13 research outputs found

    Sex differences in parent–offspring recurrence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Background Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder sharing genetic risk factors with other common psychiatric disorders. However, intergenerational recurrence patterns of ADHD from parents to sons and daughters are not known. We aimed to examine the risk of ADHD in offspring of parents with ADHD and parents with other psychiatric disorders by parental and offspring sex, using parents without the specific disorders as comparison. Methods In a generation study linking data from several population-based registries, all Norwegians born 1967–2011 (n = 2,486,088; Medical Birth Registry of Norway) and their parents were followed to 2015. To estimate intergenerational recurrence risk, we calculated prevalence differences (PD) and the relative risk (RR) of ADHD in offspring by parental ADHD, bipolar disorder (BD), schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SCZ), major depression (MDD), all by parental and offspring sex. Results The absolute prevalence of ADHD in offspring of parents with ADHD was very high, especially in sons of two affected parents (41.5% and 25.1% in sons and daughters, respectively), and far higher than in offspring of parents with BD, SCZ or MDD. Intergenerational recurrence risks were higher for maternal than paternal ADHD (RRmaternal 8.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 8.2–8.6 vs. RRpaternal 6.2, 6.0–6.4) and this was also true on the absolute scale (PDmaternal 21.1% (20.5–21.7) vs. PDpaternal 14.8% (14.3–15.4)). RRs were higher in daughters, while PDs higher in sons. Parental SCZ, BD and MDD were associated with an approximately doubled risk of offspring ADHD compared to parents without the respective disorders, and estimates did not differ significantly between daughters and sons. Conclusions The intergenerational recurrence risks of ADHD were high and higher from mothers with ADHD than fathers with ADHD. Other parental psychiatric disorders also conferred increased risk of offspring ADHD, but far lower, indicating a sex- and diagnosis-specific intergenerational recurrence risk in parents with ADHD.publishedVersio

    Respiratory motion during 90Yttrium PET contributes to underestimation of tumor dose and overestimation of normal liver tissue dose.

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    Background Yttrium-90 dosimetry after radioembolization is reliant on accurate quantitative imaging of the microsphere deposition. Previous studies have focused on the correction of geometrical resolution effects. Purpose To uncover additional effects of respiratory motion. Material and Methods Mathematical models describing spherical tumors were formed and two blurring effects, limited geometrical resolution and respiratory motion, were simulated. The virtual images were used as basis for dose volume histogram estimations by convolving the radioactivity representations with a dose point kernel. Results For respiratory motion only, the largest errors were found for the smallest tumors and/or tumors with heterogeneous distribution of yttrium-90 microspheres. The deviations in max dose and dose to 25% and 50% of the tumor volume were estimated at 20–40%, 10–30%, and 0–30%, respectively. Additional blurring from geometrical resolution increased the errors to 55–75%, 50–60%, and 25–60%, respectively. Conclusion Respiratory motion contributes to underestimation of tumor dose and overestimation of normal tissue dose

    Early Changes in Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Predict the Quantitative Antitumoral Activity of Capecitabine, Oxaliplatin, and Irradiation in HT29 Xenografts in Athymic Nude Mice

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    AbstractPURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possible use of changes in apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measured by magnetic resonance imaging for pretreatment prediction and early detection of tumor response in a mouse model during fractionated chemoradiotherapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Athymic mice with bilateral HT29 xenografts on rear flanks were allocated into three groups: control, capecitabine, and capecitabine and oxaliplatin. The left flanks of the mice Received daily irradiation. T2 and diffusion images were acquired before therapy and weekly for the following 9 weeks. Pretreatment and changes in ADC were calculated and compared with tumor doubling growth delay. RESULTS: No correlations between pretreatment ADC and changes in tumor volumes after therapy were seen. All treated tumors, except those receiving capecitabine (P = .06), showed increased mean tumor ADC values 11 days after initialization of therapy (P < .05) before returning to pretreatment values within 5 days posttherapy (day 18 after onset of therapy). This increase in mean tumor ADC showed a strong positive correlation (r = 0.92, P < .01) with mean tumor doubling growth delay. CONCLUSIONS: Pretreatment ADC values did not predict the effectiveness of therapy, whereas early changes in mean ADC quantitatively correlated with treatment outcome

    Monitoring the Effect of Targeted Therapies in a Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Xenograft Using a Clinical PET/CT

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to assess treatment responses induced by the two tyrosine kinase inhibitors, Imatinib and Sunitinib, in a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) xenograft using a clinical positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanner. METHODS: Nude mice bearing human GIST xenografts with mutations in exons 11 and 17 were randomly allocated to treatment with Imatinib, Sunitinib, or placebo daily for seven consecutive days. 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F]fluoro-d-glucose PET ((18)F-FDG-PET/CT) was performed in a clinical PET/CT scanner at baseline (day 0) and 1 and 7 days after onset of treatment. Treatment response was assessed by measuring tumor volumes and by calculation of tumor-to-liver (18)F-FDG uptake ratios. RESULTS: Minor reductions in tumor volume were observed in both treatment groups. For the two treatment groups, significantly decreased tumor-to-liver uptake ratios were observed both at day 1 (Imatinib, −41%, p = .002; Sunitinib, −55%, p < .001) and at day 8 (Imatinib, −35%, p < .001; Sunitinib, −50%, p < .001), when compared to individual baseline values. For the control tumors, neither tumor volumes nor tumor-to-liver uptake ratios were altered during the 8 days the experiment lasted. CONCLUSIONS: Significant anti-tumor effects were demonstrated following treatment with both Imatinib and Sunitinib. Decreased tumor-to-liver uptake ratios were more pronounced than tumor volume reductions. Effects of novel targeted therapies can be evaluated in the GIST xenograft model using a clinical PET/CT scanner

    Våtsåing av eng- og åkervekstar

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    Firmaet Agromiljø AS har utvikla ein metode for å blande frø og husdyrgjødsel i samband med spreiing av gjødsla med stripespreiar eller nedfellar. Metoden vert kalla våtsåing. I eit treårig brukarstyrt prosjekt har ein samanlikna våtsåing av eng- og åkervekstar med tradisjonelle metodar for etablering av grasmark og åker. Prosjektet er gjennomført av Bioforsk Midt-Norge i samarbeid med fleire lokale einingar av Norsk Landbruksrådgiving.publishedVersio

    Sex differences in parent–offspring recurrence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Background Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder sharing genetic risk factors with other common psychiatric disorders. However, intergenerational recurrence patterns of ADHD from parents to sons and daughters are not known. We aimed to examine the risk of ADHD in offspring of parents with ADHD and parents with other psychiatric disorders by parental and offspring sex, using parents without the specific disorders as comparison. Methods In a generation study linking data from several population-based registries, all Norwegians born 1967–2011 (n = 2,486,088; Medical Birth Registry of Norway) and their parents were followed to 2015. To estimate intergenerational recurrence risk, we calculated prevalence differences (PD) and the relative risk (RR) of ADHD in offspring by parental ADHD, bipolar disorder (BD), schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SCZ), major depression (MDD), all by parental and offspring sex. Results The absolute prevalence of ADHD in offspring of parents with ADHD was very high, especially in sons of two affected parents (41.5% and 25.1% in sons and daughters, respectively), and far higher than in offspring of parents with BD, SCZ or MDD. Intergenerational recurrence risks were higher for maternal than paternal ADHD (RRmaternal 8.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 8.2–8.6 vs. RRpaternal 6.2, 6.0–6.4) and this was also true on the absolute scale (PDmaternal 21.1% (20.5–21.7) vs. PDpaternal 14.8% (14.3–15.4)). RRs were higher in daughters, while PDs higher in sons. Parental SCZ, BD and MDD were associated with an approximately doubled risk of offspring ADHD compared to parents without the respective disorders, and estimates did not differ significantly between daughters and sons. Conclusions The intergenerational recurrence risks of ADHD were high and higher from mothers with ADHD than fathers with ADHD. Other parental psychiatric disorders also conferred increased risk of offspring ADHD, but far lower, indicating a sex- and diagnosis-specific intergenerational recurrence risk in parents with ADHD

    COMPET: High resolution high sensitivity MRI compatible pre-clinical PET scanner

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    COMPET is a pre-clinical MRI compatible PET scanner which decouples sensitivity and resolution by the use of a novel detector design. The detector has been built using 8 x 8 cm(2) square layers consisting of 30 LYSO crystals (2 x 3 x 80 mm(2)) interleaved with 24 Wavelength Shifting Fibers (WLS) (3 x 1 x 80 mm(3)). By stacking several layers into a module, the point-of-interaction (POI) can be measured in 3D. Four layers form a PET ring where the sensitivity can be increased by stacking several layers. The layers can be stacked so that no inter-crystal or inter-module gap is formed. COMPET has used four assembled layers for module and scanner characterization. The modules are connected to the COMPET data-acquisition chain and the reconstructed images are produced with the novel geometry-independent COMPET image reconstruction algorithm. Time and energy resolution have been resolved and found to be around 4 as and 14% respectively. Tests for MRI interference and count rate performance have been carried out The reconstruction algorithm has been verified with data acquired by means of a COMPET full ring PET scanner