14 research outputs found

    Augmenting virtual reality telepresence experience using self-avatar

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    Abstract. Telepresence refers to a set of techniques that creates the illusion of being present at a remote location to a person. Telepresence may also include the ability to interact with the remote environment, including communication with people physically present at the remote location. In this research, the introduction of a virtual body, which mirrors the user’s own movement in real-time, in a telepresence scenario and its effect on the illusion of presence is studied. Earlier research works have shown the effectiveness of having a virtual body in simulated environments, for example, games. In this study, the user embodies a virtual body that is present in a simulated environment, surrounded by a sphere where footage streamed from a 360-degree camera, mounted at a different spot, is being projected. This gives the user a sense of being present in a real location and having a body which they can control. The study is conducted on 20 participants, where the participants put on a Head-Mounted Display showing live footage from a 360-degree camera while having a real-time conversation with a confederate present near the camera. They are then surveyed about their experience, both with and without a virtual body to determine if having a virtual body yielded any improvement on the illusion of presence. Although 18 of the 20 participants preferred the experience with a body, it did not necessarily increase their sense of presence when compared with the scores given when there is no visible body. These results implicate a low sample size, not enough to draw any meaningful conclusions

    A Theoretical Analysis of Contrastive Unsupervised Representation Learning

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    Recent empirical works have successfully used unlabeled data to learn feature representations that are broadly useful in downstream classification tasks. Several of these methods are reminiscent of the well-known word2vec embedding algorithm: leveraging availability of pairs of semantically "similar" data points and "negative samples," the learner forces the inner product of representations of similar pairs with each other to be higher on average than with negative samples. The current paper uses the term contrastive learning for such algorithms and presents a theoretical framework for analyzing them by introducing latent classes and hypothesizing that semantically similar points are sampled from the same latent class. This framework allows us to show provable guarantees on the performance of the learned representations on the average classification task that is comprised of a subset of the same set of latent classes. Our generalization bound also shows that learned representations can reduce (labeled) sample complexity on downstream tasks. We conduct controlled experiments in both the text and image domains to support the theory.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    A Sample Complexity Separation between Non-Convex and Convex Meta-Learning

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    One popular trend in meta-learning is to learn from many training tasks a common initialization for a gradient-based method that can be used to solve a new task with few samples. The theory of meta-learning is still in its early stages, with several recent learning-theoretic analyses of methods such as Reptile [Nichol et al., 2018] being for convex models. This work shows that convex-case analysis might be insufficient to understand the success of meta-learning, and that even for non-convex models it is important to look inside the optimization black-box, specifically at properties of the optimization trajectory. We construct a simple meta-learning instance that captures the problem of one-dimensional subspace learning. For the convex formulation of linear regression on this instance, we show that the new task sample complexity of any initialization-based meta-learning algorithm is Ω(d)\Omega(d), where dd is the input dimension. In contrast, for the non-convex formulation of a two layer linear network on the same instance, we show that both Reptile and multi-task representation learning can have new task sample complexity of O(1)\mathcal{O}(1), demonstrating a separation from convex meta-learning. Crucially, analyses of the training dynamics of these methods reveal that they can meta-learn the correct subspace onto which the data should be projected.Comment: 34 page

    Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of transdermal selegiline and its metabolites for the evaluation of disposition differences between healthy and special populations

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    A physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model of selegiline (SEL), and its metabolites, was developed in silico to evaluate the disposition differences between healthy and special populations. SEL is metabolized to methamphetamine (MAP) and desmethyl selegiline (DMS) by several CYP enzymes. CYP2D6 metabolizes the conversion of MAP to amphetamine (AMP), while CYP2B6 and CYP3A4 predominantly mediate the conversion of DMS to AMP. The overall prediction error in simulated PK, using the developed PBPK model, was within 0.5–1.5-fold after intravenous and transdermal dosing in healthy and elderly populations. Simulation results generated in the special populations demonstrated that a decrease in cardiac output is a potential covariate that affects the SEL exposure in renally impaired (RI) and hepatic impaired (HI) subjects. A decrease in CYP2D6 levels increased the systemic exposure of MAP. DMS exposure increased due to a reduction in the abundance of CYP2B6 and CYP3A4 in RI and HI subjects. In addition, an increase in the exposure of the primary metabolites decreased the exposure of AMP. No significant difference between the adult and adolescent populations, in terms of PK, were observed. The current PBPK model predictions indicate that subjects with HI or RI may require closer clinical monitoring to identify any untoward effects associated with the administration of transdermal SEL patch

    New Definitions and Evaluations for Saliency Methods: Staying Intrinsic, Complete and Sound

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    Saliency methods compute heat maps that highlight portions of an input that were most {\em important} for the label assigned to it by a deep net. Evaluations of saliency methods convert this heat map into a new {\em masked input} by retaining the kk highest-ranked pixels of the original input and replacing the rest with \textquotedblleft uninformative\textquotedblright\ pixels, and checking if the net's output is mostly unchanged. This is usually seen as an {\em explanation} of the output, but the current paper highlights reasons why this inference of causality may be suspect. Inspired by logic concepts of {\em completeness \& soundness}, it observes that the above type of evaluation focuses on completeness of the explanation, but ignores soundness. New evaluation metrics are introduced to capture both notions, while staying in an {\em intrinsic} framework -- i.e., using the dataset and the net, but no separately trained nets, human evaluations, etc. A simple saliency method is described that matches or outperforms prior methods in the evaluations. Experiments also suggest new intrinsic justifications, based on soundness, for popular heuristic tricks such as TV regularization and upsampling.Comment: NeurIPS 2022 (Oral

    Provable Representation Learning for Imitation Learning via Bi-level Optimization

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    A common strategy in modern learning systems is to learn a representation that is useful for many tasks, a.k.a. representation learning. We study this strategy in the imitation learning setting for Markov decision processes (MDPs) where multiple experts' trajectories are available. We formulate representation learning as a bi-level optimization problem where the "outer" optimization tries to learn the joint representation and the "inner" optimization encodes the imitation learning setup and tries to learn task-specific parameters. We instantiate this framework for the imitation learning settings of behavior cloning and observation-alone. Theoretically, we show using our framework that representation learning can provide sample complexity benefits for imitation learning in both settings. We also provide proof-of-concept experiments to verify our theory.Comment: 26 page

    A La Carte Embedding: Cheap but Effective Induction of Semantic Feature Vectors

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    Motivations like domain adaptation, transfer learning, and feature learning have fueled interest in inducing embeddings for rare or unseen words, n-grams, synsets, and other textual features. This paper introduces a la carte embedding, a simple and general alternative to the usual word2vec-based approaches for building such representations that is based upon recent theoretical results for GloVe-like embeddings. Our method relies mainly on a linear transformation that is efficiently learnable using pretrained word vectors and linear regression. This transform is applicable on the fly in the future when a new text feature or rare word is encountered, even if only a single usage example is available. We introduce a new dataset showing how the a la carte method requires fewer examples of words in context to learn high-quality embeddings and we obtain state-of-the-art results on a nonce task and some unsupervised document classification tasks.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, To appear in ACL 201

    A La Carte Embedding: Cheap but Effective Induction of Semantic Feature Vectors

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    Motivations like domain adaptation, transfer learning, and feature learning have fueled interest in inducing embeddings for rare or unseen words, n-grams, synsets, and other textual features. This paper introduces a la carte embedding, a simple and general alternative to the usual word2vec-based approaches for building such representations that is based upon recent theoretical results for GloVe-like embeddings. Our method relies mainly on a linear transformation that is efficiently learnable using pretrained word vectors and linear regression. This transform is applicable on the fly in the future when a new text feature or rare word is encountered, even if only a single usage example is available. We introduce a new dataset showing how the a la carte method requires fewer examples of words in context to learn high-quality embeddings and we obtain state-of-the-art results on a nonce task and some unsupervised document classification tasks.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, To appear in ACL 201

    Augmenting Immersive Telepresence Experience with a Virtual Body

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    We propose augmenting immersive telepresence by adding a virtual body, representing the user's own arm motions, as realized through a head-mounted display and a 360-degree camera. Previous research has shown the effectiveness of having a virtual body in simulated environments; however, research on whether seeing one's own virtual arms increases presence or preference for the user in an immersive telepresence setup is limited. We conducted a study where a host introduced a research lab while participants wore a head-mounted display which allowed them to be telepresent at the host's physical location via a 360-degree camera, either with or without a virtual body. We first conducted a pilot study of 20 participants, followed by a pre-registered 62 participant confirmatory study. Whereas the pilot study showed greater presence and preference when the virtual body was present, the confirmatory study failed to replicate these results, with only behavioral measures suggesting an increase in presence. After analyzing the qualitative data and modeling interactions, we suspect that the quality and style of the virtual arms, and the contrast between animation and video, led to individual differences in reactions to the virtual body which subsequently moderated feelings of presence.Comment: Accepted for publication in Transactions in Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), to be presented in IEEE VR 202