10 research outputs found

    Shot Boundary Detection Using Octagon Square Search Pattern

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    In this paper, a shot boundary detection method is presented using octagon square search pattern. The color, edge, motion and texture features of each frame are extracted and used in shot boundary detection. The motion feature is extracted using octagon square search pattern. Then, the transition detection method is capable of detecting the shot or non-shot boundaries in the video using the feature weight values. Experimental results are evaluated in TRECVID video test set containing various types of shot transition with lighting effects, object and camera movement within the shots. Further, this paper compares the experimental results of the proposed method with existing methods. It shows that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-art methods for shot boundary detection

    Crystal structures of artocarpin, a Moraceae lectin with mannose specificity, and its complex with methyl-α-D-mannose: implications to the generation of carbohydrate specificity

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    The seeds of jack fruit (Artocarpus integrifolia) contain two tetrameric lectins, jacalin and artocarpin. Jacalin was the first lectin found to exhibit the β-prism I fold, which is characteristic of the Moraceae plant lectin family. Jacalin contains two polypeptide chains produced by a post-translational proteolysis which has been shown to be crucial for generating its specificity for galactose. Artocarpin is a single chain protein with considerable sequence similarity with jacalin. It, however, exhibits many properties different from those of jacalin. In particular, it is specific to mannose. The structures of two crystal forms, form I and form II, of the native lectin have been determined at 2.4 and 2.5 Å resolution, respectively. The structure of the lectin complexed with methyl-α-mannose, has also been determined at 2.9 Å resolution. The structure is similar to jacalin, although differences exist in details. The crystal structures and detailed modelling studies indicate that the following differences between the carbohydrate binding sites of artocarpin and jacalin are responsible for the difference in the specificities of the two lectins. Firstly, artocarpin does not contain, unlike jacalin, an N terminus generated by post-translational proteolysis. Secondly, there is no aromatic residue in the binding site of artocarpin whereas there are four in that of jacalin. A comparison with similar lectins of known structures or sequences, suggests that, in general, stacking interactions with aromatic residues are important for the binding of galactose while such interactions are usually absent in the carbohydrate binding sites of mannose-specific lectins with the β-prism I fold

    Mapping of Soil Properties Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    We aimed to estimate Soil Nutrients and relate the spectral signatures to that of the Laboratory reference Measurements utilizing CART analysis. Sustainable agriculture aims at controlled and/or precise soil fertility interventions based on spatial soil information. The profound advancements in remote sensing and geospatial techniques provide means for determining the spatial coverage and variability of the soil properties through the survey and image data incorporated in the mapping procedures (i.e.) Digital Soil Mapping. The soil moisture content at varying levels influences crop growth and decides the yield, as the crop requires water at critical crop growth stages.  Machine learning techniques provide the means of optimized model calibration when compared to conventional geostatistical or statistical approaches