117 research outputs found

    The Prenatal: Contingencies of Procreation and Transmission in the Nineteenth Century

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    Der historische Sinn. Ein Plädoyer

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    "Wir brĂĽskieren Erwartungen"

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    Die Historikerin Caroline Arni wĂĽnscht sich von den Medien mehr intellektuelle Provokation

    Rivalry and Friendship in the Heterosexual Couple. Challenges to Discourses of Society in Late 19th and Early 20th Century Europe

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    "La toute-puissance de la barbe" : Jenny P. d'HĂ©ricourt et les novateurs modernes

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    When the French midwife, feminist activist and social philosopher Jenny P. d'Héricourt (1809-1875) criticised Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in 1856 for his theory on female inferiority, he invoked her innate lack of intellectual ability to refuse all public discussion with her. Nonetheless d'Héricourt continued to publicly criticise the misogynist elements and the theoretical defects in the work of contemporary social philosophers. This article sheds light on d'Héricourt’s self-understanding as an intellectual and on the conditions necessary for women to act as such. At the same time it points out the boundaries of this female intellectuality, impose not only by her contemporaries but also by the historiography of social thought which ignores d'Héricourt as a social philosopher who anticipated a theoretical framework later made famous by Émile Durkheim

    Reproduktion und Genealogie : zum Diskurs ĂĽber die biologische Substanz

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    « La toute-puissance de la barbe » Jenny P. d’Héricourt et les novateurs modernes

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    Quand en 1856 Jenny P. d’Héricourt (1809-1875), sage-femme, féministe et philosophe, critiqua Pierre-Joseph Proudhon pour sa théorie sur l’infériorité féminine, celui-ci refusa tout discussion, invoquant son infériorité intellectuelle naturelle. Néanmoins d’Héricourt continua de publier de ferventes critiques des théories des philosophes sociaux de son époque sur l’inégalité des sexes. L’article veut d’une part éclairer la notion d’intellectuelle et les conditions nécessaires pour agir comme telle. D’autre part, il questionne les limites d’une existence intellectuelle féminine telles qu’elles se présentent non seulement dans le refus des contemporains mais aussi dans l’historiographie de la pensée sociologique qui ignore la contribution d’Héricourt aux questions fondatrices du discours sociologique anticipant un concept clé d’Émile Durkheim.When the French midwife, feminist activist and social philosopher Jenny P. d’Héricourt (1809-1875) criticised Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in 1856 for his theory on female inferiority, he invoked her innate lack of intellectual ability to refuse all public discussion with her. Nonetheless d’Héricourt continued to publicly criticise the misogynist elements and the theoretical defects in the work of contemporary social philosophers. This article sheds light on d’Héricourt’s self-understanding as an intellectual and on the conditions necessary for women to act as such. At the same time it points out the boundaries of this female intellectuality, impose not only by her contemporaries but also by the historiography of social thought which ignores d’Héricourt as a social philosopher who anticipated a theoretical framework later made famous by Émile Durkheim

    Mutterschaft: Eine Frage der politischen Ă–konomie

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    Jahrhunderte der Freundschaft - ein Essay

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