1,582 research outputs found

    On the correct continuum limit of the functional-integral representation for the four-slave-boson approach to the Hubbard model: Paramagnetic phase

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    The Hubbard model with finite on-site repulsion U is studied via the functional-integral formulation of the four-slave-boson approach by Kotliar and Ruckenstein. It is shown that a correct treatment of the continuum imaginary time limit (which is required by the very definition of the functional integral) modifies the free energy when fluctuation (1/N) corrections beyond mean-field are considered. Our analysis requires us to suitably interpret the Kotliar and Ruckenstein choice for the bosonic hopping operator and to abandon the commonly used normal-ordering prescription, in order to obtain meaningful fluctuation corrections. In this way we recover the exact solution at U=0 not only at the mean-field level but also at the next order in 1/N. In addition, we consider alternative choices for the bosonic hopping operator and test them numerically for a simple two-site model for which the exact solution is readily available for any U. We also discuss how the 1/N expansion can be formally generalized to the four-slave-boson approach, and provide a simplified prescription to obtain the additional terms in the free energy which result at the order 1/N from the correct continuum limit.Comment: Changes: Printing problems (due to non-standard macros) have been removed, 44 page

    Spin-wave spectrum of a two-dimensional itinerant electron system: Analytic results for the incommensurate spiral phase in the strong-coupling limit

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    We study the zero-temperature spin fluctuations of a two-dimensional itinerant-electron system with an incommensurate magnetic ground state described by a single-band Hubbard Hamiltonian. We introduce the (broken-symmetry) magnetic phase at the mean-field (Hartree-Fock) level through a \emph{spiral spin configuration} with characteristic wave vector \gmathbf{Q} different in general from the antiferromagnetic wave vector \gmathbf{Q_{AF}}, and consider spin fluctuations over and above it within the electronic random-phase (RPA) approximation. We obtain a \emph{closed} system of equations for the generalized wave vector and frequency dependent susceptibilities, which are equivalent to the ones reported recently by Brenig. We obtain, in addition, analytic results for the spin-wave dispersion relation in the strong-coupling limit of the Hubbard Hamiltonian and find that at finite doping the spin-wave dispersion relation has a \emph{hybrid form} between that associated with the (localized) Heisenberg model and that associated with the (long-range) RKKY exchange interaction. We also find an instability of the spin-wave spectrum in a finite region about the center of the Brillouin zone, which signals a physical instability toward a different spin- or, possibly, charge-ordered phase, as, for example, the stripe structures observed in the high-Tc materials. We expect, however, on physical grounds that for wave vectors external to this region the spin-wave spectrum that we have determined should survive consideration of more sophisticated mean-field solutions.Comment: 30 pages, 4 eps figure

    Correlated band structure of electron-doped cuprate materials

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    We present a numerical study of the doping dependence of the spectral function of the n-type cuprates. Using a variational cluster-perturbation theory approach based upon the self-energy-functional theory, the spectral function of the electron-doped two-dimensional Hubbard model is calculated. The model includes the next-nearest neighbor electronic hopping amplitude tt' and a fixed on-site interaction U=8tU=8t at half filling and doping levels ranging from x=0.077x=0.077 to x=0.20x=0.20. Our results support the fact that a comprehensive description of the single-particle spectrum of electron-doped cuprates requires a proper treatment of strong electronic correlations. In contrast to previous weak-coupling approaches, we obtain a consistent description of the ARPES experiments without the need to introduce a doping-dependent on-site interaction UU.Comment: 7 pages 4 eps figure

    Renormalized SO(5) symmetry in ladders with next-nearest-neighbor hopping

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    We study the occurrence of SO(5) symmetry in the low-energy sector of two-chain Hubbard-like systems by analyzing the flow of the running couplings (gg-ology) under renormalization group in the weak-interaction limit. It is shown that SO(5) is asymptotically restored for low energies for rather general parameters of the bare Hamiltonian. This holds also with inclusion of a next-nearest-neighbor hopping which explicitly breaks particle-hole symmetry provided one accounts for a different single-particle weight for the quasiparticles of the two bands of the system. The physical significance of this renormalized SO(5) symmetry is discussed.Comment: Final version: to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., sched. Mar. 9

    Variational Cluster Perturbation Theory for Bose-Hubbard models

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    We discuss the application of the variational cluster perturbation theory (VCPT) to the Mott-insulator--to--superfluid transition in the Bose-Hubbard model. We show how the VCPT can be formulated in such a way that it gives a translation invariant excitation spectrum -- free of spurious gaps -- despite the fact that if formally breaks translation invariance. The phase diagram and the single-particle Green function in the insulating phase are obtained for one-dimensional systems. When the chemical potential of the cluster is taken as a variational parameter, the VCPT reproduces the dimension dependence of the phase diagram even for one-site clusters. We find a good quantitative agreement with the results of the density-matrix renormalization group when the number of sites in the cluster becomes of order 10. The extension of the method to the superfluid phase is discussed.Comment: v1) 10 pages, 6 figures. v2) Final version as publishe

    Variational cluster approach to the Hubbard model: Phase-separation tendency and finite-size effects

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    Using the variational cluster approach (VCA), we study the transition from the antiferromagnetic to the superconducting phase of the two-dimensional Hubbard model at zero temperature. Our calculations are based on a new method to evaluate the VCA grand potential which employs a modified Lanczos algorithm and avoids integrations over the real or imaginary frequency axis. Thereby, very accurate results are possible for cluster sizes not accessible to full diagonalization. This is important for an improved treatment of short-range correlations, including correlations between Cooper pairs in particular. We investigate the cluster-size dependence of the phase-separation tendency that has been proposed recently on the basis of calculations for smaller clusters. It is shown that the energy barrier driving the phase separation decreases with increasing cluster size. This supports the conjecture that the ground state exhibits microscopic inhomogeneities rather than macroscopic phase separation. The evolution of the single-particle spectum as a function of doping is studied in addtion and the relevance of our results for experimental findings is pointed out.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, published versio

    Variational description of the dimensional cross-over in the array of coupled one-dimensional conductors

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    Variational wave function is proposed to describe electronic properties of an array of one-dimensional conductors coupled by transverse hopping and interaction. For weak or intermediate in-chain interaction the wave function has the following structure: Tomonaga-Luttinger bosons with momentum higher then some variational quantity \tilde\Lambda are in their ground state while other bosons (with |k|<\tilde\Lambda) form kinks -- fermion-like excitations of the Tomonaga-Luttinger boson field. Nature of the ground state for this quasiparticles can be determined by solving three dimensional effective hamiltonian. Since the anisotropy of the effective hamiltonian is small the use of the mean field theory is justified. For repulsive interaction possible phases are density wave and p-wave superconductivity. Our method allows us to calculate the low-energy part of different electronic Green's functions. In order to do that it is enough to apply standard perturbation theory technique to the effective hamiltonian. When the in-chain interaction is strong \tilde\Lambda vanishes and no fermionic excitation is present in the system. In this regime the dynamics is described by transversally coupled Tomonaga-Luttinger bosons