754 research outputs found

    Control de dispositivos y comunicación de datos en un observatorio submarino

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    El grupo de desarrollo SARTI de la UPC ha desarrollado el proyecto Observatorio Submarino Expandible (OBSEA). Este proyecto tiene como objetivo la puesta en marcha de los módulos necesarios para la extracción de datos significativos del fondo marino (temperatura, humedad, salinidad, etc). OBSEA está compuesto por dos estaciones, una estación terrestre que recibe los datos de los sensores conectados en el fondo marino; y una estación submarina, dónde están conectados los diferentes sensores. El presente proyecto se encarga del control de los dispositivos conectados en la estación submarina. También, monitorea el estado de las fuentes de alimentación encargadas de la conexión y desconexión de los sensores. Además, en el caso de que se produzca algún fallo inesperado en la estación submarina, el controlador envía una alarma o trap SNMP hacia la estación terrestre. Para todo ello ha sido necesario, familiarizarse con un microcontrolador de 32 bits trabajando bajo un sistema operativo llamado uClinux. Estudiar unas placas ADC / relés para poder recoger el estado tanto de las fuentes de alimentación como de los sensores conectados a la estación submarina. Estudiar el protocolo SNMP, encargado de monitorear los elementos de la estación submarina y enviar unas alarmas hacia la estación terrestre, en el caso de que ocurra algún evento pre programado

    Near real time seismic data from the coastal ocean

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    A moored-buoy system for collecting near real-time seismic data from the coastal ocean has been developed and will be deployed for its initial field trial in the fall of 2016. The technology that makes possible the near real time telemetry of seismic data is the inductive modem technology. This type of data telemetry provides a solution that is convenient, economical, reliable, and flexible. We present results of a prototype system that demonstrate the feasibility of this concept. It will transmit continuous data at a rate of about 1000 bps to a radio link in the surface buoy. A GPS receiver on the surface buoy will be configured to perform accurate and synchronized timestamps on the seismic data on the sea surface, which will make it possible to include data from these undersea systems in the existing seismic data network. Power to operate the system will be supplied by solar panels and rechargeable batteries on the surface buoy and batteries on OBS.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Data communication and control systems implementation in the OBSEA

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    In this paper is described the system that controls the connected devices in a subsea observatory. The control system is constantly monitoring the internal and external components of the observatory detecting operating faults and acting automatically in consequence.Peer Reviewe

    Power consumption evaluation for an AWAC and a GSM modem installed on the SARTO buoy

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    This paper describes a procedure for measuring the combined electrical power consumption of an AWAC and a GSM modem. The purpose is to calculate the number of batteries and power required to provide and autonomy of 45 days. Experimental results show consumption in the order of 1 W/hr, and from this value adequate batteries are selected.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    pH sensor calibration procedure

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    This paper describes the calibration of pH sensor located at the OBSEA marine Observatory. This instrument is based on an industrial pH electrode that is connected to a CTD instrument (Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth ). The calibration of the pH sensor has been done using a high precision spectrophotometer pH meter from Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM), and in this way it has been obtained a numerical function for the p H sensor proportional to real pH.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Smart Embedded Passive Acoustic Devices for Real-Time Hydroacoustic Surveys

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    This paper describes cost-efficient, innovative and interoperable ocean passive acoustics sensors systems, developed within the European FP7 project NeXOS (Next generation Low-Cost Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management) These passive acoustic sensors consist of two low power, innovative digital hydrophone systems with embedded processing of acoustic data, A1 and A2, enabling real-time measurement of the underwater soundscape. An important part of the effort is focused on achieving greater dynamic range and effortless integration on autonomous platforms, such as gliders and profilers. A1 is a small standalone, compact, low power, low consumption digital hydrophone with embedded pre-processing of acoustic data, suitable for mobile platforms with limited autonomy and communication capability. A2 consists of four A1 digital hydrophones with Ethernet interface and one master unit for data processing, enabling real-time measurement of underwater noise and soundscape sources. In this work the real-time acoustic processing algorithms implemented for A1 and A2 are described, including computational load evaluations of the algorithms. The results obtained from the real time test done with the A2 assembly at OBSEA observatory collected during the verification phase of the project are presented.Postprint (author's final draft

    An integrated biogeochemistry observation system at Besòs estuary

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    Estuaries are coastal indentations where freshwater mixes with seawater (Pritchard 1967), and are found everywhere in the world. Moreover, the estuarine ecosystems are usually characterized by high biological productivity and great biodiversity. However, these characteristics are very sensitive to the climate regime, the geological environment and the hydrological quality. In metropolitan environments with high social, urban and economic complexity, river fows usually play an important role in the regulation of estuary biochemistry, and therefore their control is essential. Such estuary, is the one generated by the Besós river, located in the north of Barcelona, where the management of the water cycle of its riverbed and its mouth is a shared strategy for the development of the territory between the municipality of Sant Adriá del Besòs, the town hall of Badalona, the Consorci del Besòs, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and the b_TEC Foundation. These institutions share the Territorial Specialization and Territorial Competitiveness Project (PECT) of the Besòs Sustainable Territory coast, where one of its objectives is the improvement and use of water and coastal resources in the Besòs environment. In this framework, it is intended to reduce the impact of heavy rain scenarios and frequent sewer overfows, which involve poor water quality scenarios on the beaches near the river mouth, through the use of surplus groundwater to improve the water quality of the riverbed, instead of being sent to the sewer. To evaluate the degree of improvement provided by this solution, in the Besòs estuary it has been deployed and installed a new integrated biogeochemistry observatory that includes (a) a costal buoy with a multi-sensor system and (b) a riverbed platform with a multi-sensor system as shown in Figure 1, that provide long series of real-time data.Peer Reviewe

    OBSEA: a cabled seafloor observatory at the spanish mediterranean coast

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    The implementation of submarine sensors at regional scale has been considered within the ESFRI Roadmap as a European strategic infrastructure. In this sense European Union has funded projects as ESONET and EMSO that are initiatives to establish a network of long-term deep sea observatories. Within this framework, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has made an effort, supporting and funding several projects concerning marine platforms at submarine and coastal areas to accomplish these technological challenges. The OBSEA submarine platform was deployed by the BO Sarmiento de Gamboa last 19th May, since then is working properly and only some adjustments have been needed. In this initial period the submarine laboratory OBSEA will be available for ESONET and EMSO communities for testing and developing new sensors, with the advantage of an easily reachable location and online checking through web page.Postprint (published version
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