14 research outputs found

    Efekti različitih vrsta organskog đubriva na veličinu tela i produkciju daphnia magna

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    U akvakulturi se već decenijama masovno proizvodi zooplankton kao živa hrana za gajenje mlađi riba, rakova i mekušaca. Za slatkovodne ribe se osim naupliusa artemije i rotatorija može koristiti i veliki broj drugih organizama, naročito iz grupe Cladocera (Daphnia magna, D. carinata i dr.). Korišćenje organiskog đubriva (stajnjaka) za proizvodnju žive hrane, može biti ekološki (uklanjanje nutrijenata) i ekonomski isplativo. Stajnjak je bogat izvor azota, fosfora i ugljenika kao i organskih materija i kao takav se može koristiti kao alternativni izvor nutrijenata za gajenje žive hrane za potrebe akvakulture. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitivanje efekata 4 različite vrste stajnjaka (goveđi, ovčiji, koziji i riblji) na produkciju i veličinu tela D. magna. Eksperiment je realizovan u laboratorijskim uslovima, u 1L čašama, u dozi od 1g/L stajnjaka. Pored praćenja hemijskih parametara (kiseonik, elektroprovodljivost, pH, ukupan fosfor, nejonizovani amonijak), određivana je i ukupna brojnost dafnija kao i njihova veličina iz celih uzoraka. Tri veličinske klase dafnija (mala, srednja i velika) su ispitivane da bi se dobio uvid u populacionu strukturu i reproduktivni potencijal dafnija za čije su gajenje korišćeni različiti stajnjaci. Značajno veća brojnost dafnija (P<0.05) dobijena je u tretmanu sa goveđim stajnjakom, u odnosu na tretmane sa ovčijim i kozijim stajnjakom. Između ostalih nije bilo značajnih razlika. Kada se razmatraju veličinske klase, statistički značajno najveću brojnost su imale male D. magna u svim tretmanima u odnosu na velike. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se reći da je tretman sa goveđim stajnjakom pokazao najbolje rezultate i kada je u pitanju ukupna brojnost, ali i brojnost po veličinskim klasama (prosečna brojnost malih, srednjih i velikih dafnija je bila najveća). Osim toga ovaj tretman se izdvajao od ostalih i po svim hemijskim parametrima. U njemu je izmerena najveća prosečna koncentracija kiseonika, elektroprovodljivosti i pH, a najmanja koncentracija ukupnog fosfora i nejonizovanog amonijaka. U zaključku se može reći da je goveđi stajnjak obezbedio najbolje uslove za rast i reprodukciju D. magna

    Investigating foliar-applied phosphorus absorption and translocation in barley using bioimaging techniques

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    Banking and Conservatisms that should be Abandoned

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    This paper examines the economic, psychological and social-behavioral theories of the banking in order to determine the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur. The major contribution of economic theories of the banking is better understanding of the entrepreneur and his/her role in economic development. The psychological characteristic theory banking argues that successful entrepreneurs possess certain personality traits that mark them out as special, and tries to determine and to evaluate these special traits. The social-behavioral theories stress the influence of experience, knowledge, social environment and ability to learn on the entrepreneur's success as well as his/her personality traits. Neither of the examined theories of entrepreneur gives a satisfactory explanation of the banking success, but taken as a whole, they can explain key factors of entrepreneur's success. The banking success comes about as a result of his/her personality traits, ability to learn from experience and ability to adjust to his/her environment

    International Standards and Financial Reporting of Corporations in Serbia

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    Nowadays different national accountant practices cause numerous problems in international financial reporting. Those problems are caused by the fact that financial reports prepared and made according to the principles and rules of recognition, measuring and publishing on national level do not correspond to the users of other national economies. Тhis is the reason why cоmpanies are forced to translate, that is make financial reports produced in one national economy in accordance with the rules of the other national economy. Companies are thus facing the problem of financial reports preparation and creation, because different accounting practices enable comparison of financial reports. This is especially expressed in making investment decisions in international financing

    Analysis and Cost Planning in Contemporary Retail Trade

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    The Internet is world computer network that enables access to pieces of information and documents from distant sources. It is a combination of world communication system and the largest market in the world. Basic goal of internet sales is to enable more effective ways of approaching the buyer with reduced costs. Buyer is, at the same time, given the opportunity to compare prices between different offers of the same goods or services – competing prices. With classic retail trade it is not possible to achieve without significant loss in time spent on visiting competing stores looking for the same goods or services. This type of retail trade can increase the number of buyers in other words income, and it diminishes the costs of printing, inventory storing, salaries, etc. Internet retail trade is more and more present, but this form of trade needs cost analysis and planning in order for it to turn profit

    Tracing of Balance Expression of Results of Sustainable Development

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    Category sustainable development and economically consolidated subjective factor of entities are the basis of well-structured productive forces, but also the main lever of its integral development. Therefore, in all conditions of working hard for the issues of sustainable development, it is given more attention. Solving the problems of governance of sustainable development in the entities and making optimal decisions for optimal economy, and (as part of the integrated economy) assumes the use of appropriate information subsystems. These are: operational records, statistical records and accounting records

    DFT calculations as an efficient tool for prediction of Raman and infra-red spectra and activities of newly synthesized cathinones

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    © 2020 Maja Vujović et al., published by De Gruyter 2020. Initially made for medical treatment for Parkinsonism, obesity, and depression, cathinones have become illegal drugs for the recreational use. The mechanism of action of synthetic cathinones consists of the inhibition of monoamine transporters. DFT (Density Functional Theory) calculations on the selected cathinones (3-FMC, 4-FMC, 4-MMC, Buphedrone, Butylone, Ethylone, MDPV, Methcathinone, and Methylone) were performed using B3LYP level of the Gaussian 09 program suite. The unscaled B3LYP/6-31G vibrational wavenumbers are in general larger than the experimental values, so the use of selective scaling was necessary. The calculated spectra of selected cathinones are in good correlation with the experimental spectra which demonstrates that DFT is a good tool for the prediction of spectra of newly synthesized and insufficiently experimentally characterised cathinones. Also, HOMO-LUMO (Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital-Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital) analysis shows that 3-FMC possesses the minimum energy gap of 3.386 eV, and the molecule 4-FMC possesses the maximum energy gap of 4.205 eV among the investigated cathinones. It indicates that 3-FMC would be highly reactive among all the cathinones under investigation

    Effect of Sex Hormones on Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acid Composition in Intact Rats and Rats With Bilaterally Occluded Carotid Arteries

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    The effects of 8-days treatment with 17 alpha-estradiol (33.3 mu g/kg) and progesterone (1.7 mg/kg) on plasma lipids and fatty acid composition of plasma phospholipids were examined in intact (INT) and bilaterally common carotid arteries occluded (BCO) male Wistar rats. Significant decrease of triglyceride level was found in BCO rats after the estradiol treatment. Both hormones elevated proportion of 18:1n-7 fatty acid in INT, but they failed to have such an effect in BCO. Estradiol increased 22:5n-3 and total n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in intact, and decreased 18:2n-6 in BCO rats. Significantly lower level of total n-3 was found in progesterone-treated than in estradiol-treated BCO rats. Given that n-3 PUFA have many beneficial effects on cell and tissue function, while n-6 PUFA have mostly the opposite effects, estradiol, rather than progesterone, was seen to improve plasma lipids and phospholipids FA profiles in INT and BCO animals. Estradiol significantly elevated the estimated activity of Delta 9-desaturases and progesterone of Delta 5-desaturase in BCO group, with no effects in INT rats

    Effect of Sex Hormones on Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acid Composition in Intact Rats and Rats With Bilaterally Occluded Carotid Arteries

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    The effects of 8-days treatment with 17 alpha-estradiol (33.3 mu g/kg) and progesterone (1.7 mg/kg) on plasma lipids and fatty acid composition of plasma phospholipids were examined in intact (INT) and bilaterally common carotid arteries occluded (BCO) male Wistar rats. Significant decrease of triglyceride level was found in BCO rats after the estradiol treatment. Both hormones elevated proportion of 18:1n-7 fatty acid in INT, but they failed to have such an effect in BCO. Estradiol increased 22:5n-3 and total n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in intact, and decreased 18:2n-6 in BCO rats. Significantly lower level of total n-3 was found in progesterone-treated than in estradiol-treated BCO rats. Given that n-3 PUFA have many beneficial effects on cell and tissue function, while n-6 PUFA have mostly the opposite effects, estradiol, rather than progesterone, was seen to improve plasma lipids and phospholipids FA profiles in INT and BCO animals. Estradiol significantly elevated the estimated activity of Delta 9-desaturases and progesterone of Delta 5-desaturase in BCO group, with no effects in INT rats

    Calorie-Restricted Mediterranean and Low-Fat Diets Affect Fatty Acid Status in Individuals with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Lifestyle modifications are the main support of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) therapy. Weight loss is one of the primary goals in NAFLD, but the effects of different calorie-restricted diets remain unclear. Thus, we evaluated the effects of two calorie-restricted diets&mdash;the Mediterranean diet (Med diet) and low-fat diet&mdash;on liver status, cardiometabolic markers, and fatty acid profiles in patients with NAFLD. Twenty-four overweight/moderately obese men were randomly assigned to consume one of these diets. Lipid levels, glucose, insulin, liver enzymes, steatosis, and fatty acid profiles of serum and erythrocytes phospholipids were assessed. After 3 months, all participants had a significant weight loss (&gt;9%), with improvements in waist circumference, body fat %, index of visceral adiposity (VAI), lipid accumulation product, fatty liver (FLI), and hepatic steatosis (HSI) index (p &lt; 0.001). Both diets significantly lowered triglycerides, total and LDL-cholesterol, liver enzymes, fasting glucose, insulin, and HOMA-IR index. Fatty acid profiles were enhanced after both diets, with a significantly decreased n-6/n-3 ratio. Participants on the Med diet had higher levels of HDL-cholesterol and monounsaturated and n-3 docosahexaenoic acids in serum phospholipids and lower levels of saturated fatty acids, triglycerides, TG/HDL ratio, and FLI when compared to participants on the low-fat diet. Our results indicate that dietary patterns and calorie restriction represent central therapeutic issues in the improvement of obesity-related cardiometabolic alterations that are involved in the mechanism of hepatic steatosis. The Med diet may contribute to disease treatment even more than the low-fat diet since it leads to decreased saturated and increased monounsaturated and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid status and improved FLI in NAFLD patients