508 research outputs found

    Photometric redshifts and selection of high redshift galaxies in the NTT and Hubble Deep Fields

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    We present and compare in this paper new photometric redshift catalogs of the galaxies in three public fields: the NTT Deep Field, the HDF-N and the HDF-S. Photometric redshifts have been obtained for thewhole sample, by adopting a χ2\chi^2 minimization technique on a spectral library drawn from the Bruzual and Charlot synthesis models, with the addition of dust and intergalactic absorption. The accuracy, determined from 125 galaxies with known spectroscopic redshifts, is σz∌0.08(0.3)\sigma_z\sim 0.08 (0.3) in the redshift intervals z=0−1.5(1.5−3.5)z=0-1.5 (1.5-3.5). The global redshift distribution of I-selected galaxies shows a distinct peak at intermediate redshifts, z~0.6 at I_{AB}<26 and z~0.8 at I_{AB}<27.5 followed by a tail extending to z~6. We also present for the first time the redshift distribution of the total IR-selected sample to faint limits (Ks≀21Ks \leq 21 and J≀22J\leq22). It is found that the number density of galaxies at 1.25<z<1.5 is ~ 0.1 /arcmin^22 at J<=21 and ~1./arcmin^2} at J<22, and drops to 0.3/arcmin^2 (at J<22) at 1.5<z<2. The HDFs data sets are used to compare the different results from color selection criteria and photometric redshifts in detecting galaxies in the redshift range 3.5<z<4.5 Photometric redshifts predict a number of high z candidates in both the HDF-N and HDF-S that is nearly 2 times larger than color selection criteria, and it is shown that this is primarily due to the inclusion of dusty models that were discarded in the original color selection criteria by Madau et al 1998. In several cases, the selection of these objects is made possible by the constraints from the IR bands. Finally, it is shown that galactic M stars may mimic z>5 candidates in the HDF filter set and that the 4 brightest candidates at z>5z>5 in the HDF-S are indeed most likely M stars. (ABRIDGED)Comment: Version accepted on July, 20, 2000. To appear on Astronomical Journal, Nov 2000. The data and photometric redshift catalogs presented here are available on line at http://www.mporzio.astro.it/HIGH

    Early-type Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. The <mu_e>-r_e relation and the lack of large galaxies at high redshift

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    We present the results of the detailed surface photometry of a sample of early-type galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. Effective radii, surface brightnesses and total V_606 magnitudes have been obtained, as well as U_300, B_450, I_814, J, H and K colors, which are compared with the predictions of chemical-spectrophotometric models of population synthesis. Spectroscopic redshifts are available for 23 objects. For other 25 photometric redshifts are given. In the -r_e plane the early-type galaxies of the HDF, once the appropriate K+E corrections are applied, turn out to follow the `rest frame' Kormendy relation. This evidence, linked to the dynamical information gathered by Steidel et al.(1996), indicates that these galaxies, even at z~2-3, lie in the Fundamental Plane, in a virial equilibrium condition. At the same redshifts a statistically significant lack of large galaxies [i.e. with Log r_e(kpc) > 0.2] is observed.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX with aasms4.sty macros, 9 embedded postscript figures + 1 postscript Table. To appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Comparing the Evolution of the Galaxy Disk Sizes with CDM Models: The Hubble Deep Field

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    The intrinsic sizes of the field galaxies with I<26 in the Hubble and ESO-NTT Deep Fields are shown as a function of their redshifts and absolute magnitudes using photometric redshifts derived from the multicolor catalogs and are compared with the CDM predictions. Extending to lower luminosities and to higher z our previous analysis performed on the NTT field alone, we find that the distribution of the galaxy disk sizes at different cosmic epochs is within the range predicted by typical CDM models. However, the observed size distribution of faint (M_B>-19) galaxies is skewed with respect to the CDM predictions and an excess of small-size disks (R_d<2 kpc) is already present at z~ 0.5. The excess persists up to z~3 and involves brighter galaxies . Such an excess may be reduced if luminosity-dependent effects, like starburst activity in interacting galaxies, are included in the physical mechanisms governing the star formation history in CDM models.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, ApJ Letters in pres

    ESO Imaging survey: Optical Deep Public Survey

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    This paper presents new five passbands (UBVRI) optical wide-field imaging data accumulated as part of the DEEP Public Survey (DPS) carried out as a public survey by the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) project. Out of the 3 square degrees originally proposed, the survey covers 2.75 square degrees, in at least one band (normally R), and 1.00 square degrees in five passbands. The median seeing, as measured in the final stacked images, is 0.97", ranging from 0.75" to 2.0". The median limiting magnitudes (AB system, 2" aperture, 5 sigma detection limit) are U_(AB)=25.65, B_(AB)=25.54, V_(AB)=25.18, R_(AB) = 24.8 and I_(AB)=24.12 mag, consistent with those proposed in the original survey design. The paper describes the observations and data reduction using the EIS Data Reduction System and its associated EIS/MVM library. The quality of the individual images were inspected, bad images discarded and the remaining used to produce final image stacks in each passband, from which sources have been extracted. Finally, the scientific quality of these final images and associated catalogs was assessed qualitatively by visual inspection and quantitatively by comparison of statistical measures derived from these data with those of other authors as well as model predictions, and from direct comparison with the results obtained from the reduction of the same dataset using an independent (hands-on) software system. Finally to illustrate one application of this survey, the results of a preliminary effort to identify sub-mJy radio sources are reported. To the limiting magnitude reached in the R and I passbands the success rate ranges from 66 to 81% (depending on the fields). These data are publicly available at CDS.Comment: 24 pages, 26 figures. Accepted for pubblication in A&

    ESO Imaging Survey. Deep Public Survey: Multi-Color Optical Data for the Chandra Deep Field South

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    This paper presents multi-passband optical data obtained from observations of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S), located at alpha ~ 3h 32m, delta ~ -27d 48m. The observations were conducted at the ESO/MPG 2.2m telescope at La Silla using the 8kx8k Wide-Field Imager (WFI). This data set, taken over a period of one year, represents the first field to be completed by the ongoing Deep Public Survey (DPS) being carried out by the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) project. This paper describes the optical observations, the techniques employed for un-supervised pipeline processing and the general characteristics of the final data set. The paper includes data taken in six different filters U'UBVRI. The data cover an area of about 0.25 square degrees reaching 5 sigma limiting magnitudes of U'_AB=26.0, U_AB=25.7, B_AB=26.4$, V_AB=25.4, R_AB=25.5 and I_AB= 24.7 mag, as measured within a 2xFWHM aperture. The optical data covers the area of ~ 0.1Comment: 13 pages, 19 postscript figures, Figure 3,4,7,10 are available in jpeg format, use aa.cls style. The full postscript of the paper is available at http://www.eso.org/science/eis/eis_pub/eis_pub.htm

    Why Optically--Faint AGN Are Faint: The Spitzer Perspective

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    Optically--faint X-ray sources (those with f_X/f_R > 10) constitute about 20% of X-ray sources in deep surveys, and are potentially highly obscured and/or at high redshift. Their faint optical fluxes are generally beyond the reach of spectroscopy. For a sample of 20 optically--faint sources in CDFS, we compile 0.4--24 um photometry, relying heavily on Spitzer. We estimate photometric redshifts for 17 of these 20 sources. We find that these AGN are optically--faint both because they lie at significantly higher redshifts (median z ~ 1.6) than most X-ray--selected AGN, and because their spectra are much redder than standard AGN. They have 2--8 keV X-ray luminosities in the Seyfert range, unlike the QSO--luminosities of optically--faint AGN found in shallow, wide--field surveys. Their contribution to the X-ray Seyfert luminosity function is comparable to that of z>1 optically--bright AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The First VLT FORS1 spectra of Lyman-break candidates in the HDF-S and AXAF Deep Field

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    We report on low-resolution multi-object spectroscopy of 30 faint targets (R \~ 24-25) in the HDF-S and AXAF deep field obtained with the VLT Focal Reducer/low dispersion Spectrograph (FORS1). Eight high-redshift galaxies with 2.75< z < 4 have been identified. The spectroscopic redshifts are in good agreement with the photometric ones with a dispersion σz=0.07\sigma_z = 0.07 at z<2 and σz=0.16\sigma_z = 0.16 at z>2. The inferred star formation rates of the individual objects are moderate, ranging from a few to a few tens solar masses per year. Five out of the eight high-z objects do not show prominent emission lines. One object has a spectrum typical of an AGN. In the AXAF field two relatively close pairs of galaxies have been identified, with separations of 8.7 and 3.1 proper Mpc and mean redshifts of 3.11 and 3.93, respectively.Comment: 5 pages Latex, with 2 PostScript figures. Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres
