184 research outputs found

    The role of port state control in the contemporary shipping arena from the perspective of the Paris memorandum of understanding

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    This article discusses the operation and effectiveness of port state control as a system of monitoring the degree of observance of international standards in the global shipping arena. Although it provides a number of criticisms of the current operation of the international port state control system, there is general support for the phenomenon in question. That support is particularly generated by the development of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding, a regional cooperation system which exists alongside the international port state regime. The achievement of the Paris Memorandum is rooted in its inspection procedures, powers of enforcement and the vessel conditions which it aims to maintain. Its success is reflected in less substandard ships operating freely on the sea and a rise in the number of states participating in regional port state frameworks

    Kvalitetni registri - mreža budućnosti s otiskom klase?

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    This article discusses the idea of establishing a network of quality registers that would aim to reduce and eventually eliminate substandard shipping on a global scale. Although numerous other approaches with the same goal have already been adopted in practice and have achieved reasonable success, safety in shipping is still overlooked or compromised at times. This is mainly due to the existence of those ship registers, particularly open registries, that do not impose safety requirements on the vessels registered. The lack of regulation is what attracts shipowners because it offers them a financial advantage, but at the ethical expense of sacrificing safety on board. A network of quality registers would connect all the registers that follow and maintain criteria of high shipping standards in an effort to achieve a shift in the attitudes of both flag states and shipowners whereby quality in shipping will come to take priority over financial incentives. Implementation and regulation of such a network are tasks that would appear to be best fulfilled by classification societies. This is due to the sophisticated infrastructure that those societies have as well as the role they already perform. Indeed, the accomplishments of class societies render the phenomenon of a quality register network a viable one. Although bringing this idea to life in practice is likely to meet some difficulties, the potential of its future impact is promising.Ovaj rad obrađuje zamisao o utemeljenju mreže kvalitetnih registara čija bi svrha bila smanjiti i s vremenom ukloniti brodove neodgovarajućih sigurnosnih standarda. Iako se isti cilj pokušava postići na mnoge druge, donekle uspješne, načine, sigurnost u praksi brodarstva još je uvijek pojam sporedne važnosti. To je uglavnom zbog postojećih brodskih registara, pogotovo onih koji nude podobne zastave a ne zahtijevaju obavezno ispunjenje pomorskih sigurnosnih mjerila. Takav nedostatak u reguliranju je primamljiv brodarima jer im omogućuje financijske prednosti, ali o etičkom trošku žrtvovanja sigurnosnih mjera. Mreža kvalitetnih registara spajala bi sve registre koji se drže kriterija visokih pomorskih standarda. Povrh toga mreža bi nastojala postići promjene u stavovima država koje nude jeftinu i nisko reguliranu registraciju, kao i brodara, tako da na listi prioriteta u registraciji kakvoća zauzme mjesto nad financijskim pogodnostima. Čini se da bi provedbu i kontrolu takve mreže obavila klasifikacijska društva. Takva društva naime već imaju potrebnu sofističnu infrastrukturu i već odavno igraju jednu od ključnih uloga u reguliranju standarda u brodarstvu. Dakako, uspjesi klasifikacijskih društava čine fenomen o mreži registara izvodljivim. Iako bi trebalo uzeti u obzir moguće poteškoće ovakvog pothvata, potencijal njegovog budućeg utjecaja obećava mnogo

    Observaciones sobre las madrigueras y comportamiento enterrador de Brachynotus gemmellari y otras especies de los fondos de Squilla en Ancona, Adriático Central

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    The paper presents information on the burrows of a number of species that occur on Squilla grounds in the coastal Adriatic off Ancona, Italy. The burrows and burrowing behaviour of Brachynotus gemmellari are described for the first time. For Upogebia tipica, Solecurtus strigilatus and Gobius niger, the observations add to sparse burrow information in the literature. Little is known of the burrows of Echiura in the Mediterranean: those of two species are briefly described from surface features.Este trabajo presenta información sobre las madrigueras de diversas especies presentes en los fondos de Squilla en las costas de Ancona, Italia, en el Adriático central. Se describen por vez primera las madrigueras y el comportamiento excavador de Brachynotus gemmellari. En el caso de Upogebia tipica, Solecurtus strigilatus y Gobius niger, las presentes observaciones se añaden a información dispersa sobre las madrigueras de Echiura en el Mediterráneo: se describen brevemente las de dos especies a partir de características de la superfície

    Globalisation and Seaborne Shipping

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    Morsko brodarstvo ima snažan utjecaj na razvoj globalizacije. Može se reći da je ono instrument u funkciji tog procesa. Naime, temeljem brodarstva svijet je prestao biti zbroj izoliranih tržišta. Proces globalizacije omogućio je svekoliku specijalizaciju, porast proizvodnje, primjenu ekonomije volumena i konkurentnost ukupnoga gospodarstva na globalnoj razini. Istodobno, interakcijski, globalizacija utječe na morsko brodarstvo i mijenja ga. Ona je liberalizacijom trgovine omogućila primjenu outsourcinga, disperziju proizvodnje i usluga na raznovrsne zemljopisne lokacije. Ekonomska pozadina ovoj pojavi je u cijeni inputa jer gdje cijena inputa najpovoljnija, tu se proizvodnja i locira. Kako je trgovina unutar djelatnosti morskog brodarstva jedna od najliberalnijih gospodarskih grana, sve se njegove sastavne komponente mogu kupiti, nabaviti ili pak ugovarati na svjetskoj, globalnoj razini. To znači da se pojedine funkcije brodarskoga poduzeća, kao što je tehničko ili komercijalno upravljanje brodovima, brodske posade i knjigovodstveni servis, pa čak i registar broda, dakle zastava koju on vije - mogu dislocirati i ugovorno delegirati na upravljanje specijaliziranim gospodarskim subjektima izvan sustava poduzeća i izvan granica domicilne države brodara. Pojava outsourcinga mijenja konvencionalnu organizacijsku strukturu brodarskoga poduzeća u suvremenu, koja je znatno efikasnija i fleksibilnija. Disperziranje funkcija poduzeća, kapitala, vlasništva i zastave izvan granica domicilnih i stvarnih interesa nad brodom, rezultira ujednačavanjem i racionalizacijom troškova inputa operiranja brodova na globalnoj razini i, u konačnici, jeftinijim prijevozom.Shipping has a strong influence on the process of globalisation. One could say that shipping is an instrument of the globalisation process. It is because of shipping that the world is no longer the sum of isolated markets. The process of globalisation enables wide specialisation, an increase in production, economy of scale and global competition of the whole industry. There also exists an influence in reverse because globalisation itself is changing the shipping. Trade liberalisation enables outsourcing, i.e. dispersion of products and services on various geographical locations. The economic force behind outsourcing is the declining cost of input. The production is being located in places where the cost of input is most favourable. Since the trade within the shipping industry is one of the most liberalised segments of the industry, all of its components can be purchased, bought or contracted on the global level. It does mean that some functions and segments of shipping companies, such as technical and commercial management, crew and accountancy service, even the vessel’s registry, i.e. vessel’s flag, could be relocated and contracted to the special professionals elsewhere, outside the company and outside the borders of the country where a ship owner is domiciled. The appearance of outsourcing changes the conventional organisational structure of a shipping company into a modern one which is much more efficient and flexible. The dispersion of a shipping company’s functions, capital, ownership and vessel’s flag over the borders of domicile and real interests on vessels, resulting in equalisation and rationalisation of input costs of vessel’s operations on the global level. The final result is cheaper sea transportation

    The role of port state control in the contemporary shipping arena from the perspective of the Paris memorandum of understanding

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    This article discusses the operation and effectiveness of port state control as a system of monitoring the degree of observance of international standards in the global shipping arena. Although it provides a number of criticisms of the current operation of the international port state control system, there is general support for the phenomenon in question. That support is particularly generated by the development of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding, a regional cooperation system which exists alongside the international port state regime. The achievement of the Paris Memorandum is rooted in its inspection procedures, powers of enforcement and the vessel conditions which it aims to maintain. Its success is reflected in less substandard ships operating freely on the sea and a rise in the number of states participating in regional port state frameworks


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    U ovom radu obrađena je problematika uloge suvremenoga morskog brodarstva u sustavu nacionalnoga gospodarstva. Proces je globalizacije u prošlom desetljeću doveo do velikih promjena. Sve slobodniji transfer vlasništva i kapitala, privatizacija morskog brodarstva i pojava outsourcinga sve više slabe nacionalni karakter morskog brodarstva. Postaje teže definirati što je zapravo nacionalno morsko brodarstvo. U takvim se uvjetima gube tradicionalni ciljevi protekcionizma nacionalnog brodarstva, pa zemlje počinju drugačije percipirati funkciju morskog brodarstva u sustavu nacionalnoga gospodarstva. Prioriteti zemalja postaju jeftin i kvalitetan prijevoz umjesto zaštite nacionalnog brodarstva. Ukupan ekonomski učinak takva pomorskog prijevoza povoljniji je od alimentiranja skupoga nacionalnog brodarstva iz državnog proračuna. Na globalnoj razini sazrijevaju međunarodne institucije poput IMO i OECD, pa se pitanje regulacije morskog brodarstva sve više pomiče s nacionalne na međunarodnu razinu odlučivanja, a to znači na institucionaliziranje javnog interesa. U tom smjeru mijenja se i shvaćanje funkcije države. Umjesto zaštite nacionalnog brodarstva, interes se država usmjerava na zaštitu javnoga interesa.This paper elaborates on the issues of the role of modern shipping in national economic system. Within the last decade the process of globalization has brought many changes. The growing liberalization of property and capital transfer, privatization of shipping and emergence of outsourcing have been weakening the national character of shipping. It is more and more difficult to define shipping. Under the circumstances, the traditional protectionism of national shipping disappears, and consequently the states get a different perspective of the function of shipping within the national economic system. Their priorities turn to be cheap and high quality transportation instead of protection of the national shipping industry. The economic results of such sea transportation are more convenient than alimentation of expensive national shipping from national budget. At the global level the institutions such as \u27IMO\u27 and \u27OECD\u27 have been developing, shifting the focus of responsibility for the issue of regulation of shipping from national onto global level of decisionmaking, i.e. onto institutionalization of public interest. Consequently, the perspective of the function of state has been changing as well. Instead of protection of the national shipping industry the national interest is being routed towards protection of the public interest


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    U ovom radu obrađena je problematika uloge suvremenoga morskog brodarstva u sustavu nacionalnoga gospodarstva. Proces je globalizacije u prošlom desetljeću doveo do velikih promjena. Sve slobodniji transfer vlasništva i kapitala, privatizacija morskog brodarstva i pojava outsourcinga sve više slabe nacionalni karakter morskog brodarstva. Postaje teže definirati što je zapravo nacionalno morsko brodarstvo. U takvim se uvjetima gube tradicionalni ciljevi protekcionizma nacionalnog brodarstva, pa zemlje počinju drugačije percipirati funkciju morskog brodarstva u sustavu nacionalnoga gospodarstva. Prioriteti zemalja postaju jeftin i kvalitetan prijevoz umjesto zaštite nacionalnog brodarstva. Ukupan ekonomski učinak takva pomorskog prijevoza povoljniji je od alimentiranja skupoga nacionalnog brodarstva iz državnog proračuna. Na globalnoj razini sazrijevaju međunarodne institucije poput IMO i OECD, pa se pitanje regulacije morskog brodarstva sve više pomiče s nacionalne na međunarodnu razinu odlučivanja, a to znači na institucionaliziranje javnog interesa. U tom smjeru mijenja se i shvaćanje funkcije države. Umjesto zaštite nacionalnog brodarstva, interes se država usmjerava na zaštitu javnoga interesa.This paper elaborates on the issues of the role of modern shipping in national economic system. Within the last decade the process of globalization has brought many changes. The growing liberalization of property and capital transfer, privatization of shipping and emergence of outsourcing have been weakening the national character of shipping. It is more and more difficult to define shipping. Under the circumstances, the traditional protectionism of national shipping disappears, and consequently the states get a different perspective of the function of shipping within the national economic system. Their priorities turn to be cheap and high quality transportation instead of protection of the national shipping industry. The economic results of such sea transportation are more convenient than alimentation of expensive national shipping from national budget. At the global level the institutions such as \u27IMO\u27 and \u27OECD\u27 have been developing, shifting the focus of responsibility for the issue of regulation of shipping from national onto global level of decisionmaking, i.e. onto institutionalization of public interest. Consequently, the perspective of the function of state has been changing as well. Instead of protection of the national shipping industry the national interest is being routed towards protection of the public interest