29 research outputs found

    Therapeutic interventions employed when working with maltreated children

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    A number of effective treatments are available for children and young people who have developed various forms of psychological difficulties as a consequence of traumatic experiences. The aim of this paper is to review the therapeutic approaches employed when working with children who have been exposed to various forms of abuse and neglect during their childhood. This paper provides relevant information to psychotherapists and counsellors on new trends in therapy, as well as techniques and possibilities in interventions in this field, not only with respect to traumatised children, but also family members and other caregivers involved in the child’s life. Furthermore, this paper reviews the therapeutic interventions used to treat emotionally, sexually, and physically abused children, neglected children, children who have witnessed domestic violence, and children who have been exposed to multiple forms of abuse


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    Svrha ovog članka je dati pregled literature o čimbenicima rizika za partnersko nasilje. Posebna je pozornost obraćena definiranju nasilja u partnerskim vezama. Rastumačeno je sporno pitanje spolne simetrije i asimetrije nasilja u partnerskim vezama. Opisana su četiri oblika nasilja u partnerskim vezama: nasilje koje karakterizira prisila i kontroliranje; nasilje kao reakcija na napad; situacijsko nasilje i nasilje potaknuto razvodom ili razdvajanjem. Navedeni su čimbenici rizika za počinjenje nasilnog ponašanja i za izloženost nasilnom ponašanju a koji uključuju socioekonomske varijable, obiteljske karakteristike, povijest izloženosti nasilju u djetinjstvu, različite poremećaje osobnosti, osobine ličnosti, korištenje alkohola i opijata te religioznost. Članak se zaključuje raspravom o potrebi daljnjeg istraživanja nasilja u partnerskim vezama koja će proširiti i poboljšati naše razumijevanje partnerskog nasilja


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    Svrha ovog članka je dati pregled literature o čimbenicima rizika za partnersko nasilje. Posebna je pozornost obraćena definiranju nasilja u partnerskim vezama. Rastumačeno je sporno pitanje spolne simetrije i asimetrije nasilja u partnerskim vezama. Opisana su četiri oblika nasilja u partnerskim vezama: nasilje koje karakterizira prisila i kontroliranje; nasilje kao reakcija na napad; situacijsko nasilje i nasilje potaknuto razvodom ili razdvajanjem. Navedeni su čimbenici rizika za počinjenje nasilnog ponašanja i za izloženost nasilnom ponašanju a koji uključuju socioekonomske varijable, obiteljske karakteristike, povijest izloženosti nasilju u djetinjstvu, različite poremećaje osobnosti, osobine ličnosti, korištenje alkohola i opijata te religioznost. Članak se zaključuje raspravom o potrebi daljnjeg istraživanja nasilja u partnerskim vezama koja će proširiti i poboljšati naše razumijevanje partnerskog nasilja

    Sexting Behavior Among Youths: Nature, Determinants, and Consequences

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    The advent of digital technology and smartphones with internet access has affected many aspects of youth development, including sexual development. One frequently studied type of digital technology use related to young people’s sexual communication is sexting, which is the exchange of sexually explicit content electronically for sexual or romantic purposes. This theoretical review of research, lists and explains commonly studied characteristics of sexting: nature, determinants, and consequences of sexting behavior. The consensus was critical for nearly all characteristics examined in sexting research. Gaps in existing knowledge and methodology as well as recommendations for future research on youth sexting are discussed


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    U radu se opisuje kulturalni utjecaj na intenzitet, bihevioralnu ekspresiju i upravljanje emocijama. Navode se kulturalne razlike u doživljavanju, percipiranju i izražavanju emocija. U pregledu je naveden veći broj istraživanja koja uglavnom ukazuju na veću poželjnost i primjerenost ugodnih emocija u zapadnim kulturama, a na izraženu supresiju ugodnih te neugodnih emocija u istočnim kulturama. Također, navedene su neke smjernice za buduća istraživanja s obzirom na to da je riječ o istraživanjima od praktičnog značenja za kvalitetu života pojedinca.The paper describes the cultural influence onto the intensity, behavioral expression and management of emotions. The authors enumerate cultural differences in experiencing, recognizing and expressing emotions. They give an overview of a larger number of research papers that mostly state that pleasant emotions are more desirable and appropriate in Western cultures, whereas in Eastern cultures there is an emphasised suppression of pleasant and unpleasant emotions. Furthermore, the authors give some guidelines for future research since this kind of research has practical importance for the quality of life of a person

    Sexting and emotional regulation strategies among young adults

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    Sexting as a common adolescent behavior might me related with difficulties of emotion regulation, a skillset that draws on identifying the relationship between behaviors and emotions and then creating strategies for regulating such emotions. The aim of this study was to explore the relation between sexting and emotional regulation strategies. The study involved 440 respondents, aged 18 to 25. Emotion Regulation Questionnaire was used to measure emotional regulation strategies (cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression). Sexting Behaviors Scale was used to assess the frequency of receiving, sending and posting sexually suggestive or provocative texts, photos or videos. Result showed that boys use the strategy of expressive suppression more intense than girls. Statistically significant low correlation was found between posting sexually suggestive content and cognitive reappraisal. Furthermore, gender has been found to be a significant predictor of engagement in the activity of sexting behavior.  The results suggest that exchange of sexually suggestive content among youth, which shows low incidence, cannot be defined as an indicator of difficulties in emotional regulation


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    U radu se opisuje kulturalni utjecaj na intenzitet, bihevioralnu ekspresiju i upravljanje emocijama. Navode se kulturalne razlike u doživljavanju, percipiranju i izražavanju emocija. U pregledu je naveden veći broj istraživanja koja uglavnom ukazuju na veću poželjnost i primjerenost ugodnih emocija u zapadnim kulturama, a na izraženu supresiju ugodnih te neugodnih emocija u istočnim kulturama. Također, navedene su neke smjernice za buduća istraživanja s obzirom na to da je riječ o istraživanjima od praktičnog značenja za kvalitetu života pojedinca.The paper describes the cultural influence onto the intensity, behavioral expression and management of emotions. The authors enumerate cultural differences in experiencing, recognizing and expressing emotions. They give an overview of a larger number of research papers that mostly state that pleasant emotions are more desirable and appropriate in Western cultures, whereas in Eastern cultures there is an emphasised suppression of pleasant and unpleasant emotions. Furthermore, the authors give some guidelines for future research since this kind of research has practical importance for the quality of life of a person

    Adolescentce Dating Violence: Theoretical Approaches

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    Ovaj rad daje pregled relevantnih teorijskih pristupa u objašnjenju nasilnog ponašanja u mladenačkim vezama, kao i uvid u rezultate dosadašnjih istraživanja koja iz njih proizlaze. Prikazana su dva šira pristupa, od koji prvi ispituje vezu kulturnih i/ili osobnih faktora u nasilnom ponašanju, dok drugi pristup razmatra dinamičku prirodu i procese nasilnog ponašanja. U okviru prvog pristupa opisane su postavke feminističke teorije, teorije socijalnog učenja i teorije individualnih razlika. Osnovne postavke u tumačenju nasilnog ponašanja nekoliko različitih modela (dinamično razvojni-sustavni model, model poticaja/prinuđivanja/ inhibiranja nasilja i kontekstualni model) su prikazane u okviru drugog pristupa. Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja su analizirani u ovom preglednog radu uzimajući u obzir pretpostavke o uzrocima, složenost i načine na koje opisuju uzročno-posljedične odnose različiti teorijski pristupi.This paper provides an overview and brief history of the theory of violence in dating relationship, a review of relevant research, and conclusions with the main findings and guidelines for future research. We discuss two broad approaches to adolescent dating violence. The first approach is based in the investigation of cultural or individual factors of violent behavior in intimate relationships. The second approach is based on examination of the dynamic nature and process of violent behavior. The first approach comprises feministic theories, theory of social learning, and theory of individual differences. The second approach highlights the dynamic developmental system model, instigating/impelling/inhibiting model of intimate partner violence and contextual model. This review presents a framework of causes and complexity of dating violence based on the existing theoretical dating violence literature