5 research outputs found
1917 рік у щоденникових записах В.І. Вернадського
Розглядається щоденник В.І. Вернадського як джерело до вивчення
революційних подій 1917 р. Аналізуються рефлексії ученого на суспільно-політичне життя Росії та України 1917 р.Рассматривается дневник В.И. Вернадского как источник к изучению революционных событий 1917 г. Анализируются рефлексии ученого на общественно-политическую
жизнь России и Украины в 1917 г.The author examines the diary written by V.I. Vernadsky as a historical source of
revolutionary events in 1917. The reflections of the scientist and the politician on the social
and political life in Russia and Ukraine in 1917 are analyzed
La montagne explorée, étudiée et représentée : évolution des pratiques culturelles depuis le xviiie siècle
Le Siècle des lumières, qui consacre l’ouverture des élites européennes à la modernité scientifique, est aussi celui qui pousse les mêmes sociétés vers les sommets et les glaciers des montagnes. Objet de fascination et non plus de crainte, la montagne apparaît, à la suite de Rousseau et Senancour, dans toute sa majesté, à la fois vierge, mystérieuse, repliée sur elle-même et porteuse d’un message d’universalité. Après avoir longtemps suscité peur et préjugés depuis l’Antiquité, la montagne est devenue au xviiie siècle un territoire de conquête et de découverte générant toute une mythologie et un imaginaire qui vont modifier le rapport des sociétés européennes avec le milieu des sommets. Le Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques rassemble chaque année universitaires, membres de sociétés savantes et jeunes chercheurs. Ce recueil est issu de travaux présentés lors du 142e Congrès sur le thème « Circulations montagnardes, circulations européennes »
Moving Forward with Metronomic Chemotherapy: Meeting Report of the 2nd International Workshop on Metronomic and Anti-Angiogenic Chemotherapy in Paediatric Oncology
Metronomic chemotherapy, which is defined by the frequent, repetitive administration of chemotherapeutic drugs at relatively low doses, and without prolonged drug-free break, is an emerging strategy to fight cancer. Initially thought to act by targeting tumor angiogenesis, additional mechanisms have been recently unveiled, and metronomic chemotherapy is now considered to represent a form of multitargeted therapy. Despite representing a genuine alternative for advanced and/or high-risk cancer therapy, the development of metronomic approaches in pediatric oncology is still in the early stage. The few numbers of large-scale state-of-the-art clinical trials, issues regarding terminology and the limited understanding of the complex and intertwined mechanisms of action of metronomic treatments have limited progress in this important field of research. On March 18 and 19, 2010, the 2nd International Workshop on Metronomic and Anti-Angiogenic Chemotherapy in Paediatric Oncology was held in Marseille, France, and brought together clinicians, basic scientists, physician-scientists, trainees, and students from all around the world. The main aim of this international meeting was to provide a unique forum to 1) reflect on the major advances that have been made in this field of research since its creation, 2) communicate results from the most recent clinical trials and preclinical studies, 3) discuss the current and future challenges of the field, and 4) set forth a solid framework for future collaborative biologic and clinical studies. The present report documents the main preclinical and clinical data that were presented in the keynote and best abstract sessions and delivers the key messages from the meeting