145 research outputs found

    Alcance de los estudios sobre la pesca deportiva de los istiophoridae en Venezuela

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    On effectue l'analyse historique (1961-89) de la CPUE des poissons porte-épée capturés par la pêche sportive dans le principal port de plaisance du pays (Playa Grande Yatching Club). Bien qu'il existe une variabilité interannuelle accusée de la production, on peut observer que l'indice d'abondance du Makaire blanc (#Tetrapturus albidus) a baissé de façon continue ces dernières années, presqu'à son plus faible niveau historique. En ce qui concerne le Makaire bleu (#Makaira nigricans), la hausse de la CPUE, qui avait commencé au début des années quatre-vingt, s'est interrompue, et montrait déjà ces dernières années une tendance décroissante. Bien qu'encore faible, la CPUE du voilier (#Istiophorus albicans$) s'est stabilisée dans le courant de la décennie en cours. Exception faite de cette dernière espèce, on n'a pas observé d'individus sexuellement matures dans les échantillons. Chez les deux espèces de Makaires, les femelles atteignent une taille supérieure à celle des mâles, contrairement au voilier chez lequel il ne semble pas exister de différentiation sexuelle à cet égar

    Case-based medical informatics

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    BACKGROUND: The "applied" nature distinguishes applied sciences from theoretical sciences. To emphasize this distinction, we begin with a general, meta-level overview of the scientific endeavor. We introduce the knowledge spectrum and four interconnected modalities of knowledge. In addition to the traditional differentiation between implicit and explicit knowledge we outline the concepts of general and individual knowledge. We connect general knowledge with the "frame problem," a fundamental issue of artificial intelligence, and individual knowledge with another important paradigm of artificial intelligence, case-based reasoning, a method of individual knowledge processing that aims at solving new problems based on the solutions to similar past problems. We outline the fundamental differences between Medical Informatics and theoretical sciences and propose that Medical Informatics research should advance individual knowledge processing (case-based reasoning) and that natural language processing research is an important step towards this goal that may have ethical implications for patient-centered health medicine. DISCUSSION: We focus on fundamental aspects of decision-making, which connect human expertise with individual knowledge processing. We continue with a knowledge spectrum perspective on biomedical knowledge and conclude that case-based reasoning is the paradigm that can advance towards personalized healthcare and that can enable the education of patients and providers. We center the discussion on formal methods of knowledge representation around the frame problem. We propose a context-dependent view on the notion of "meaning" and advocate the need for case-based reasoning research and natural language processing. In the context of memory based knowledge processing, pattern recognition, comparison and analogy-making, we conclude that while humans seem to naturally support the case-based reasoning paradigm (memory of past experiences of problem-solving and powerful case matching mechanisms), technical solutions are challenging. Finally, we discuss the major challenges for a technical solution: case record comprehensiveness, organization of information on similarity principles, development of pattern recognition and solving ethical issues. SUMMARY: Medical Informatics is an applied science that should be committed to advancing patient-centered medicine through individual knowledge processing. Case-based reasoning is the technical solution that enables a continuous individual knowledge processing and could be applied providing that challenges and ethical issues arising are addressed appropriately

    An updated revision of shortfin mako size distributions in the Atlantic

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    As part of an ongoing cooperative program for fisheries and biological data collection within the ICCAT Sharks Working Group, information collected by fishery observers and scientific projects from several fishing nations in the Atlantic were analyzed. Datasets included information on geographic location, size and sex. A total of 42,979 shortfin mako records collected between 1989 and 2017 were compiled. Sizes considered ranged between 60 and 353 cm FL (fork length). Of those, sex information was available for 24,316 specimens. Considerable variability was observed in the size distribution by region and season, with larger sizes tending to occur in equatorial and tropical regions and smaller sizes in higher latitudes. Variability between coastal and more oceanic waters is also likely. Most fleets showed unimodal distributions, but in some cases there were bimodal patterns. The distributional patterns presented in this study provide an advance in the understanding of shortfin mako size distribution in the Atlantic, and can be used in the next update of the ICCAT shortfin mako stock assessment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The ICCAT North Atlantic Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) Research Program was established to enhance knowledge on albacore to provide more accurate scientific advice to the Commission. Funds are provided to the Albacore WG to develop research activities to accomplish several objectives. One of the research objectives is to increase knowledge on reproductive biology for the northern Atlantic stock, maturity schedules (L50) and egg production (size/age related fecundity. In March 2021, Terms of Reference were published by ICCAT. A Consortium integrated by Canada, Venezuela, Chinese-Taipei and Spain presented an offer to collect gonad samples and spines throughout the year and carry out the study of reproductive biology for North Atlantic albacore stock. Results of histological analysis: maturity stages, batch fecundity and seasonal area of spawners are presented as well as the age determined of partially collection of albacore spines. Analysis were done with the total albacore gonads samples collected in 2020 and 2021 for the reproductive biology study of northern albacore.

    Seascape genomics and phylogeography of the sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus)

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    Permeable phylogeographic barriers characterize the vast open ocean, boosting gene flow and counteracting population differentiation and speciation of widely distributed and migratory species. However, many widely distributed species consists of distinct populations throughout their distribution, evidencing that our understanding of how the marine environment triggers population and species divergence are insufficient. The sailfish is a circumtropical and highly migratory billfish that inhabits warm and productive areas. Despite its ecological and socioeconomic importance as a predator and fishery resource, the species is threatened by overfishing, requiring innovative approaches to improve their management and conservation status. Thus, we presented a novel high-quality reference genome for the species and applied a seascape genomics approach to understand how marine environmental features may promote local adaptation and how it affects gene flow between populations. We delimit two populations between the Atlantic and Indo-Western Pacific oceans and detect outlier loci correlated with sea surface temperature, salinity, oxygen, and chlorophyll concentrations. However, the most significant explanatory factor that explains the differences between populations was isolation by distance. Despite recent population drops, the sailfish populations are not inbred. For billfishes in general, genome-wide heterozygosity was found to be relatively low compared to other marine fishes, evidencing the need to counteract overfishing effects. In addition, in a climate change scenario, management agencies must implement state-of-the-art sequencing methods, consider our findings in their management plans, and monitor genome-wide heterozygosity over time to improve sustainable fisheries and the long-term viability of its populations.LA/P/0101/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio