450 research outputs found

    Simulation of the enhanced Curie temperature in Mn_5Ge_3C_x compounds

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    Mn_5Ge_3C_x films with x>0.5 were experimentally shown to exhibit a strongly enhanced Curie temperature T_C compared to Mn_5Ge_3. In this letter we present the results of our first principles calculations within Green's function approach, focusing on the effect of carbon doping on the electronic and magnetic properties of the Mn_5Ge_3. The calculated exchange coupling constants revealed an enhancement of the ferromagnetic Mn-Mn interactions mediated by carbon. The essentially increased T_C in Mn_5Ge_3C is well reproduced in our Monte Carlo simulations and together with the decrease of the total magnetisation is found to be predominantly of an electronic nature

    Strain and correlation of self-organized Ge_(1-x)Mn_x nanocolumns embedded in Ge (001)

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    We report on the structural properties of Ge_(1-x)Mn_x layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy. In these layers, nanocolumns with a high Mn content are embedded in an almost-pure Ge matrix. We have used grazing-incidence X-ray scattering, atomic force and transmission electron microscopy to study the structural properties of the columns. We demonstrate how the elastic deformation of the matrix (as calculated using atomistic simulations) around the columns, as well as the average inter-column distance can account for the shape of the diffusion around Bragg peaks.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Termination control of electronic phases in oxide thin films and interfaces: LaAlO 3/SrTiO 3(001)

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    A wealth of intriguing properties emerge in the seemingly simple system composed of the band insulators LaAlO 3 and SrTiO 3 such as a two-dimensional electron gas, superconductivity and magnetism. In this paper, we review the current insight obtained from first principles calculations on the mechanisms governing the behaviour of thin LaAlO 3 films on SrTiO 3(001). In particular, we explore the strong dependence of the electronic properties on the surface and interface termination, the finite film thickness, lattice polarization and defects. A further aspect that is addressed is how the electronic behaviour and functionality can be tuned by an SrTiO 3 capping layer, adsorbates and metallic contacts. Lastly, we discuss recent reports on the coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity in this system for what they might imply about the electronic structure of this system

    Constraints on the mass and abundance of black holes in the Galactic halo: the high mass limit

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    We establish constraints on the mass and abundance of black holes in the Galactic halo by determining their impact on globular clusters which are conventionally considered to be little evolved. Using detailed Monte Carlo simulations and simple analytic estimates, we conclude that, at Galactocentric radius R~8 kpc, black holes with masses M_bh >~(1-3) x 10^6 M_sun can comprise no more than a fraction f_bh ~ 0.025-0.05 of the total halo density. This constraint significantly improves those based on disk heating and dynamical friction arguments as well as current lensing results. At smaller radius, the constraint on f_bh strengthens, while, at larger radius, an increased fraction of black holes is allowed.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, revised version, in press, Monthly Notice

    Reionization Constraints on the Contribution of Primordial Compact Objects to Dark Matter

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    Many lines of evidence suggest that nonbaryonic dark matter constitutes roughly 30% of the critical closure density, but the composition of this dark matter is unknown. One class of candidates for the dark matter is compact objects formed in the early universe, with typical masses M between 0.1 and 1 solar masses to correspond to the mass scale of objects found with microlensing observing projects. Specific candidates of this type include black holes formed at the epoch of the QCD phase transition, quark stars, and boson stars. Here we show that accretion onto these objects produces substantial ionization in the early universe, with an optical depth to Thomson scattering out to z=1100 of approximately tau=2-4 [f_CO\epsilon_{-1}(M/Msun)]^{1/2} (H_0/65)^{-1}, where \epsilon_{-1} is the accretion efficiency \epsilon\equiv L/{\dot M}c^2 divided by 0.1 and f_CO is the fraction of matter in the compact objects. The current upper limit to the scattering optical depth, based on the anisotropy of the microwave background, is approximately 0.4. Therefore, if accretion onto these objects is relatively efficient, they cannot be the main component of nonbaryonic dark matter.Comment: 12 pages including one figure, uses aaspp4, submitted to Ap

    Kick velocity induced by magnetic dipole and quadrupole radiation

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    We examine the recoil velocity induced by the superposition of the magnetic dipole and quadrupole radiation from a pulsar/magnetar born with rapid rotation. The resultant velocity depends on not the magnitude, but rather the ratio of the two moments and their geometrical configuration. The model does not necessarily lead to high spatial velocity for a magnetar with a strong magnetic field, which is consistent with the recent observational upper bound. The maximum velocity predicted with this model is slightly smaller than that of observed fast-moving pulsars.Comment: 10 pages, 3 color figure

    Radiation from condensed surface of magnetic neutron stars

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    Recent observations show that the thermal X-ray spectra of many isolated neutron stars are featureless and in some cases (e.g., RX J1856.5-3754) well fit by a blackbody. Such a perfect blackbody spectrum is puzzling since radiative transport through typical neutron star atmospheres causes noticeable deviation from blackbody. Previous studies have shown that in a strong magnetic field, the outermost layer of the neutron star may be in a condensed solid or liquid form because of the greatly enhanced cohesive energy of the condensed matter. The critical temperature of condensation increases with the magnetic field strength, and can be as high as 10^6 K (for Fe surface at B \sim 10^{13} G or H surface at B \sim a few times 10^{14} G). Thus the thermal radiation can directly emerge from the degenerate metallic condensed surface, without going through a gaseous atmosphere. Here we calculate the emission properties (spectrum and polarization) of the condensed Fe and H surfaces of magnetic neutron stars in the regimes where such condensation may be possible. For a smooth condensed surface, the overall emission is reduced from the blackbody by less than a factor of 2. The spectrum exhibits modest deviation from blackbody across a wide energy range, and shows mild absorption features associated with the ion cyclotron frequency and the electron plasma frequency in the condensed matter. The roughness of the solid condensate (in the Fe case) tends to decrease the reflectivity of the surface, and make the emission spectrum even closer to blackbody. We discuss the implications of our results for observations of dim, isolated neutron stars and magnetars.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. ApJ, accepted (final version; eq.(3) corrected