25 research outputs found

    Assessment of kidney quality before harvesting. Review of contemporary donor risk indexes

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    Transplantacja nerki jest najlepszą metodą leczenia nerkozastępczego u pacjentów ze schyłkową niewydolnością nerek. Z powodu niewystarczającej liczby dawców na całym świecie obserwuje się wydłużanie list pacjentów oczekujących na przeszczepienie. Wczesna identyfikacja nerek gorszej jakości daje możliwość przeprowadzenia kolejnych etapów procedury transplantacyjnej w taki sposób, aby zmniejszyć ryzyko powikłań u biorcy oraz wydłużyć przeżywalność przeszczepionego narządu. Służą temu różne systemy oceny dawców prowadzone na etapie akceptacji narządów do pobrania. Jak dotąd nie udało się wyodrębnić optymalnej skali oceny dawcy, która miałaby wyraźną przewagę pod względem mocy rokowniczej oraz stanowiłaby wspólną podstawę do porównywania i ulepszania wyników przeszczepiania. Jednym z nowszych i bardziej obiektywnych indeksów ryzyka jest KDRI (Kidney Donor Risk Index), który został opracowany przez grupę Rao w 2009 roku i stał się podstawą nowego systemu alokacji nerek w Stanach Zjednoczonych.One of the key issues in contemporary transplantology is an objective assessment of a kidney donor to be performed before accepting the organ for transplantation. There have been various attempts at creating a numerical scale, based on donor, recipient, histological or machine perfusion parameters, to evaluate the quality of kidneys harvested from cadaver donors. Some of these were based on large populations of donor-recipient pairs and have been accepted by local organ allocation systems. As of yet none has been endorsed by international institutions a universal predictive model of graft function nor provided a uniform platform to initiate and to compare clinical studies. Originally proposed by Rao et al in 2009, the Kidney Donor Risk Index (KDRI) is a prediction model that assigns a continuous risk score to deceased donor kidneys, based on a donor and a transplant characteristics collected by the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN). The new kidney allocation system implemented in the US rates the harvested organs, based on KDRI. So far, few publications covered an assessment of the importance of risk KDRI for population recipients in other countries and it is also not known whether it is also an adequate prognostic tool for polish population of recipients

    Di-μ-oxido-bis­({2-[(R,R)-(−)-(2-amino­cyclo­hexyl)imino­meth­yl]-4-nitro­phenolato-κ3 N,N′,O}oxidovanadium(V)) dimethyl sulfoxide disolvate

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    The title compound, [V2(C13H16N3O3)2O4]·2C2H6OS, is a centrosymmetric dimeric complex solvated by two dimethyl sulfoxide mol­ecules. Each VV atom is six-coordinated by one oxide group, two N atoms and one O atom from the tridentate Schiff base ligand, and by two additional bridging O atoms in a distorted octa­hedral coordination geometry. Three atoms of the cyclo­hexane ring are each disordered over two sites, with occupancy factors of 0.501 (10) and 0.499 (10). C—H⋯O and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the dimers and solvent mol­ecules into a supra­molecular network

    MEDtube Science

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    ABSTRACT Kidney transplantation from a living donor is a method of choice in the treatment of end-stage renal disease. The programme of care for a living kidney donor should cover the assessment of health status and quality of life and an analysis of the data collected on the basis of the same criteria. The conclusions drawn should be used in the assessment of the risk associated with the kidney harvesting procedure, assessment of the health status of the living donor and an improvement of the results of kidney transplantation from a living donor

    {2-[1-(2-Amino-2-methyl­propyl­imino)eth­yl]phenolato-κ3 N,N′,O}dioxidovanadium(V)

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, [V(C12H17N2O)O2], the vanadium(V) centre is five-coordinate in a distorted square-pyramidal environment. The three atoms of the deprotonated Schiff base and a double-bonded O atom comprise the basal plane. N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds lead to a zigzag chain structure parallel to [001]

    A monoclinic polymorph of di-μ-oxido-bis­({2-[2-(methyl­amino)ethyl­imino­methyl]phenolato-κ3 N,N′,O}oxidovanadium(V))

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    A new monoclinic polymorph of the title compound, [V2(C10H13N2O)2O4], which is a centrosymmetric dimer, crystallizes in space group P21/c, whereas the previously known polymorph crystallizes in the ortho­rhom­bic space group Pbca [Mokry & Carrano (1993 ▶). Inorg. Chem. 32, 6119–6121]. Each VV atom is six-coordinated by one oxide group, two N atoms and one O atom from the Schiff base ligand, and by two additional bridging O atoms. The two methyl­ene groups are each disordered over two sites, with occupancy factors of 0.776 (14) and 0.224 (14). In the crystal structure, there are C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds and C—H⋯π inter­actions between the dimers

    Risk factors for anxiety and depression among pregnant women during COVID-19 pandemic-Results of a web-based multinational cross-sectional study

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    Objective To assess risk factors for anxiety and depression among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic using Mind-COVID, a prospective cross-sectional study that compares outcomes in middle-income economies and high-income economies. Methods A total of 7102 pregnant women from 12 high-income economies and nine middle-income economies were included. The web-based survey used two standardized instruments, General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Result Pregnant women in high-income economies reported higher PHQ-9 (0.18 standard deviation [SD], P < 0.001) and GAD-7 (0.08 SD, P = 0.005) scores than those living in middle-income economies. Multivariate regression analysis showed that increasing PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scales were associated with mental health problems during pregnancy and the need for psychiatric treatment before pregnancy. PHQ-9 was associated with a feeling of burden related to restrictions in social distancing, and access to leisure activities. GAD-7 scores were associated with a pregnancy-related complication, fear of adverse outcomes in children related to COVID-19, and feeling of burden related to finances. Conclusions According to this study, the imposed public health measures and hospital restrictions have left pregnant women more vulnerable during these difficult times. Adequate partner and family support during pregnancy and childbirth can be one of the most important protective factors against anxiety and depression, regardless of national economic status

    Why is IPv6 Deployment Important for the Internet Evolution?, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 2

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    Replacing the IPv4 protocol with IPv6 on the Internet is currently one of the aims of the European Union policy. The main reason for this replacement is the effeteness of the addresses pool in the IPv4 protocol, which can cause serious complications in the evolution of the Internet and its adaptation in new areas, e.g., in next generation mobile telephony or the so called Internet of Things. Simultaneously, the addressing capabilities of the IPv6 protocol are practically unlimited and its new functionalities increase the attractiveness of its usage. The article discusses the problems connected with the IPv6 deployment on the Internet. Especially, the rules for realization of the IPv6 deployment and rules for cooperation of IPv4 with IPv6 (including cooperation tests) in network infrastructure and in applications are presented. Moreover, the European projects’ results and the activity’s directions of the national project Future Internet Engineering are discussed

    Antibacterial activity of rosemary, caraway and fennel essential oils

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    Introduction: Recently, interest in essential oils used in natural medicine, has been increasing. Essential oils are still being tested for their potential uses as an alternative remedies for the treatment of many infectious diseases

    Weak Points of Double-Plate Stabilization Used in the Treatment of Distal Humerus Fracture through Finite Element Analysis

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    Background: Multi-comminuted, intra-articular fractures of the distal humerus still pose a challenge to modern orthopedics due to unsatisfactory treatment results and a high percentage (over 50%) of postoperative complications. When surgical treatment is chosen, such fractures are fixed using two plates with locking screws, which can be used in three spatial configurations: either parallel or one of two perpendicular variants (posterolateral and posteromedial). The evaluation of the fracture healing conditions for these plate configurations is unambiguous. The contradictions between the conclusions of biomechanical studies and clinical observations were the motivation to undertake a more in-depth biomechanical analysis aiming to indicate the weak points of two-plate fracture stabilization. Methods: Research was conducted using the finite element method based on an experimentally validated model. Three variants of distal humerus fracture (Y, λ, and H) were fixed using three different plate configurations (parallel, posterolateral, and posteromedial), and they were analyzed under six loading conditions, covering the whole range of flexion in the elbow joint (0–145°). A joint reaction force equal to 150 N was assumed, which corresponds with holding a weight of 1 kg in the hand. The biomechanical conditions of bone union were assessed based on the interfragmentary movement (IFM) and using criteria formulated by Steiner et al. Results: The IFMs were established for particular regions of all of the analyzed types of fracture, with distinction to the normal and tangential components. In general, the tangential component of IFM was greater than normal. A strong influence of the elbow joint’s angular position on the IFM was observed, with excessive values occurring for flexion angles greater than 90°. In most cases, the smallest IFM values were obtained for the parallel plaiting, while the greatest values were obtained for the posteromedial plating. Based on IFM values, fracture healing conditions in particular cases (fracture type, plate configuration, loading condition, and fracture gap localization) were classified into one of four groups: optimal bone union (OPT), probable union (PU), probable non-union (PNU), and non-union (NU). Conclusions: No plating configuration is able to ensure distal humerus fracture union when the full elbow flexion is allowed while holding a weight of 1 kg in the hand. However, flexion in the range of 0–90° with such loadings is acceptable when using parallel plating, which is a positive finding in the context of the early rehabilitation process. In general, parallel plating ensures better conditions for fracture healing than perpendicular plate configurations, especially the posteromedial version


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    In the title dinuclear compound, [V2(C15H17N2O)2O4], each VV atom is six-coordinated by one oxide group, and by two N and one O atom of the tridentate Schiff base ligand, and bridged by two additional oxide O atoms, resulting in a centrosymmetric dimer. The metal centre has a distorted octahedral coordination with the monoanionic Schiff base ligand occupying one equatorial and two axial coordination positions. The separation between V atoms is 3.214 (3) Å. In the crystal structure, there are N—H...O, C—H...O and C—H...À hydrogen bonds, and À–À interactions