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    Kontribusi Perbedaan Psikologis Perawat Terhadap Pemberdayaan Psikologis

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    Contribution of the Difference of Psychological Nurses\u27s toward Psycological Empowerment. Characteristics of nurses are the traits attached to nurses, either naturaly or acquired from others. They include age, gender, educational level, marital status, employment status, and length of employment. The psychological characteristics distinguish nurses in psychological empowerment in improving self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation and performance of nurses in hospital. This research aims to know the characteristics and the psychological empowerment of nurses. The research design used cross-sectional correlation description with sample of 115 nurses. The results of the study are, gender that related with nurses\u27 psychological empowerment (p= 0.041), which means that there is relation between gender with psychological empowerment of nurses (CI 95% OR= 1.001–66.893), and 90% of male nurses are more likely to be empowered psychologically, whereas female nurses that is likely to be empowered is 52.4%. Recommendations is the need to propose a formal education and training, especially for nurses who have at least 5 years length of work, as well as the need to give direction from head nurse to nurture all nurses through supervision in order to have the competences to carry out actions in hospital that reflect the nurses psychological empowerment