1,153 research outputs found

    Exchange Rate Misalignment in Pakistan: Evidence from Purchasing Power Parity Theory

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    This paper examines the validity of the purchasing power parity to evaluate whether the Pakrupee vis-à-vis the US-dollar has been overvalued since the introduction of managed floating exchange rate. The Johansen multivariate cointegration technique is applied for the period 1982Q2-2002Q4. A single cointegrating vector is identified whose coefficients conform in broad terms to the restriction implied by the PPP theory, lending support to the interpretation of the model as describing a long-run relationship. This support is reinforced by the results derived from the adjustment coefficient, which is identifies clear short-run tendency for the exchange rate to revert to the equilibrium value defined by the estimated long-run model. Furthermore, exchange rate misalignment is also calculated using the estimated long-run relationship to evaluate whether the Pak-rupee vis-à-vis the US-dollar was undervalued or overvalued since the inception of managed floating exchange rate system. Calculated misalignment shows a substantial undervaluation of the Pak-rupee vis-à-vis the US dollar.Exchange Rate, Pakistan

    Dysphagia in hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy type IV

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    Ovarian dynamics, hormone profiles, and characterization of ovarian and uterine blood flow in cycling Sahiwal cows

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    The objectives were to investigate the ovarian dynamics and hormonal profiles during the oestrus cycle, and to characterize the ovarian and uterine blood flow (OBF versus UBF) indices on the extent of vascular perfusion towards the dominant follicle (DF) or corpus luteum (CL) during the peri-ovulatory follicular wave in Sahiwal cows. In experiment 1, cyclic cows (n = 21) were selected at their spontaneous oestrus (day 0) and subjected to B-mode ultrasonography throughout the oestrus cycle. In experiment 2, cyclic cows (n = 9) were randomly selected at day 0, and categorized according to the intra-ovarian patterns as ovaries with DF (n = 3), CL (n = 3) or both (DF+CL; n = 3) to characterize the OBF and UBF indices using Doppler ultrasonography. The length of the oestrus cycle (days), number of follicular waves (n) and size (mm) of DF and CL were 20.1 ± 0.9, 2.1 ± 0.2, 14.7 ± 0.7 and 15.9 ± 2.5, respectively. The concentrations (ng/mL) of plasma progesterone increased linearly, and a peak was attained at day 12.2 ± 1.0. However, it reduced linearly with the onset of luteolysis at day 16.4 ± 0.3 of the oestrus cycle. The plasma progesterone (P4) concentrations and the diameter of CL correlated throughout the oestrus cycle. The mean OBF and UBF indices did not differ between intraovarian patterns. Taken together, this information on reproductive physiological parameters could be used to develop synchronization protocols to improve reproductive management in Sahiwal cows

    Monitoring teških metala (Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn) u vodama Shahid Beheshti mrestilišta jesetri, Rasht, Iran

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    The presence of heavy metals; copper (Cu), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) in water was monitored during different stages of breeding and rearing of Acipenser persicus at the Shahid Beheshti Sturgeon Hatchery. Water samples were collected (3 samples from each point) from the main pond, Kurenski pond, incubators, vniro tanks, earthen ponds and at the river estuary where fingerlings are released into the sea. Water parameters such as pH and water and air temperature were measured and recorded at the time of sampling. Heavy metal concentrations in water samples were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer FAAS-Varian AA-220. In the present study the distribution pattern for heavy metal concentrations in different stages of breeding and rearing was as follows: Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd. Highest concentrations of heavy metals belonged to the element Zn (36.0±3.6 ppb) which was determined in the water sample collected from the inlet of master pond. Lowest concentration for Zn recorded was 0.98±0.26 ppb. Highest concentration for Cu was 10.5±1.18 ppb and the lowest concentration for this element was 0.65±0.26 ppb. The highest and lowest concentrations recorded for lead were 9.33±1.19 and 0.15 ±0.01 ppb, respectively, while those for cadmium were 0.116±0.019 and 0.016±0.003 ppb, respectively. The results obtained indicate the presence heavy metals studied in the water samples although they were lower than the maximum permissible concentration for these pollutants for the breeding and rearing of Acipenser persicus in sturgeon hatcheries

    Exchange Rate Misalignment in Pakistan: Evidence from Purchasing Power Parity Theory

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    Exchange rate provides a key link between the domestic and world markets for goods and assets. Therefore, a proper and detailed analysis of the behaviour of exchange rate is required. There is also growing agreement that prolonged and substantial exchange rate misalignment can create severe macroeconomic disequilibria and the correction of external balance will require both exchange rate devaluation and demand management policies. Thus the policy-makers have used PPP theory as a guide to represent the external competitiveness of a country, and as a benchmark against which floating exchange rates are judged to be misaligned. Developments in 1990s and 2000s show that cost associated with exchange rate misalignment is very high. Hence, the analysis of exchange rate determination in the presence of exchange rate misalignment is crucial for the policy purpose because of its role as a component of an early warning system [Berg, et al. (2000)]

    Investigation for Bioactive Compounds of Berberis Lyceum Royle and Justicia Adhatoda L.

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    In order to explore the medicinal values of plant species like Berberis lyceum and Justicia adhatoda, a study was conducted to analyze roots, leaves and fruits of both plant species for identification of various organic compounds. Chemical analysis as well as identification of organic compounds by chromatographic techniques were carried out. Results indicates that both plant species contained Proteins, Sugars, Lipids, Vitamin C, Sodium, Calcium, Sulphur, Iron, and Zinc.Whereas the alkaloids like Palmatine, Berberine, Vasicine and Vasicinone were also found in leaves and roots of these plant species. However, it was observed that roots of both plant species contained higher concentrations of these chemical compounds as compared to fruits and leaves except sugar and vitamin C those were high in fruits. Furthermore presence of such bioactive compounds in Berberis lyceum and Justicia adhatoda indicated their importance in the form of local medicines. This experiment will help to increase the importance of new raw material found in these plant species and their demand in the market will be increased in the future. The extract of roots and fruits of these plant species are being used against various infections and diseases in rural population of subcontinent since many centuries

    Heavy metal concentrations in the selected tissues of the Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, from the southern coast of the Caspian Sea

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    Bioaccumulation of heavy metals including Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in muscle, gill, liver, kidney and stomach in Acipenser persicus was studied. Fish were collected from the ‘Iranian fishery zone 1’ located between Astara and Kiyahshahr. Samples (n=25) were collected from five stations in the study area during the autumn catch season in 2001. Samples were analyzed by wet digestion with hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid. Analyses were testified using spike method. A sample of bovine liver (CRM 185R) was tested to ascertain reliability of analyses. Digested samples were analyzed using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The bioaccumulation pattern for Zn in different tissues studied was stomach>liver> kidney> gills>muscle tissue. The mean concentration of Zn in the stomach was 136.6±10.70μg g-1 dry weight. Cu with the maximum concentration of 39.71±8.85μg g-1 dry weight in liver showed a bioaccumulation pattern of liver>kidney>stomach>gills>muscle tissue. The bioaccumulation pattern for Pb was determined as gills>liver> kidney>stomach>muscle tissue. Maximum mean concentrations of Pb 6.87±2.25μg g-1 dry weight belonged to gills. Bioaccumulation pattern for Cd in the different organs studied in A. persicus was kidney>liver>gills>stomach> muscle tissue. Maximum mean concentration of 5.1±0.97μg g-1 dry weight belonged to kidneys and the minimum mean concentration of 0.05±0.007μg g-1 dry weight belonged to muscle tissue. Concentration of the metals in the muscles samples were below the most guidelines for human consumption. Concentrations for heavy metals were lower than the guidelines in some organs and were higher than that in the other organs studied. The observed concentrations do not pose health problems as these organs are not used for human consumption

    Security of Graph Data: Hashing Schemes and Definitions

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    Use of graph-structured data models is on the rise - in graph databases, in representing biological and healthcare data as well as geographical data. In order to secure graph-structured data, and develop cryptographically secure schemes for graph databases, it is essential to formally define and develop suitable collision resistant one-way hashing schemes and show them they are efficient. The widely used Merkle hash technique is not suitable as it is, because graphs may be directed acyclic ones or cyclic ones. In this paper, we are addressing this problem. Our contributions are: (1) define the practical and formal security model of hashing schemes for graphs, (2) define the formal security model of perfectly secure hashing schemes, (3) describe constructions of hashing and perfectly secure hashing of graphs, and (4) performance results for the constructions. Our constructions use graph traversal techniques, and are highly efficient for hashing, redaction, and verification of hashes graphs. We have implemented the proposed schemes, and our performance analysis on both real and synthetic graph data sets support our claims

    Optimization of callus induction and regeneration system for Pakistani wheat cultivars Kohsar and Khyber-87

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    Wheat is a member of family Poaceae. It is the major staple food of Pakistan. The present study was done to improve the regeneration of two commercially grown wheat varieties Kohsar and Khyber-87.Mature embryos were used as explants. Five different concentrations of 2,4-D; 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 mg/L were used for callus induction. For regeneration, initially different concentrations (0.1 to 0.2) of IAA(indole-3-acetic acid) and BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) were experimented. The best combination of these hormones that is, 0.1 mg/L IAA and 0.5 mg/L BAP were further subjected to experimentation along with different concentrations of kinetin; 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 1 mg/L. Maximum calli of Kohsar (83.3%) was obtained at 3 mg/L 2,4-D whereas for Khyber-87 maximum callus induction (71.70%) was obtained at 3.5 mg/l 2,4-D. The maximum regeneration of both Kohsar and Khyber-87 (80.5 and 62.2%, respectively) were obtained at the combinations of 0.1 mg/L IAA, 0.5 mg/L BAP and 0.5 mg/L kinetin


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    In the title compound, C17H10Cl2N4OS, the phenyl ring and the H atoms attached to the adjacent C atom are disordered over two positions, with refined site occupancies of 0.509 (8) and 0.491 (8). The planar 4H-1,3,4-thia­diazolo[2,3-c][1,2,4]triazine ring system [maximum deviation = 0.048 (3) Å] forms dihedral angles of 76.9 (5), 74.9 (5) and 9.88 (12)°, respectively, with the major and minor parts of the disordered phenyl ring and with the dichloro-substituted benzene ring. In the crystal, pairs of C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules, forming inversion dimers with an R 2 2(18) graph-set motif. A short S⋯N contact of 2.801 (3) Å is observed between the dimers