14 research outputs found

    Developmental stages challenging cross-linguistic transfer: L2 acquisition of Norwegian adjectival agreement in attributive and predicative contexts

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    This study presents cross-sectional data on adjectival agreement in second-language (L2) learners of Norwegian with four different first languages (L1s). The target language has full noun phrase agreement between article, adjective and noun, and the source languages represent different agreement conditions, similar to or different from the target language. Sixteen learners participated in the study, and their oral production of adjective agreement was analysed individually. Two hypotheses were proposed. First, learners will develop adjectival agreement in a piecemeal way and follow the developmental stages predicted by Processability Theory (Pienemann, 1998), with attributive and predicative agreement implicationally ordered. Second, learners with adjective agreement in the L1 will transfer that into the L2, whereas learners without agreement in the L1 will not use agreement. Under the first hypothesis, we expect the learners to be distributed along a developmental scale, with some learners applying agreement in attributive positions only and others applying agreement in both the attributive and predicative positions. Under the second hypothesis, we anticipate a difference between the groups: Learners with agreement in their L1 will mark agreement in all contexts where it occurs in the L1, whereas learners who do not have agreement in their L1 will fail to mark agreement overall. The comparison demonstrates larger differences within the L1 groups than between the L1 groups. This suggests a gradual acquisition of agreement, with the agreement features and positions emerging one by one rather than being transferred from the L1.publishedVersio

    The Lark's Lonely Twittering: An Analysis of the Monologues in A Doll's House

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    In this article we examine Ibsen’s use of monologues in A Doll’s House. The use of monologues in this play has been criticized, and by some characterized as old and conventional, while others have considered this a futile device. However, previous scholars and critics have neither agreed on the number of monologues, nor about where in the play these monologues appear. Our close reading shows that there are as many as nineteen monologues in the play, several in each act, and that three of the characters express themselves in monologues. We find surprising dramaturgic patterns in the use of this device, and this indicates that Ibsen’s use of monologues in A Doll’s House has a more important function than the literature about A Doll’s House until now has found. Our intention in this article is not to give a new interpretation of A Doll’s House, but to examine Ibsen’s use of monologues in the play, to reflect on the questions of why Ibsen made use of this device, and to consider what aesthetic functions this device might have.acceptedVersio

    Lystig pedagogikk og narrativt begjĂŠr: to essays om Karen Blixens fortellinger

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    Lystig pedagogikk og narrativt begjĂŠr bestĂ„r av to essays om Karen Blixens fortellinger med spesielt fokus pĂ„ homo ludens, det lekende mennesket. Det fĂžrste essayet er en nĂŠrlesing av vintereventyret Peter og Rosa der vi gjennom et kort mĂžte med to barn pĂ„ terskelen til voksenlivet, fĂ„r framstilt noen sĂŠrdeles grunnleggende eksistensielle vilkĂ„r i det Ă„ vĂŠre menneske. Handlingen utvikler seg ubĂžnnhĂžrlig mot det tragiske, mens samtalene og refleksjonene hele tiden kretser rundt det komiske. Forfatteren prĂžver sĂ„ Ă„ bruke sin fortolkning av Peter og Rosa til Ă„ lese de andre fortellingene til Karen Blixen, men her blir det ikke nĂŠrlesing og grundig analyse, men mer uhĂžytidelige snapshots. Bakhtin, Nietzsche og Freud er, sammen med Karen Blixen, sentrale inspirasjonskilder for den lystige pedagogikken som her undersĂžkes og utfoldes, med utgangspunkt i fĂžlgende hypotese: Sett at alle Blixens godt voksne helter egentlig er maskerte barn som gjennomlĂžper tilvĂŠrelsens regioner liksĂ„ henrykt ”som en liten gutt som galopperer gjennom alle verdens store veddelĂžp pĂ„ sin gyngehest” – og som altsĂ„ pĂ„ ulike mĂ„ter skal utsettes for lĂŠring, av de virkelig voksne

    Reflecting on Educational Experiences: An Analysis of Two Migrant Students' Stories

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    This chapter reports on data from a study exploring migrant students' experiences with education across cultures. Through semi-structured interviews with two teacher students, we aimed to contribute to the students' construction of their educational histories in order to to learn more about what it is like to be a migrant student in the Norwegian educational system. We focused on the environment in which the students were socialised, their descriptions of the development of their lives and the choices they have made while in the school system. The stories of Babet and Yasmin show two students who have approached their past and present educational challenges and opportunities in quite different ways. By asking the students to tell their stories, we hoped they would become aware of and learn about their choices and their paths through the educational system. Students' feelings of self-efficacy might also be increased through reflecting on their experiences. To capture the significance of the students' educational experiences, we adopted a narrative inquiry approach. In addition, teachers can benefit from developing an awareness and interest in students' stories and from reflecting on new possibilities for improving learning and building knowledge in their classrooms.publishedVersio

    Kulturell kapital og akademisk integrering: Studenter med innvandrerbakgrunn forteller om sine erfaringer med norsk utdanning

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    I denne studien er hĂžgskolestudenter med migrasjonsbakgrunn intervjuet to ganger om sine erfaringer med norsk utdanning. I det fĂžrste intervjuet fortalte studentene om sine utdanningserfaringer fra opprinnelseslandet og mĂžtet med norsk utdanning. I det andre intervjuet var informantene ferdige med hĂžgskolestudiene og pĂ„ vei ut i arbeidslivet, og da handlet samtalene om Ă„ se tilbake pĂ„ den historien de hadde fortalt tre Ă„r tidligere, om erfaringene med Ă„ vĂŠre student i en norsk hĂžgskole og veien ut i arbeidslivet. FormĂ„let med intervjuene var Ă„ synliggjĂžre og drĂžfte migrasjonsstudenters egne perspektiver nĂ„r det gjelder kulturell kapital og akademisk integrering. I artikkelen drĂžftes opplevelsen av tilhĂžrighet og hvordan studentene har opplevd Ă„ bli verdsatt som ressurser i lĂŠringsmiljĂžet. Samtalene viser at migrasjonsstudentene gjerne investerer ekstra innsats for Ă„ lykkes i utdanningssystemet, men at de ofte trenger mer stĂžtte enn majoritetsstudenter i overgangsfaser i utdanningslĂžpet. Studentene forteller om positive erfaringer med bĂ„de undervisning, medstudenter og studentrollen i Norge. Ingen av dem hadde imidlertid opplevd at deres kulturelle kapital var blitt trukket inn i undervisningen. VĂ„re informanters erfaringer med norsk utdanning kan derfor sies Ă„ vĂŠre mer preget av ensidig tilpasning (assimilering) enn av akademisk integrering.In this study, university college students with migrant background have been interviewed twice about their experiences with Norwegian education. In the first interview, the students spoke about their educational experiences from their home countries and their meeting with the Norwegian education. In the second interview, the students had finished their studies and were on the way into the labour market. In the latter interview, the students looked back on the history they had told three years earlier, experiences about being a student in a university college and getting a job. The purpose of the interviews was to highlight migrant students’ own perspectives on cultural capital and academic integration. In the article, we discuss the experience of affiliation and how the students have experienced being appreciated as resources in the learning environment. The conversations show that the migrant students are willing to invest an extra effort to succeed in the educational system, but that they often need more support than majority students in transitional phases in the educational programs. The students have positive experiences with both education, fellow students and the student role in Norway. None of them have however experienced that their cultural capital has been used in the teaching. The students’ experiences with Norwegian education can therefore be said to be characterized more by unilateral adaption (assimilation) than by academic integration.publishedVersio

    SprÄkressurser, sprÄkvalg og sprÄkskifte: En studie av tosprÄklige barn fra fem- til tolvÄrsalder

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    Denne artikkelen presenterer en undersÞkelse av sprÄkbruksmÞnstre hos 16 tosprÄklige barn nÄr de er fem og tolv Är. Dataene er hentet inn gjennom strukturerte intervju med foreldrene og semistrukturerte samtaler med barna selv. Barna var tosprÄklige bÄde ved fem- og tolvÄrsalder, men ikke overraskende var bruken av norsk mer dominant ved tolv- enn ved femÄrsalder. Barnas sprÄkbruk var relativt ensprÄklig sammen med voksne i hjemmet og voksne i barnehagen/pÄ skolen, mens sammen med sÞsken og jevnaldrende var sprÄkbruken i sterkere grad preget av flersprÄklighet. I lÞpet av den sjuÄrsperioden studien dekker, var hjemmet den arenaen som sÄ ut til Ä gjennomgÄ den sterkeste endringen i sprÄkbruk. Vi fant i liten grad samvariasjon mellom endring i sprÄkbruk og bakgrunnsfaktorer som for eksempel foreldrenes ankomst til Norge eller foreldrenes utdanning. Vi sÄ imidlertid tendenser til at tidspunkt for barnehagestart, foreldrenes holdninger til sprÄkbruk i hjemmet, og den status og funksjon minoritetselevenes morsmÄl har i lÊreplanene, kunne ha betydning for barnas sprÄkvalg.publishedVersio

    PT som andresprÄkspedagogisk verktÞy i barnehage og skole

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    I artikkelen argumenteres det for et sterkere fokus pÄ utviklingsperspektiv i sprÄklig kartlegging og opplÊring av barn og unge som lÊrer norsk som andresprÄk, og for at det er behov for et kartleggingsverktÞy med klare og presise kriterier for vurdering av grammatiske strukturer. Med utgangspunkt i Prosessbarhetsteorien beskrives en stadiemodell som kan fungere som et verktÞy for lÊrere for Ä fÞlge barn og unges andresprÄksutvikling over tid. I artikkelen vises hvordan en gruppe lÊrere i barnehage og skole har brukt stadiemodellen, og hvilke erfaringer de har gjort seg i dette arbeidet. Resultatet viser at lÊrerne finner modellen hensiktsmessig for Ä fÄ Þye pÄ hvordan andresprÄket gradvis vokser fram i forutsigbare stadier.acceptedVersio

    AndresprÄkselevers mÞte med obligatoriske leseprÞver fra smÄskole- til mellomtrinn

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    In this article we present the results of national reading tests of a group of 16 minority-speaking pupils from grade 1 to 5, and then examine the partial skills that are particularly challenging on reading tests for these bilingual pupils. The children were born in Norway, and began to learn the majority language Norwegian at the age of three to five years when they started in kindergarten. Although the children were in an early stage in the acquisition of the instruction language when starting school, several did well on the reading tests from lower to upper primary school. We saw, however, that the reading tests became more challenging in grade 3 and 5, and our data indicate that the size and quality of the L2 vocabulary might be a critical factor for the reading results in upper primary.I denne artikkelen presenterer vi resultatene pÄ obligatoriske leseprÞver til 16 tosprÄklige elever fra 1. til 5. trinn og undersÞker de delferdighetene som synes Ä vÊre spesielt utfordrende for denne gruppen. Barna er fÞdt i Norge og begynte Ä lÊre norsk i tre- til femÄrsalderen da de begynte i barnehage. Selv om barna var i en tidlig begynnerfase nÄr det gjaldt ferdigheter i opplÊringssprÄket ved skolestart, var det flere av dem som klarte seg bra pÄ leseprÞvene gjennom smÄskoletrinnet og over pÄ mellomtrinnet. Enkelte som klarte seg bra pÄ leseprÞvene i 1. og 2. trinn, begynte imidlertid Ä skÄre bekymringsfullt svakt da de kom til 3. og 5. trinn. Det kan se ut til at det i sÊrlig grad var vokabularet pÄ andresprÄket som skapte problemer for mange av de tosprÄklige elevene pÄ leseprÞvene i overgangen til mellomtrinnet.publishedVersio

    Test strategies and test motivation: The experience of participation in national reading test for four 9th graders

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    Denne studien bygger pĂ„ intervjuer med fire flersprĂ„klige elever om deres deltakelse pĂ„ nasjonal prĂžve i lesing pĂ„ 9. trinn. Intervjuene fokuserte pĂ„ temaene testmotivasjon og teststrategier under gjennomfĂžringen av leseprĂžven. Gjennom samtalene fant vi at elevene var motiverte for Ă„ delta pĂ„ prĂžven selv om resultatene pĂ„ denne ikke gav utslag pĂ„ karakterene. De som skĂ„ret hĂžyt sĂ„ ut til Ă„ bruke et bredere register av teststrategier enn de elevene som skĂ„ret lavt. Elevenes opplevelser, erfaringer og refleksjoner rundt testmotivasjon og teststrategier komplementerer den kunnskapen vi har om nasjonale leseprĂžver siden det fins fĂ„ kvalitative studier om elevers egne perspektiver pĂ„ testmotivasjon og teststrategier og ingen om den gruppen elever vi studerer.The current study examines the experiences and reflections of four multilingual students’ participation in the national reading test in 9th grade using interviews. The interviews focused on test motivation and test strategies when conducting the reading test. We found that the students were motivated to participate, even though the test results did not have consequences for their grades. The high performing students seemed to use a broader register of test strategies than the low performing. The students’ experiences and reflections about test motivation and test strategies complement our knowledge of national test-participation since there are few qualitative studies of students’ own perspectives on motivation and test (taking) strategies and no studies on the group of students we examine.publishedVersio

    Multilingualism among children, age 7-12, typological representation and language use pattern in a medium sized town in Norway.

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    This article examines multilingual language use in two groups of children, one group at a state school, and one at a private IB school. The IB school has earlier been assumed to reflect an ‘elite’ multilingualism. Three research questions are posed: to what extent is the children’s language use multilingual, what are their typological profiles, and are there any differences between the two groups in the language use patterns. The agency of the speaker is captured by self-reporting questionnaires. We use a method of circles in which the participant fills in the names and domains of the languages in use. The answers are registered according to three main dimensions: family, social interaction and media use. The study is exploratory and descriptive, and the results demonstrate that a large majority of the children at both schools used more than one language. The study is innovative in combining a sociolinguistic approach with language typology. Our results shed light on children’s dynamic and flexible language use, using languages from all of the world’s language families. We found similarities in the multilingualism of the two groups, and there was little to indicate that the IB pupils could be characterised as having an ‘elite’ multilingualism