler loads were simulated: 200 MW, 170 MW, and 140 MW. The air supply system was simulated previously for preparing as precise as possible boundary conditions. At last, the unburned carbon level of every burner was investigated, and the effects of residue residence time and the local fuel-air momentum ratio are discussed in detail. According to the predicted results, operating conditions and the residence time of the coal particles affects the unburned carbon level in fly ash. Operating conditions play a more significant role during the combustion process, while the residence time affects char burnout only when the burners location is low. Therefore, it is concluded that a cost-effective method could be developed for reducing the unburned carbon level in ash and correspondingly, the loss on ignition level. First, it is necessary to determine which burners are operating under poor conditions through CFD analysis. Then, the fuel air momentum ratios of those burners should be modified by changing the operating conditions, meanwhile increasing the residence time of coal particles to ensure complete combustion

    The role of alpha-1-antitrypsin protein in the pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    Alpha-1-antitrypsin is a potent antiprotease playing an important role in maintaining protease-antiproteasebalance. It protects the structures of extracellular matrix against destruction by proteolytic enzymes. Loss ofelasticity occurs when increased protease activity is accompanied by qualitative impairment or reduced concentrationsof antiproteases. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is a risk factor for obstructive lung disease, includingemphysema, liver and kidney disorders and, less often, follicular panniculitis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis(previously Wegener’s granulomatosis). Literature also emphasises the role of AAT in the development of aorticaneurysms, and results of biochemical studies support this theory. Aortic aneurysm is an important clinicalproblem, unceasingly associated with high mortality. For this reason, it is exceptionally important to identify itsrisk factors. Studies on the relationship between AAT and development of AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm)have been conducted since the 1990s. Due to the development in molecular diagnostic techniques, new reportson the topic appeared over the last decade

    Treatment of severe primary IGF-1 deficiency using rhIGF-1 preparation — first three years of Polish experience

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    Introduction: The objective of this study was to analyse the effects of the first three years of treatment with recombinant human insulinlike growth factor 1 (rhIGF-1) in patients from the Polish population. Material and methods: Twenty-seven children (22 boys and five girls) aged 2.8 to 16.0 years old were qualified for treatment with rhIGF-1 (mecasermin) in different treatment centres, according to Polish criteria: body height below –3.0 SD and IGF-1 concentration below percentile 2.5 with normal growth hormone (GH) levels. Mecasermin initial dose was 40 μg/kg bw twice a day and was subsequently increased to an average of 100 μg/kg bw twice a day. Body height, height velocity, weight, body mass index (BMI), and adverse events were measured. Results: Mecasermin treatment resulted in a statistically significant increase in body height (1.45 ± 1.06 SD; p < 0.01) and height velocity in comparison with pre-treatment values. The biggest change in height velocity happened during the first year and diminished during subsequent years. Body weight and BMI also increased significantly after treatment (1.16 ± 0.76 SD and 0.86 ± 0.75 SD, respectively; p < 0.01). Eight patients reported adverse events. These were mild and temporary and did not require treatment modification except in two patients. Conclusions: Treatment with rhIGF-1 was effective and safe in Polish patients with primary IGF-1 deficiency. It had a clear beneficial effect on the height of the patients and significantly accelerated the height velocity, particularly in the first year of treatment

    Lightning injury management at the Emergency Room - a case report of an unusual ground current injury during a local family fest

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    Lightning injuries are one of the rarest types of injuries admitted to the ER. They are accompanied by a wide spectrum of symptoms with less or more dangerous evolutions. The most severe of them are rhabdomyolysis, acute kidney injury, and danger cardiac arrhythmias. Treatment of those patients is challenging for the whole personnel of the emergency ward. In this paper, we present a case of a 34-year-old male who suffered a lightning injury during a family fest organized at a public square. Over time, the patient's status was changing from almost a lack of symptoms to severe complications, including rhabdomyolysis, compartment syndrome, hyperkaliemia, and cardiac arrhythmias

    Prevalence of Non-Functional Ovearreaching and Overtraining Syndromes in Athletes

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    Wstęp. Zaburzenie równowagi pomiędzy obciążeniem treningowym a regeneracją organizmu prowadzi do rozwinięcia Zespołu niefunkcjonalnego przemęczenia (NFO) lub Zespołu przetrenowania (OTS) i pogorszenia wyniku sportowego. Celem badania jest określenie częstości występowania tych zespołów w grupie sportowców. Materiał i metody. Przebadano 111 mężczyzn w wieku 18-35 lat trenujących min. 2 lata: biegi długie, kolarstwo, triathlon, trójbój siłowy, crossfit, kulturystykę, podnoszenie ciężarów. Przeprowadzono badanie lekarskie z wywiadem sportowym. Oceniano wydolność fizyczną tlenową – badanie ergospirometryczne (CPET) na bieżni mechanicznej oraz wydolność beztlenową podczas testu Wingate na cykloergometrze. Wykluczono stany zapalne, zaburzenia hematologiczne i metaboliczne. Dokonano pomiarów antropometrycznych. Poziom przemęczenia oraz motywację do treningu oceniano kwestionariuszem Oceny profilu nastrojów- POMS (Profile of Mood State)- wyniki odniesiono do wartości referencyjnych. Materiał poddano analizie w programie Statistica v. 13.0. Wyniki. Na podstawie wyników POMS i zmian w wydolności fizycznej wyodrębniono grupę 26 (23,4%) osób z cechami zespołu NFO/OTS. Byli to sportowcy ze średnim stażem treningowym 73 miesiące trenujący: biegi długie, crossfit i kulturystykę, startujący w zawodach częściej niż 20 razy w roku. Obserwowano istotne statystycznie różnice u sportowców z cechami zespołów NFO/OTS w ocenie nastroju POMS: wartości wyższe w subskalach: napięcie/niepokój, depresja, zmęczenie oraz niższe w subskali krzepkość/aktywność. Obserwowano mniejsze wartości wydolności fizycznej tlenowej i beztlenowej w tej grupie, jednak bez istotności statystycznej. Ilość snu, czas trwania i liczba treningów nie wpływały na wyniki badań. Wnioski. Wystąpienie NFO/OTS dotyczy blisko 25% sportowców różnych dyscyplin sportowych, o średnim stażu treningowym ok. 73 miesiące, startujących w zawodach średnio 20 razy w roku. Kwestionariusz oceny nastrojów POMS okazał się przydatnym narzędziem do diagnostyki tych zespołów.Background. Imbalance between training load and body recovery leads to the development of the non-functional overreaching syndrome (NFO) or overtraining syndrome (OTS) and deterioration of athlete’s performance. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of these syndromes in a sample of athletes. Material and methods. 111 males aged 18-35 years, training long distance running, cycling, triathlon, powerlifting, crossfit, bodybuilding and weightlifting minimum 2 years. The medical assessment was combined with history taking on athletic career and performance. Aerobic capacity was assessed by means of ergospirometry – cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) on a mechanical treadmill and anaerobic capacity was measured using Wingate test on a cycle ergometer. The patients with inflammatory conditions, hematological disorders and metabolic disorders were excluded. Anthropometric measurements were taken. Overreaching level and motivation for training were assessed using Profile of Mood State (POMS) questionnaire. The results were next compared with the reference values. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica program, v.13.0. Results. Based on POMS results and the changes in physical capacity a group of 26 participants was selected (23.4%) with NFO/OTS syndrome symptoms. These were athletes training long distance running, crossfit and bodybuilding within 73 months and those who started in competitions more often than 20 times a year. Statistically significant differences were noted in athletes with NFO/OTS syndromes in mood assessment using POMS questionnaire. Higher values were noted in the following subscales: tension/anxiety, depression and fatigue while lower values were obtained in vigor/ activity subscale. Lower yet statistically insignificant values corresponding to physical anaerobic and anaerobic activity were observed in this group. The amount of sleep and the number of training sessions had no effect on the results. Conclusions. NFO/OTS syndromes are developed in nearly 25% of athletes involved in various sport disciplines, training within about 73 months and starting in competitions 20 times a year on average. POMS questionnaire turned out a useful tool in diagnosing these syndromes


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    ABSTRACT From the 19th of November to the 18th of December 2010 the fourth and final ECOMA rocket campaign was conducted at Andøya Rocket Range (69 • N, 16 • E) in northern Norway. All the ECOMA payloads were equipped with a CONE instrument to measure neutral air density, with very high altitude resolution and precision. CONE measurements yield absolute neutral air densities in the height range from 70 to 110 km from which a high resolution temperature profile can be retrieved assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. In addition, CONE allows to investigate small-scale structures in neutral density and retrieve turbulence parameters. During the last ECOMA flight labeled ECOMA09 the CONE temperature measurements reveal two inversion layers. At the same time, turbulence measurements show very high energy dissipation rates right above the temperature inversions. The observed upper inversion layer between 86 and 89 km was associated with turbulent heating rates of about 200 K/day which are thought to be sufficient for producing temperature inversions

    The role of protective agents in pharmacotherapy- assessment of patients awareness

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    SUBJECT OF THE STUDY: The use of medication is associated with the risk of side effects. In the view of the fact that the consumption of Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and antibiotics is growing constantly, it is necessary to apply appropriate protection strategies to prevent side-effects of those drugs. AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of the study is to asses patients' knowledge about protective agents: drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid from the group of proton pump inhibitors and probiotics in the terms of effectiveness and safety of, respectively, inflammations and the bacterial infections pharmacotherapy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The research was carried out since October 2018 to February 2019 on the random group of people from Poland, using an original, anonymous questionnaire. The data was collected via Internet and direct contact with the respondents participating classes at the University of Third Age of the Medical University of Silesia. The statistical analysis of the collected results was performed with the use of Microsoft Excel 2010. RESULTS: Almost everyone of the respondents (about 95.0%) think that they understand the concept of a protective agents. Many of them only associates them with antibiotic therapy, not being aware of the broader meaning of this concept. 82.0% of respondents believe that they know the concept of a probiotic, but as many as 64.6 % of patients mistakenly think, that probiotics protect the stomach. About 50.0% of people are aware of the need to protect the stomach with chronic Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs therapy. CONCLUCIONS: The obtained results show that patients have basic information about gastro-enteroprotective agents (including drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid from the group of proton pump inhibitors and probiotics) however their knowledge is still insufficient to guarantee the effectiveness of therapy. The further education is necessary, which could be improved by introducing the Pharmaceutical Care.PRZEDMIOT BADAŃ: Stosowanie każdego rodzaju leków wiąże się z ryzykiem wystąpienia działań niepożądanych. W świetle rosnącego spożycia leków przeciwbólowych i antybiotyków konieczne staje się stosowanie właściwych strategii ochronnych, zapobiegających ubocznym skutkom działania tych leków. CEL BADAŃ: Celem pracy jest zbadanie wiedzy pacjentów na temat preparatów osłonowych, w szczególności leków zmniejszających produkcję kwasu solnego z grupy inhibitorów pompy protonowej oraz probiotyków. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Badanie przeprowadzono od października 2018 do lutego 2019 na losowej grupie 582 mieszkańców Polski za pomocą autorskiego, anonimowego kwestionariusza ankiety. Analizę statystyczną zebranego materiału, wykonano za pomocą programu Microsoft Excel 2010. WYNIKI: W badaniu 94,5% ankietowanych zadeklarowało, że rozumie pojęcie preparatu osłonowego. Duży odsetek grupy badanej wiąże je jedynie z antybiotykoterapią, nie mając świadomości szerszego znaczenia tego pojęcia. 82,0% respondentów uważa, że zna pojęcie probiotyku, jednak aż 64,6% z nich niewłaściwie zastosowałoby probiotyk jako osłonę żołądka. Niespełna 50,0% osób ma świadomość konieczności ochrony żołądka przy przewlekłej terapii lekami z grupy niesteroidowych leków przeciwzapalnych. WNIOSKI: Przeprowadzone badanie wykazało, że ankietowani posiadają podstawową wiedzę na temat preparatów osłonowych jednak nie jest ona wystarczająca, by w każdym przypadku zapewnić bezpieczeństwo i skuteczność terapii. Konieczne jest zatem edukacja pacjentów poprzez wdrożenie szeroko dyskutowanej obecnie Opieki Farmaceutycznej

    Sleeping Disorders in Healthy Individuals with Different Dietary Patterns and BMI, Questionnaire Assessment

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and abiding restrictions have affected every life domain. Sleep disturbances are a major health issue that is linked with a higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome, obesity, and psychological burdens. Research of sleeping disorders among vegetarian and non-vegetarian subpopulations is limited. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of sleeping disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic among people with different dietary patterns. Using a web-based cross-sectional survey, data were collected from 1987 people. A total of 1956 respondents met all study conditions. The questionnaire consisted of sociodemographic information, assessment of dietary habits, and assessment of the prevalence of insomnia and sleepiness, based on the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). A total of 36.04% (n = 705) respondents declared that they noticed a change in the quality of their sleep during the last year. According to AIS and ESS, non-vegetarians suffered from insomnia or sleepiness more often than vegetarians. Insomnia and sleepiness were also more prevalent among those respondents who declared consumption of fruit and vegetables less often than once a day compared with those who consumed fruit and vegetables daily. Respondents with BMI within the recommended limit (18.5–24.99) suffered from insomnia less often when compared with underweight (BMI < 18.5) or obese (BMI ≥ 25) respondents. Those results may be useful for public health workers and medical professionals in terms of establishing new instruments that help treat sleeping disorders