13 research outputs found
Výpočetnà studium TiO2-katalyzované syntézy acyclonucleosidů z formamidu: Implikace pro teorii vzniku života
TiO2-katalyzovaná syntĂ©za nukleosid v nevodnĂ©m prost edĂ formamidu, probĂ- hajĂcĂ p es acyklonukleosidovĂ© meziprodukty, p edstavuje alternativnĂ cestu pro vznik monomerickËťch jednotek nukleovËťch kyselin, která by mohla vy eöit pro- blĂ©m spojenËť s vytvo enĂm --glykosidickĂ© vazby mezi nukleovou bazĂ a cukernËťm zbytkem. V p edloĂ»enĂ© vËťpo etnĂ studii je p edstavena moĂ»ná reak nĂ cesta pro prebiotickou, TiO2-katalyzovanou syntĂ©zu purinovËťch C2- a C3-acyklonukleosid v prost edĂ formamidu, která nevyĂ»aduje fotokatalytickËť nebo radikálovËť me- chanizmus. MaximálnĂ vypo tená aktiva nĂ energie podĂ©l reak nĂ koordináty, odpovĂdajĂcĂ p ibliĂ»n 32 kcal·mol≠1 , je v experimentálnĂch podmĂnkách Saladi- novy syntĂ©zy probĂhajĂcĂ p i teplot 160 ¶ C dostupná. Ukazujeme, Ă»e deprotonace methylenovĂ©ho uhlĂku formaldehyd hydrátu, probĂhajĂcĂ pravd podobn na defekt- nĂm povrchu anatasu, p edstavuje rychlost ur ujĂcĂ krok celĂ© reakce. Naöe vËťpo ty jsou tak ve shod s p edstavou Saladina a jeho koleg o katalytickĂ© funkci TiO2 povrchu p i syntĂ©ze purinovËťch acyklonukleosid v horkĂ©m roztoku formamidu.The TiO2-catalyzed synthesis of nucleosides in non-aqueous formamide environ- ment via so-called acyclonucleoside intermediates represents an alternative way for the emergence of nucleic acids monomeric units, which could address the the fundamental problem associated with the formation of a --glycosidic bond between a nucleobase and a sugar moiety. In this computational contribution we present a plausible reaction route for the prebiotic TiO2-catalyzed synthesis of purine C2- and C3-acyclonucleosides in formamide, which does not require photocatalytic or radical chain mechanisms. The maximum computed activation energy along the proposed reaction channel is ≥ 32 kcal·mol≠1 , which is clearly feasible under the experimental conditions of the Saladino synthesis. We show that the rate determining step of the entire reaction path is the deprotonation of the formaldehyde hydrate methylene carbon occurring likely on defective binding sites of an anatase surface. Our calculations thus support the view of Saladino et al. about the catalytic role of the TiO2 surface in the one-pot synthesis of purine acyclonucleosides in heat formamide solution.Department of Chemical Physics and OpticsKatedra chemickĂ© fyziky a optikyMatematicko-fyzikálnĂ fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic
Deriving predictive pathophysiological markers from ICP analysis
Deriving predictive pathophysiological markers from ICP analysis RNDr. Arnošt Mládek, Ph.D. December 13, 2021 Abstract Intracranial pressure (ICP) is an irreplaceable neurointensive care parameter and is an area under intensive research. The great diagnostic importance of ICP is underlied by two factors: (1) the central nervous system (CNS) is placed in a rigid cranial vault and even small local expansive processes (e.g. tumors, abscesses, bleeding) may lead to intracranial hypertension; (2) a specific property of the CNS is a rather uniform response to various pathological events since many etiologically heterogeneous diffuse injuries of neural tissue lead to oedema elevating ICP. The complexity of ICP monitoring stems from the neurosurgical insertion of the pressure sensor into the intracranial space and the associated risks of bleeding, neuroinfection and brain tissue damage. Intracranial pressure is more than just a number on a bedside monitor, even though in clinical practice this simplification is rather common. Similarly to electrocardiogram (ECG) signals whose information content goes well beyond heart rate calculation, understanding of ICP dynamics can provide us with insight into the current clinical status as well as prediction of further evolution. The mainstay of the dissertation thesis are..
Computational Study of the TiO2-Catalyzed Synthesis of Acyclonucleosides from Formamide: Implications for the Origin of Life
The TiO2-catalyzed synthesis of nucleosides in non-aqueous formamide environ- ment via so-called acyclonucleoside intermediates represents an alternative way for the emergence of nucleic acids monomeric units, which could address the the fundamental problem associated with the formation of a --glycosidic bond between a nucleobase and a sugar moiety. In this computational contribution we present a plausible reaction route for the prebiotic TiO2-catalyzed synthesis of purine C2- and C3-acyclonucleosides in formamide, which does not require photocatalytic or radical chain mechanisms. The maximum computed activation energy along the proposed reaction channel is ≥ 32 kcal·mol≠1 , which is clearly feasible under the experimental conditions of the Saladino synthesis. We show that the rate determining step of the entire reaction path is the deprotonation of the formaldehyde hydrate methylene carbon occurring likely on defective binding sites of an anatase surface. Our calculations thus support the view of Saladino et al. about the catalytic role of the TiO2 surface in the one-pot synthesis of purine acyclonucleosides in heat formamide solution
Deriving predictive pathophysiological markers from ICP analysis
AnalĂ˝za ICP za účelem stanovenĂ predikÄŤnĂch patofyziologickĂ˝ch markerĹŻ RNDr. Arnošt Mládek, Ph.D. 13. prosince 2021 Abstrakt NitrolebnĂ tlak (ICP) pĹ™edstavuje jeden z nezastupitelnĂ˝ch parametrĹŻ neurointenzivnĂ pĂ©ÄŤe a jako takovĂ˝ je pĹ™edmÄ›tem intenzivnĂho vÄ›deckĂ©ho vĂ˝zkumu. DiagnostickĂ˝ vĂ˝znam ICP je podmĂnÄ›n dvÄ›ma faktory: (1) umĂstÄ›nĂm centrálnĂ nervovĂ© soustavy (CNS) v pevnĂ© kostÄ›nĂ© schránce, kdy lokálnĂ expanzivnĂ procesy (nádory, abscesy, krvácenĂ) se, i pĹ™i relativnÄ› malĂ˝ch objemech, mohou projevit nitrolebnĂ hypertenzĂ; (2) specifickou vlastnostĂ CNS reagovat relativnÄ› uniformnÄ› na rĹŻznĂ© patologickĂ© situace, nebot' etiologicky rĹŻzná difuznĂ poškozenĂ nervovĂ© tkánÄ› vedou k rozvoji edĂ©mu, kterĂ˝ je opÄ›t pĹ™ĂÄŤinou elevace ICP. KomplikacĂ monitorace ICP je nutnost neurochirurgickĂ©ho zavedenĂ tlakovĂ©ho ÄŤidla do nitrolebnĂho prostoru, a s tĂm souvisejĂcĂch rizik jako krvácenĂ, neuroinfekce a traumatizace tkánÄ›. NitrolebnĂ tlak je vĂce neĹľ ÄŤĂslo na monitoru, pĹ™estoĹľe je na tuto informaci v klinickĂ© praxi ÄŤasto redukován. PodobnÄ›, jako jde informaÄŤnĂ obsah EKG vysoko nad rámec vĂ˝poÄŤtu tepovĂ© frekvence, pochopenĂ dynamiky ICP nám mĹŻĹľe mnohĂ© napovÄ›dÄ›t nejen o aktuálnĂm stavu, ale i prognĂłze pacienta....Deriving predictive pathophysiological markers from ICP analysis RNDr. Arnošt Mládek, Ph.D. December 13, 2021 Abstract Intracranial pressure (ICP) is an irreplaceable neurointensive care parameter and is an area under intensive research. The great diagnostic importance of ICP is underlied by two factors: (1) the central nervous system (CNS) is placed in a rigid cranial vault and even small local expansive processes (e.g. tumors, abscesses, bleeding) may lead to intracranial hypertension; (2) a specific property of the CNS is a rather uniform response to various pathological events since many etiologically heterogeneous diffuse injuries of neural tissue lead to oedema elevating ICP. The complexity of ICP monitoring stems from the neurosurgical insertion of the pressure sensor into the intracranial space and the associated risks of bleeding, neuroinfection and brain tissue damage. Intracranial pressure is more than just a number on a bedside monitor, even though in clinical practice this simplification is rather common. Similarly to electrocardiogram (ECG) signals whose information content goes well beyond heart rate calculation, understanding of ICP dynamics can provide us with insight into the current clinical status as well as prediction of further evolution. The mainstay of the dissertation thesis are...Department of Neurosurgery and Neurooncology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and Military University Hospital PragueNeurochirurgická a neuroonkologická klinika 1. LF UK a ĂšVN1. lĂ©kaĹ™ská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin
Ion Binding to Quadruplex DNA Stems. Comparison of MM and QM Descriptions Reveals Sizable Polarization Effects Not Included in Contemporary Simulations
Molecular mechanical (MM) force fields are commonly employed for biomolecular simulations. Despite their success, the non-polarizable nature of contemporary additive force fields limits their performance, especially in long simulations and when strong polarization effects are present. Guanine quadruplex D(R)NA molecules have been successfully studied by MM simulations in the past. However, the G-stems are stabilized by a chain of monovalent cations which create sizable polarization effects. Indeed, simulation studies revealed several problems which have been tentatively attributed to the lack of polarization. Here we provide a detailed comparison between quantum-chemical (QM) DFT-D3 and MM Potential Energy Surfaces of ion binding to G-stems and assess differences which may affect MM simulations. We suggest that MM describes binding of a single ion to the G-stem rather well. However, polarization effects become very significant when a second ion is present. We suggest that the MM approximation substantially limits accuracy of description of energy and dynamics of multiple ions inside the G-stems and binding of ions at the stem-loop junctions. The difference between QM and MM descriptions is also explored using symmetry-adapted perturbation theory and Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules analyses, which reveal delicate balance of electrostatic and induction effects