63 research outputs found

    Suppression of the postoperative neutrophil leucocytosis following neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer and implications for surgical morbidity

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    Objective: The extent to which neoadjuvant chemoradio- therapy for rectal cancer influences postoperative morbid- ity is controversial. This study investigated whether this treatment suppresses the normal perioperative inflamma- tory response and explored the clinical implications. Method: Prospective databases were queried to identify 37 consecutive study patients undergoing definitive surgery following 5-FU ⁄ capecitabine-based chemoradio- therapy and 35 consecutive untreated control patients operated upon for rectal or rectosigmoid cancer. Preop- erative (< 10 days) and postoperative (< 24 h) neutrophil counts, along with morbidity data, were confirmed retrospectively. Univariate and multivariate analyses assessed the apparent effect of chemoradiotherapy on change in neutrophil count. The latter’s association with postoperative morbidity was then examined. Results: Sufficient data were available for 34 study and 27 control patients. Repeated-measures ANCOVA revealed significant differences between their periopera- tive neutrophil counts (P = 0.02). Of the other charac- teristics which differed between the groups, only age and tumour location were prognostically significant regarding perioperative change in neutrophil count. Accounting for relevant covariates, chemoradiotherapy was significantly associated with a suppressed perioper- ative neutrophil leucocytosis. Local postoperative com- plications affected 25 of 61 patients, who had lower perioperative neutrophil increases than their counter- parts (P = 0.016). Conclusion: Chemoradiotherapy appears to suppress the perioperative inflammatory response, thereby increasing susceptibility to local postoperative complications

    The reception of Russian literature by the French press of July Monarchy (1830-1848)

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    Le prĂ©sent travail se propose d’étudier la rĂ©ception de la littĂ©rature russe dans son ensemble par la presse française de l’époque de Louis-Philippe. On redĂ©couvre dans ses subtilitĂ©s complexes et hasardeuses toute la problĂ©matique politique et culturelle inhĂ©rente Ă  l’acclimatation et l’implantation de la littĂ©rature russe, encore peu connue : relations entre deux pays, statut de la langue-source, traductions, rĂ©seaux d’information, reflets de la vie littĂ©raire. Dans une Europe apparemment pacifiĂ©e, la France voit Ă©merger une nouvelle classe d’intellectuels que la « question sociale » sollicite autant que les productions littĂ©raires. Les journaux, les revues jouent un rĂŽle accru de mĂ©diation culturelle et deviennent un pouvoir – ou un contrepouvoir – qui informe, juge et critique, dont les titres d’ailleurs proclament assez l’ambition : L’Europe littĂ©raire, Le Globe, Revue des Deux Mondes, Revue IndĂ©pendante et d’autres encore. On verra comment les jugements littĂ©raires ne peuvent s’abstraire des considĂ©rations sociopolitiques. Les articles journalistiques relĂšvent ainsi d’une catĂ©gorie toujours bien vivante : histoire, politique et littĂ©rature mĂȘlĂ©es. Ecrire sur la littĂ©rature russe dans les annĂ©es 1830-1840 n’est-ce pas aussi se situer par rapport Ă  Louis-Philippe et Nicolas Ier ?The present work suggests studying the reception of Russian literature in whole by the French press under the reign of Louis-Philippe. All political and cultural subject matter inherent in the process of familiarization and integration of so little known Russian literature develops in its complicated and accidental subtleties: relations between the two countries, Russian as a source language, translations, information networks, reflections of literary life. In apparently pacified Europe, in France there appears a new class of intellectuals that is interested in both « social matter » and literary works. Newspapers and reviews play an increasing role in cultural mediation and hold a power or a counter-power, which informs, judges and criticizes, and whose titles proclaim their aspirations well enough: L’Europe littĂ©raire, Le Globe, Revue des Deux Mondes, Revue IndĂ©pendante and others. We can see that literary judgments are inseparable f! rom sociopolitical considerations. So the articles are followed from the existent category: a mixture of history, policy and literature. Writing about Russian literature during the 1830s-1840s, does it really mean to position yourselves towards Louis-Philippe and Nicholas the First

    La réception de la littérature russe par la presse française sous la Monarchie de juillet (1830-1848)

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    The present work suggests studying the reception of Russian literature in whole by the French press under the reign of Louis-Philippe. All political and cultural subject matter inherent in the process of familiarization and integration of so little known Russian literature develops in its complicated and accidental subtleties: relations between the two countries, Russian as a source language, translations, information networks, reflections of literary life. In apparently pacified Europe, in France there appears a new class of intellectuals that is interested in both « social matter » and literary works. Newspapers and reviews play an increasing role in cultural mediation and hold a power or a counter-power, which informs, judges and criticizes, and whose titles proclaim their aspirations well enough: L’Europe littĂ©raire, Le Globe, Revue des Deux Mondes, Revue IndĂ©pendante and others. We can see that literary judgments are inseparable f! rom sociopolitical considerations. So the articles are followed from the existent category: a mixture of history, policy and literature. Writing about Russian literature during the 1830s-1840s, does it really mean to position yourselves towards Louis-Philippe and Nicholas the First ?Le prĂ©sent travail se propose d’étudier la rĂ©ception de la littĂ©rature russe dans son ensemble par la presse française de l’époque de Louis-Philippe. On redĂ©couvre dans ses subtilitĂ©s complexes et hasardeuses toute la problĂ©matique politique et culturelle inhĂ©rente Ă  l’acclimatation et l’implantation de la littĂ©rature russe, encore peu connue : relations entre deux pays, statut de la langue-source, traductions, rĂ©seaux d’information, reflets de la vie littĂ©raire. Dans une Europe apparemment pacifiĂ©e, la France voit Ă©merger une nouvelle classe d’intellectuels que la « question sociale » sollicite autant que les productions littĂ©raires. Les journaux, les revues jouent un rĂŽle accru de mĂ©diation culturelle et deviennent un pouvoir – ou un contrepouvoir – qui informe, juge et critique, dont les titres d’ailleurs proclament assez l’ambition : L’Europe littĂ©raire, Le Globe, Revue des Deux Mondes, Revue IndĂ©pendante et d’autres encore. On verra comment les jugements littĂ©raires ne peuvent s’abstraire des considĂ©rations sociopolitiques. Les articles journalistiques relĂšvent ainsi d’une catĂ©gorie toujours bien vivante : histoire, politique et littĂ©rature mĂȘlĂ©es. Ecrire sur la littĂ©rature russe dans les annĂ©es 1830-1840 n’est-ce pas aussi se situer par rapport Ă  Louis-Philippe et Nicolas Ier

    Actinomycosis in ano-sacrococcygeal infection: A case series

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    Actinomycosis in ano-sacrococcygeal infection: A case series

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    Spigelian Hernia: A Rare Variety of Ventral Hernia

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