62 research outputs found

    Empirijska stvarnost, društvena i ekonomska teorija: Nekoliko polaznih pretpostavki za istraživanje

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    The paper analyzes the development of social science perspectives in the twentieth century. It focuses on the relationship between empirical reality and social and economic theory. After discussing the inadequacy of the current sociological enterprise, the author proposes a set of theoretical assumptions for a new explanatory model of political, economic and social realities.Rad započinje razmatranjem odnosa između ekonomske i društvene teorije, pri čemu autor naglašava paralelizam u konceptualizuciji društvene racionalnosti i iracionalnosti. U nastavku, autor razmatra poslijeratni razvoj društvenih znanosti i izrastajuću teorijsku fragmentaciju, koja je uzrokom brojnih nedostataka u tumačenju političkih, ekonomskih i društvenih fenomena. U zaključku, autor izlaže niz analitičkih naputaka za konstrukciju novog ekplanatomog modela u sociologiji

    With a Critical Eye: An Intellectual and His Times

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    Empirijska stvarnost, društvena i ekonomska teorija: Nekoliko polaznih pretpostavki za istraživanje

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    The paper analyzes the development of social science perspectives in the twentieth century. It focuses on the relationship between empirical reality and social and economic theory. After discussing the inadequacy of the current sociological enterprise, the author proposes a set of theoretical assumptions for a new explanatory model of political, economic and social realities.Rad započinje razmatranjem odnosa između ekonomske i društvene teorije, pri čemu autor naglašava paralelizam u konceptualizuciji društvene racionalnosti i iracionalnosti. U nastavku, autor razmatra poslijeratni razvoj društvenih znanosti i izrastajuću teorijsku fragmentaciju, koja je uzrokom brojnih nedostataka u tumačenju političkih, ekonomskih i društvenih fenomena. U zaključku, autor izlaže niz analitičkih naputaka za konstrukciju novog ekplanatomog modela u sociologiji

    With a Critical Eye: An Intellectual and His Times

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    ALLAN B. COLE, Japanese Society and Politicsr TbeImpact of Social , Stratification and Mobility on Politics. Boston: Graduate School of Boston University, 1956.158 págs.

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    Class and Religion in American Politics

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    Autor prvo analizira nekadašnje protestantske vrijednosti, koje je u SAD XIX stoljeća posebno zastupala stara srednja klasa, a zatim promjene koje je u sistemu vrijednosti donio kenzijanizam: umjesto nužnosti štednje i osiromašenja radnika, pokazuje se da se društvo može organizirati i oko obilja proizvodnje i potrošnje. U krizi kenzijanizma različite društvene grupe su se ponovo okrenule starijim društvenim vrijednostima. Neo-konzervativizam naglašava važnost problema porodice, slobodnog poduzetništva, rada i ohrabruje iskrenost, poštenje, integritet i staromodne moralne standarde. Ipak, ta romantička afirmacija prošlosti odvija se u društvu čiji su glavni organizacioni principi centralizirana državna birokracija, sredstva masovnih komunikacija i elektronski sistem informiranja i kontrole koji prodire u život svakog pojedinca. Ogroman federalni budžet, centralna činjenica i simbol kenzijanstva, još uvijek je očuvan i čak snažno povećan old strane Reaganove administracije.Author at first analyzes earlier Protestant values, which in XIX century America were originally carried by the older middle classes. He follows the changes which in the value-system were brought by Keynesianism: instead of forced savings and steady immiseration of the worker, it has-been demonstrated that the society couid be organized around an abundance of both production and consumption. In the crisis of Keynesianism different social groups turned once more to the older social values. Neo-conservatism stresses the importance of the nuclear family, free enterprise and hard work, and encourages forthrightness, honesty, integrity and old-fashioned moral standards. Yet this romantic affirmation of a past is presented in a society whose major organizing principles are centralized state bureaucracies, mass communications and electronic systems of information and control that penetrate the lives of everyone. The enormous federal budget, the central fact and symbol of Keynesianism, is still in place and even has been vastly expanded by Reaganism

    Anthropology in the Modern World

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    The underlying assumption of the approaches in vogue in American social anthropology was that the societies studied by anthropologists were qualitatively different from the advanced industrial societies to which they were frequently compared. In this paper we wish to reverse the perspective usually employed by the anthropologists. We will not assume a dichotomy between the primitive, pre-industrial world and the industrial world in which modern anthropology has itself developed. Instead, we will examine the ideological, intellectual, and historical factors that have governed the anthropologist\u27s relationship with his own society and with the primitive world which was his subject matter. We will assume that modernizing tendencies have eroded most of anthropology\u27s basic assumptions about itself and its subject matter, and we will try to indicate some implications that follow for the future of the craf

    With a critical eye : an intellectual and his times

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    Social Movements and Civil Society: A Theory of Social Process in the American Commonwealth

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    U radu je prikazan razvoj američke sociologije. Osnovna teza je da je američka sociologija nastala kao zamjena za religiozno protestantsko i kršćansko učenje. Tako je sociologija zamijenila teodiceju i postala svojevrsna sociodiceja. Autori objašnjavaju tezu na primjerima djelovanja sociologa na sveučilištima u Harvardu i Wisconsinu, kao i pomoću radova P. Lazarsfelda, T. Parsonsa, E. Goffmana. Roberta E. Parka i drugih. Posebna je pažnja posvećena analizi suvremenih strujanja neomarksizma u Americi i uvjetima za zasnivanje autonomnih socijalnih pokreta.A short presentation of the development of America! sociology is given in this article. The main thesis is that American sociology was born as a substitute for the Protestant and Christian religion. In that sense, sociology took the place of a theodicy and became itself a sociodicy. The authors explain that thesis, giving brief accounts of the work of different American sociologists\u27 at the Universities of Harvard and Wisconsin as well as documenting the thesis through the works of P. Lazarsfeld, E. Goffman, Robert Park and others. A special emphasis is given to the analysis of the contemporary streams of neo-Marxism in the USA as well as to the analysis of the conditions oi the formations of autonomous social movements