942 research outputs found

    Oculato impiego sul campo delle sostanze chimiche nella profilassi delle parassitosi

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    Nell'approfondita trattazione del tema «Fitofarmaci e ambiente naturale», effettuata un anno fa circa in questa sede, sono state ampiamente illustrate le caratteristiche dei pesticidi impiegati in agricoltura. Precisato che nel termine pesticida sono comprese anche «le sostanze velenose usate contro gli organismi vettori di malattie dell'uomo e degli animali» sono state molto opportunamente menzionate alcune parassitosi di interesse medico-veterinario (malaria, tripanosomiasi, schistosomiasi, ecc.), che rappresentano veri flagelli per le aree dove sono presenti. Di qui l'idea di ampliare ulteriormente l'argomento con una conversazione sull'oculato impiego delle sostanze chimiche, per la quale ritengo costituisca la migliore delle premesse una breve elencazione delle più comuni parassitosi

    Un caso di uso politico della storia: la Battaglia della Piana dei Merli (1389)

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    This paper focuses on the importance of the medieval Battle of Kosovo in the Serbian national narrative. The Battle, fought in 1389, is the main subject of the most important serbian epics, collected during the 1800 by the romantic writer Vuk Karadzić. The poems enclose mythical, religious and patriotic themes, commonly confused with the real history of the Battle. By the 80s intellectuals and politicians fuelled a general understanding of the crisis of Yugoslavia as the chance to realize the legacy left by the myth, in terms of re-building a strong Serbia and avenging past and present suffering, making the battle an archetype of Serbian destiny and identity

    Parassitosi e attività riproduttiva degli ovini

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    The mechanism of the action of parasites on reproduction are shown and correlated to puberty, fertility, prolificacy and pregnancy. The limited importance of the direct action of parasites on the reproductive system is indicated while attention in drawn to their indirect action, causing glucide, protein, vitamin, mineral and trace element deficiencies. The AA. conclude by pointing out an analogy with lack of food and emphasize the advisability of adequate checking

    Patologia parassitaria dei pesci

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    L’affermarsi dell’acquacoltura ha consentito di intraprendere uno studio globale sulle parassitosi dei pesci. Le indagini fin qui espletate hanno evidenziato diverse analogie con le parassitosi dei mammiferi ma anche qualche difformità specialmente nel campo della patologia. In questa nota ci limitiamo a presentare le principali caratteristiche biopatologiche dei parassiti e a descrivere alcuni quadri istologici ottenuti in prevalenza da pesci provenienti dalle acque della Sardegna

    People behaviors in crisis situations : Three modeling propositions

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    International audienceWarnings can help to prevent damages and harm if they are issued timely and provide information that help responders and population to adequately prepare for the disaster to come. Today, there are many indicator and sensor systems that are designed to reduce disaster risks. These systems have proved to be effective. Unfortunately, as all systems including human beings, a part of unpredictable remains. Indeed, each person behaves differently when a problem arises. In this paper, we focus on people behaviors in crisis situations: from the definition of factors that impact human behavior to the integration of these behaviors, with three different modeling propositions, into a warning system in order to have more and more efficient crisis management systems

    Fragile markets: An experiment on judicial independence

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    Contract enforcement does not only affect single transactions but the market as a whole. We compare alternative institutions that allocate enforcement rights to the different parties to a credit transaction: either lenders, borrowers, or judges. Despite all parties having incentives to enforce and transact, the market flourishes or disappears depending on the treatment: paying judges according to lenders\u2019 votes maximizes total surplus and equity; and a similar result appears when judges are paid according to average earnings in society. In contrast, paying judges according to borrowers\u2019 votes generates the poorest and most unequal society. These results suggest that parties playing the role of borrowers understand poorly the systemic consequences of their decisions, triggering under-enforcement, and hence wasting profitable trade opportunities

    A New Procedure for Combining UAV-Based Imagery and Machine Learning in Precision Agriculture

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    Drone images from an experimental field cropped with sugar beet with a high diffusion of weeds taken from different flying altitudes were used to develop and test a machine learning method for vegetation patch identification. Georeferenced images were combined with a hue-based preprocessing analysis, digital transformation by an image embedder, and evaluation by supervised learning. Specifically, six of the most common machine learning algorithms were applied (i.e., logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors, decision tree, random forest, neural network, and support-vector machine). The proposed method was able to precisely recognize crops and weeds throughout a wide cultivation field, training from single partial images. The information has been designed to be easily integrated into autonomous weed management systems with the aim of reducing the use of water, nutrients, and herbicides for precision agriculture

    La Responsabilità sociale delle imprese: analisi, rendicontazione ed effetti delle performance sociali sulle performance finanziarie

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    The field of corporate social responsibility (CSR), based on the complex relationship between economics and ethics, has been the subject of a growing and renewed interest in the last decade. The contributions with which CSR may improve corporate performances are both internal, according to the resource-based theory, and external, such as reputational capital, definite as the most important competitive advantage that companies can have and that ultimately leads to profitability. To increase corporate reputation and maintain business legitimacy, companies have to communicate their sustainable actions in a manner that goes beyond mere financial aspects. In order to do that, internet is a very relevant CSR communication tool, since it allows to spread a greater amount of significant and specific information to several targets. The survey carried out in the present study addressed two purposes. The first was to examine the CSR reporting practices of Italian companies into annual reports, which can be in a social, environmental, or sustainability form, depending on the company. We employed the content analysis, a methodology frequently used to examine information coming from CSR disclosures in annual reports and stand-alone CSR reports. The second purpose was to analyze the relationship between CSP - measured by social disclosure - CFP - measured by market and accounting ratios. The link between CSP and CFP has been evaluated by using the Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient.</br

    Population Behaviors in Crisis Situations - A Study of Behavioral Factors in the PPI Ineos Emergency Response Exercise

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    Warnings can help to prevent damage and harm if they are issued timely and provide information that helps respondents and population to adequately prepare for the disaster to come. Today, many indicators and sensor systems are designed to produce alert and reduce disaster risks. These systems have proved to be effective but, as all systems including human beings, part of the system remains unpredictable. Each person behaves differently when a problem arises. We study in this paper the reactions of the population of Verdun, in France, during a public safety exercise. This exercise simulated a chemical risk alert, including the population participation. We propose here an analysis of people\u27s reactions during this exercise, based on interviews and surveys, and according to different behavioral factors


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    Plant macroremains from rock shelters of central Sahara give information about the environmental conditions during the Holocene, and the adaptive strategies of human groups living in the area. Takarkori was excavated by the Italian-Libyan Archaeological Mission in the Acacus and Messak (directed by S. di Lernia, Sapienza University of Rome) and its chronology ranges from ca. 10,200 to ca. 4,600 cal yr BP (Cremaschi et al. 2014)