533 research outputs found

    The importance of location in transport - logistics companies

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    Location is perhaps the most important factor on which the success of a business depends. Itdepends on what the business relationship will be with the business environment without whichthe business can not be imagined.Transport-logistics companies, as an economic entity encountered in the markets of the world,need a good location. Most important is their connection to the traffic and communicationnetwork. The vehicles that are part of the operations of these companies require a good logisticsinfrastructure, which will serve the good segments to achieve the best results

    Single Laboratory Validation of Measurement Procedures

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    The aim of this presentation was to stress: the importance of having an adequate level of confidence in the measurement results produced, to clarify that validation provides information on procedure characteristiccs; to indicate that experience and knowledge of analytical chemists are of great importance in the process of validation and to explain what should be considered and how the validation may be carried out. The content of this presentation is: VIM 3 (ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007) and ISO/IEC 17025 definitions, but we keep on VIM 3 in this presentation. Brief overview of validation process by answering questions: what validation is, why it is needed, how we do it the outcome of validation

    Adherence to Therapy: A Modern Pharmacotherapeutic Approach

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    Abstract Medication adherence is a crucial contributor to effective chronic diseases management. On the contrary, poor adherence leads to significant worsening of disease, death, and increased healthcare costs.  Moreover, patient non-adherence is not limited to medications only. It can also take other forms, such as the failure to keep appointments, to follow recommended dietary or other lifestyle changes, and to follow recommended preventive health practices. According to the most recent report of the World Health Organization the global adherence among patients with chronic diseases averages 50 % in developed countries, with rates decreasing as the co-morbidities increase. The rates are lower in developing countries. Over the last decade, extensive research on the efficacy of adherence-enhancing strategies has been done. However, the rates of nonadherence have not changed significantly. One of the most significant improvements has been achieved with the inclusion of the patient in the process of determination of therapy. As a consequence, the term “compliance” was replaced with the term “adherence” seeming to indicate a greater involvement of the patient in the therapy decision making process.  The World Health Organization identified five sets of factors that are important for patients to adhere to the long-term therapeutic regimens. These include: the social and economic factors, the health care team and system, the characteristics of the disease (for example, mental or physical disability), the characteristics of the treatment (for example, number of the medicines prescribed, the frequency of administration and side effects), and patient-related factors. In general, medical adherence is better for drugs that provide symptom relief, as opposed to ones used to treat a generally asymptomatic condition. For example, chronic conditions (such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, osteoporosis, and depression) are common diseases characterized with few symptoms and poor adherence, consequently. Additionally, studies have shown that compliance rates decrease when the treatment is long-term, involves multiple medications taken concurrently, several times daily. This problem can be overcome by simplifying the therapeutic regime (for example, use of extended-release formulations and / or fixed-dose combination finished pharmaceutical products). Furthermore, medication side effects remain a significant issue. However, the clinical pharmacists can reduce non-adherence suggesting ways to manage minor side effects or identifying alternative treatments with fewer side effects. Educating patients about disease, importance of treatment or prevention, and consequences if not treated, could be successful strategy in enhancing patient adherence. Finally, the frequent follow-up appointments provide an opportunity to discontinue the medication, change the prescription (e.g., dose, frequency) if needed, and overcome barriers responsible for poor adherence. In conclusion, we should emphasize that a coordinated action from health professionals, researchers and policy makers is needed to achieve progress in this area. Keywords Medication adherence; compliance; chronic disease; comorbidit


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    Франшизата претставува привилегија или дозволено право, кога поединци или групи користат одреден вид на комерцијални активности. Тоа подразбира купување на правото за користење на конкретен заштитен знак (трејдмарк) или бизнис концепт. Примената на франшизата во светски рамки е голема, односно голем број компании под исто име, односно како еден бизнис, се шират низ целиот свет. Преку франшизата едно претпријатие успева својата успешна приказна да ја пренесе низ повеќе места во светот. Континуираниот однос помеѓу двете страни има големо влијание врз успешноста на франшизингот како форма на соработка. На франшизингот може да се гледа како можност да се започне нов бизнис, во земјата или странство. Овој научен труд обрнува внимание на франшизата како можност на претпријатијата да настапат на странските пазар, односно каква е состојбата на македонскиот пазар од аспект на франшизинг договорите. Ќе се спомене за тоа колку од светските брендови се застапени на нашиот пазар преку франшизинг договори и дали тие истрајуваат подолг период

    Strategy for market segmentation and differentiation: contemporary marketing practice

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    The importance of marketing in terms of globalization is enormous, especially if seen as a tool without which the company cannot survive on the market. Today, international marketing is intensified and is adapted to all aspects of the daily life of the consumer. This is particularly true for companies that operate in more markets, that is, the work in more fragmented segments of domestic and foreign markets. Creating and formulating a marketing strategy is of great importance and requires a lot of resources and time in order to achieve the set goals. The strategy dedicated to targeting consumers is part of the work of most of the companies in both the sacred and the Republic of Macedonia. The need for segmentation of markets according to different crises, then their targeting and grouping in different groups is necessary. The enterprises in the new millennium are faced with the challenge of finding the right way to consumers


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    Потребата од креирање и применување на различни промотивни активности потекнува од можностите што оваа активност ги нуди за претпријатието. Со промоцијата како активност, а уште повеќе со нејзино вклучување во стратегијата на работа кај претпријатието, тоа ќе може да реализира позитивни резултати во работата. Промотивните активности, односно сите можни форми на промоција помагаат да се презентира производот на пазарот, да се влијае врз експанзија на продажбата и секако да се зачува местото на прв избор кај лојалните потрошувачи. Промоцијата не само што влијае позитивно врз продажбата на производите и препознавањето на производите кај потрошувачите, за претпријатието е уште поважно за нејзиното влијание врз успехот. Преку постојаното позитивно зголемување на продажбата тоа влијае на успехот на претпријатието, како на финансискиот така и на целокупниот деловен успех, исто така и на имиџот на претпријатието. Во рамките на овој стручен труд се дава осврт на промоцијата како активност, како и промотивната стратегија што претпријатието „Витаминка“ ја применува на домашниот и на странските пазари и како тоа влијае на неговиот долгогодишен успех. За таа цел се употребени неколку методи, како аналитичко-синтетичка метода каде што се гледа како промотивната стратегија од теорија директно се применува во пракса кај „Витаминка“. Друг метод е индуктивно-дедуктивниот, односно се донесува заклучок дали елементите на промотивната стратегија се применуваат во пракса. За потребите на трудот исто така е спроведена анкета, односно имаме информации од прва рака, потрошувачите

    Review of global menace of road traffic accidents with special reference to Macedonia - a economic and health perspective

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    No human activity has improved so much well-being and life standard contributing most to the development of civilization, as well as "traffic convenience”, along with the alphabet and the printing. But at the same time no human activity has taken as many human lives in peace-time conditions, as traffic. According to reports from the World Health Organization, traffic accidents on the roads are among the leading causes of death globally, taking the eighth place on the list of causes of death, but in the first place as the main cause of the deaths of the population aged 15-29 . They are not only an appropriate personal tragedy for the families themselves, but also have a major impact on the productivity of the population as a whole, the amount of economic expenditures and appropriate implications in the health sector. Estimates of traffic accidents globally range from about 1.2 million fatalities, from 20-50 million injured or disabled persons and about $ 518 billion a year to material damage. Traffic road accidents in low- and middle-income countries are particularly high, where they range between 1% and 2% of their gross national product - more than the total development aid received in these countries. The magnitude of this important social problem has forced numerous international institutions and bodies, including the United Nations, to pay special attention to the conditions and consequences of traffic. Following the European Union Road Traffic Safety Program, the National Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia envisages reducing the number of victims in traffic accidents because the security conditions in the road traffic in the Republic of Macedonia are quite serious and the situation is really worrying. If we make an analysis of the causes of traffic accidents, we will see that in 95% of cases, the human factor is the cause most of all. For these reasons, as an imperative and one of the very high priorities of each country, the causes and measures of road safety are set as a major issue in each country's public policies


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    Работењето на банката се оценува врз основа на стапката наприносот што ја остваруваат акционерите на вложениот капитал, какои ризикот што тие го преземаат. Врз таа основа се поставени бројнифинансиски показатели коишто отсликуваат различни аспекти поврзанисо профитабилноста и ризичноста на банката. Овие показатели во основасе пресметуваат користејќи ги информациите содржани во финансискитеизвештаи.За разлика од банкарските системи на развиените земји, коиштоглавниот удар врз профитабилноста, како последица на меѓународнатафинансиска и економска криза, го почувствуваа во 2008 година,македонските банки бележат одложен тренд на влошена профитабилност,специфичен по многу карактеристики на банкарските системи на земјитеод Западниот Балкан .Целта на овој труд е да се анализира профитабилноста на македонскитебанки во периодот 2008-2012 година, односно во време кога банкарскиотсектор за првпат ќе ги почувствува ефектите од големата финансикакриза, па сѐ до 2012, година во којашто владее должничката криза

    Transport Policy to create a Western Balkans market: How to mirror the EU's experience

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    Abstract The creation of a United Europe continues to evolve. For the complete mosaic image called European Union (EU), the part of the Western Balkans still remains to be assembled. Last but not so simple step to attain final stage. This region is characterized as historically vulnerable, sensitive, mixed with many nationalities, similar but still different. Economically underdeveloped and vulnerable, socially unstable and politically aroused, the Western Balkans are still far from a stable European core. Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the Western Balkans, adjusted for purchasing power parity, is half that of eastern European EU countries, one-third that of southern EU members and a mere quarter of the richest EU members in western Europe. The question that imposes itself is: how to overcome those differences among Balkans countries, to complete the historical vision and final mosaic puzzle of European Union? We should look for the solution historically for several decades back when creating the United Europe model. Prosperous and contemporizing Europe began its vision with the creation of a common market. And the market gives its benefits only with its physical ties i.e. transport and communication links. Transport links between the countries of the Western Balkans, with all accompanying economic, political and administrative adjustments, can contribute to realizing the single market as crucial phase of development of a United Europe. Future hopes and views are focused on finalizing Pan-European transport corridors in the Western Balkan countries, through which the trade peaks will be strengthened, overcoming the decades-long problems and conflicts in this part of Europe, and to achieve the long-awaited model for a Common European Union. But we must be realistic enough to see that transport infrastructure is not some miraculous tool with which to solve a society's development problems. It is only one part of the story. Transport must work in union with national development programmes, physical planning, investment, economic and monetary policy, custom and legal regulations. But we must acknowledge that, in many respects, the quality and success of life of Balkan’s citizens depends on the vitality and responsibility of implementation many structural changes. One of the crucial factors is still transport infrastructure. Keywords: Western Balkan, regional cooperation, common market, transport policy, transport corrido

    Current status of the plant phosphorylation site database PhosPhAt and its use as a resource for molecular plant physiology

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    As the most studied post-translational modification, protein phosphorylation is analyzed in a growing number of proteomic experiments. These high-throughput approaches generate large datasets, from which specific spectrum-based information can be hard to find. In 2007, the PhosPhAt database was launched to collect and present Arabidopsis phosphorylation sites identified by mass spectrometry from and for the scientific community. At present, PhosPhAt 3.0 consolidates phosphoproteomics data from 19 published proteomic studies. Out of 5460 listed unique phosphoproteins, about 25% have been identified in at least two independent experimental setups. This is especially important when considering issues of false positive and false negative identification rates and data quality (Durek etal., 2010). This valuable data set encompasses over 13205 unique phosphopeptides, with unambiguous mapping to serine (77%), threonine (17%), and tyrosine (6%). Sorting the functional annotations of experimentally found phosphorylated proteins in PhosPhAt using Gene Ontology terms shows an over-representation of proteins in regulatory pathways and signaling processes. A similar distribution is found when the PhosPhAt predictor, trained on experimentally obtained plant phosphorylation sites, is used to predict phosphorylation sites for the Arabidopsis genome. Finally, the possibility to insert a protein sequence into the PhosPhAt predictor allows species independent use of the prediction resource. In practice, PhosPhAt also allows easy exploitation of proteomic data for design of further targeted experiments