4 research outputs found

    An Investigation into the application of digital camera created images and their preparation for newspaper lithographic reproduction without a reference analog reflection or transmission original

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    Looking at the shoes that digital photography has a role in filling we can quickly see performance issues that will undoubtedly affect our final printed reproduction. The resolution provided by a digital image is directly correlated to the CCD size, quality and any associated post-imaging processes provided by cam era manufacturers but is only one of quality-limiting factors involved in digital photography. Silicon-based CCD\u27s are monochrome in nature. \u27 Having the inability to decipher the varying degrees of red, green and blue light presented to the pixels it is necessary to account for RGB light by introducing a color-filtering method. The color-filtering method prevalent in the cameras to be tested are referred to as integral color filter arrays (CFA). 2 Integral color filter arrays performs color filtering on the chip with each individual pixel hosting a specific filter color (red, green or blue). This allows for the deciphering of the various light wavelengths presented in a scene to be translated by the CCD into digitized values of color, but because each pixel can only represent one filter color this results in problems including; the loss of information leading to reduced effective resolution and increased sampling (quantizing) artifacts. 3 Such color-gathering techniques and various inherent CCD issues account for problems that must be addressed and minimized during post-image processing prepress steps. The following endeavor is to evaluate three types of digital cameras (Minolta RD-175, Fuji 505a, AP NC2000e/Canon DCS EOS3) which can meet the requirements of a photojournalist then identifying the various issues that are inherent to each camera, post processing prepress solutions will be sought through the use of Adobe Photoshop. By evaluating the cameras via tests that provide information about resolution, dynamic range, color gamut reproduction abilities and image-to-noise relationships it was possible to assess what cam era shortcomings must be addressed during post-image processing. The shortcomings were then individually assessed and, utilizing prepress skills post-processing procedures, were identified to address the specific inherent shortcomings. Using SNAP (specifications for non-heat advertising printing) specifications, a representative set of images were printed and analyzed. The results from this analysis presents camera performance issues prior to post-image processing optimization and after post-image processing optimization. It will illustrate the initial shortcomings and how well these shortcomings can be de-emphasized in Adobe Photoshop. The printing of test images to SNAP specifications also illustrates if there is any loss of quali ty due to the reproduction on newsprint. Based on the test performed it was established that each usable camera ISO has its own specific set of characteristics that effect visual resolution, color gamut, usable range and noise. The method the man ufacturer uses to acquire its images, including CCD hardware, camera firmware and pre-acquire pro cessing, also affect visual resolution, color gamut, usable range, noise and aliasing. Photographic metering techniques and photographer criteria for ISO selection can assist in main taining the highest level of exposure quality capable for each camera. When the highest level of image quality is achieved with the use of photographic techniques, the highest level of visual resolution, color gamut, usable range and the least noise can be rendered for each camera image. Knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and offset printing principles, such as memory colors, wanted and unwanted colors, are valuable in enhancing the digital camera\u27s limited color gamut. The nature of the newspaper printing process produces a small color gamut, therefore, the limited gamut inherent in the digital cameras is of less concern than if the digital images were printed using a larger color gamut capa ble four-color process. The identification of each camera\u27s tendencies does allow for a greater understanding of applic able procedures within Adobe Photoshop which can reduce and or alleviate the tendencies

    Vygotski: His Legacy in Latin American Research.

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    La trayectoria del pensamiento de Vygotski en el abordaje del fenómeno educativo es transcendental en el mundo contemporáneo por las pretensiones del análisis crítico y sociocultural. La obra que se presenta es testimonio de lo señalado, dado que contiene un conjunto de contribuciones teóricas y de experiencias que muestran el amplio espectro de sus alcances, tales como: discursos políticos, análisis de prácticas pedagógicas, comprensión de procesos de aprendizaje, valoración de la construcción del conocimiento científico, diversidad sexual y vivencia de la corporalidad, formación docente, educación superior, entre otros.ABSTRACT: The development of Vygotski's thinking in the approach to the phenomenon of education is vital in the contemporary world due to the claims of the critical and socio-cultural analysis. The work presented is a testimony of the previously mentioned since it contains a set of theoretical contributions and experiences that show a wide range such as: political speeches, analysis of pedagogical practices, comprehension of the learning processes, assessment of the construction of scientific knowledge, sexual diversity and the experience of corporeality, teacher training, higher education among others.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE

    Psicología de las organizaciones y del trabajo. Apuestas de investigación II

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    El presente volumen condensa y sintetiza lo que va siendo contemporáneamente la POT colombiana, en particular, y latinoamericana, en general, que aparece como un reflejo y una adaptación de la que se está desarrollando globalmente según cánones dictados desde otras latitudes socioeconómicas, políticas y culturales, pero también como reacción a ella y como autoafirmación. Ello no constituye un ejemplar de texto anticolonial, sino más bien un manifiesto antietnocéntrico al presentar e interpretar la realidad investigada en el marco de sus propios parámetros socioculturales, sin que estos sean considerados necesariamente claves universales para la comprensión de otras realidades ajenas y exóticas. Y esta es una de sus principales contribuciones generales, porque marca un estilo distinto de hacer POT al enfatizar el aspecto idiosincrático de los fenómenos y procesos de que se ocupa y haciéndolo así, señala un horizonte que no deben perder de vista la disciplina y la profesión, si no quieren repetir viejos errores de su pasado reciente derivados de la minimización de la relatividad histórico-cultural de su campo y su objeto. A escala global y local, resta un largo camino por progresar hacia una POT con mayor fundamentación epistemológica, más articulación interdisciplinaria y multiprofesional, relevancia social, elaboración teórica, calidad y diversidad metodológicas y reflexividad autocrítica que resitúe en el centro del quehacer científico y profesional el marco de referencia axiológico, étho-politico y deontológico. Este libro es un paso significativo en esta dirección.Universidad de San Buenaventura - Cal