249 research outputs found

    Parametric Study on the Dynamic Heat Storage Capacity of Building Elements

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    In modern, extensively glazed office buildings, due to high solar and internal loads and increased comfort expectations, air conditioning systems are often used even in moderate and cold climates. Particularly in this case, passive cooling by night-time ventilation seems to offer considerable potential. However, because heat gains and night ventilation periods do not coincide in time, a sufficient amount of thermal mass is needed in the building to store the heat. Assuming a 24 h-period harmonic oscillation of the indoor air temperature within a range of thermal comfort, the analytical solution of one-dimensional heat conduction in a slab with convective boundary condition was applied to quantify the dynamic heat storage capacity of a particular building element. The impact of different parameters, such as slab thickness, material properties and the heat transfer coefficient was investigated, as well as their interrelation. The potential of increasing thermal mass by using phase change materials (PCM) was estimated assuming increased thermal capacity. The results show a significant impact of the heat transfer coefficient on heat storage capacity, especially for thick, thermally heavy elements. The storage capacity of a 100 mm thick concrete slab was found to increase with increasing heat transfer coefficients as high as 30 W/m2K. In contrast the heat storage capacity of a thin gypsum plaster board was found to be constant when the heat transfer coefficient exceeded 3 W/m2K. Additionally, the optimal thickness of an element depended greatly on the heat transfer coefficient. For thin, light elements a significant increase in heat capacity due to the use of PCMs was found to be possible. The present study shows the impact and interrelation of geometrical and physical parameters which appreciably influence the heat storage capacity of building elements. 1

    Goos-Haenchen induced vector eigenmodes in a dome cavity

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    We demonstrate numerically calculated electromagnetic eigenmodes of a 3D dome cavity resonator that owe their shape and character entirely to the Goos-Haenchen effect. The V-shaped modes, which have purely TE or TM polarization, are well described by a 2D billiard map with the Goos-Haenchen shift included. A phase space plot of this augmented billiard map reveals a saddle-node bifurcation; the stable periodic orbit that is created in the bifurcation corresponds to the numerically calculated eigenmode, dictating the angle of its "V". A transition from a fundamental Gaussian to a TM V mode has been observed as the cavity is lengthened to become nearly hemispherical.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Field of study and partner choice

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    © 2021There is strong assortative mating by field of study. To examine to which extent this is due to self selection or to a causal effect of access to specific ”marriage markets”, we use data from participants in admission lotteries of four oversubscribed studies in the Netherlands. For each of the four studies, we find that the winning compliers of an admission lottery are significantly more likely than the losing compliers to have a partner from the lottery study, whereas losing compliers are only marginally more likely to have a partner from the lottery study than would occur under random matching. These results indicate that assortative mating by field of study is largely due to marriage market access and that self selection plays a minor role. JEL-codes: I26, J12, J13

    Unified theory for Goos-H\"{a}nchen and Imbert-Fedorov effects

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    A unified theory is advanced to describe both the lateral Goos-H\"{a}nchen (GH) effect and the transverse Imbert-Fedorov (IF) effect, through representing the vector angular spectrum of a 3-dimensional light beam in terms of a 2-form angular spectrum consisting of its 2 orthogonal polarized components. From this theory, the quantization characteristics of the GH and IF displacements are obtained, and the Artmann formula for the GH displacement is derived. It is found that the eigenstates of the GH displacement are the 2 orthogonal linear polarizations in this 2-form representation, and the eigenstates of the IF displacement are the 2 orthogonal circular polarizations. The theoretical predictions are found to be in agreement with recent experimental results.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Goos-H\"anchen shifts in frustrated total internal reflection studied with wave packet propagation

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    We have investigated that the Goos-H\"anchen (GH) shifts in frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR) studied with wave packet propagation. In the first-order approximation of the transmission coefficient, the GH shift is exactly the expression given by stationary phase method, thus saturates an asymptotic constant in two different ways depending on the angle of incidence. Taking account into the second-order approximation, the GH shift always depends on the width of the air gap due to the modification of the beam width. It is further shown that the GH shift with second-order correction increases with decreasing the beam width at the small incidence angles, while for the large incidence angles it reveals a strong decrease with decreasing the beam width. These phenomena offers the better understanding of the tunneling delay time in FTIR.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Control of Goos-Hanchen shift of a light beam via a coherent driving field

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    We present a proposal to manipulate the Goos-Hanchen shift of a light beam via a coherent control field, which is injected into a cavity configuration containing the two-level atomic medium. It is found that the lateral shifts of the reflected and transmitted probe beams can be easily controlled by adjusting the intensity and detuning of the control field. Using this scheme, the lateral shift at the fixed incident angle can be enhanced (positive or negative) under the suitable conditions on the control field, without changing the structure of the cavity.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Goos-Haenchen shift and localization of optical modes in deformed microcavities

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    Recently, an interesting phenomenon of spatial localization of optical modes along periodic ray trajectories near avoided resonance crossings has been observed [J. Wiersig, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 253901 (2006)]. For the case of a microdisk cavity with elliptical cross section we use the Husimi function to analyse this localization in phase space. Moreover, we present a semiclassical explanation of this phenomenon in terms of the Goos-Haenchen shift which works very well even deep in the wave regime. This semiclassical correction to the ray dynamics modifies the phase space structure such that modes can localize either on stable islands or along unstable periodic ray trajectories.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures in reduced qualit

    Steering the Ultrafast Opening and Closure Dynamics of a Photochromic Coordination Cage by Guest Molecules

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    Photochemical studies on supramolecular hosts that can encapsulate small guest molecules commonly focus on three aspects: photoswitching the cage to release or trap the guest, the effect of the confining environment on the guest, and light-induced exciton or charge transfer within the cage structure. Here, we exploit ultrafast spectroscopy to address how the guest alters the photoswitching characteristics of the cage. For this, the impacts of three disparate guest compounds on ring-opening or ring-closure of a dithienylethene (DTE) ligand in a photoswitchable DTE-based coordination cage are juxtaposed. The guest modulates both outcome and timescale of the cage's photodynamics, by an interplay of structural strain, heavy-atom effect, and enhancement of charge-transfer processes exercised by the guest on the photo-excited cage. The approach might prove beneficial for attuning the applicability of photoswitchable nanocontainers and desired guest compounds

    Steuerung der ultraschnellen Öffnungs‐ und Schließungsdynamik eines photochromen Koordinationskäfigs durch Gastmoleküle

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    Photochemische Studien über supramolekulare Wirte, die kleine Gastmoleküle einkapseln können, konzentrieren sich zumeist auf drei Aspekte: Die Photoschaltung des Käfigs, um den Gast freizusetzen oder einzufangen, die Wirkung der Käfigumgebung auf den Gast und die lichtinduzierte Exzitonen- oder Ladungsübertragung innerhalb der Käfigstruktur. Hier nutzen wir ultraschnelle Spektroskopie, um zu untersuchen, wie der Gast die Photoschaltcharakteristik des Käfigs verändert. Zu diesem Zweck werden die Auswirkungen von drei unterschiedlichen Gastmolekülen auf die Ringöffnung oder den Ringschluss eines Dithienylethen (DTE)-Liganden in einem photoschaltbaren Koordinationskäfig auf DTE-Basis einander gegenübergestellt. Der Gast moduliert sowohl das Ergebnis als auch die Zeitskala der Photodynamik des Käfigs durch ein Zusammenspiel von struktureller Wechselwirkung, dem Schweratomeffekt und einer Verstärkung von Ladungstransferprozessen, die der Gast auf den photoangeregten Käfig ausübt. Der Ansatz könnte sich als nützlich erweisen, um die Anwendbarkeit von photoschaltbaren Nanocontainern und gewünschten Gastverbindungen aufeinander abzustimmen