15 research outputs found

    Integral Field Spectroscopy: a disruptive innovation for observations of Planetary Nebulae and the PNLF

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    A quarter of a century has passed since the observing technique of integral field spectroscopy (IFS) was first applied to planetary nebulae (PNe). Progress after the early experiments was relatively slow, mainly because of the limited field-of-view (FoV) of first generation instruments.With the advent of MUSE at the ESO Very Large Telescope, this situation has changed. MUSE is a wide field-of-view, high angular resolution, one-octave spanning optical integral field spectrograph with high throughput. Its major science mission has enabled an unprecedented sensitive search for Ly{\alpha} emitting galaxies at redshift up to z=6.5. This unique property can be utilized for faint objects at low redshift as well. It has been demonstrated that MUSE is an ideal instrument to detect and measure extragalactic PNe with high photometric accuracy down to very faint magnitudes out to distances of 30 Mpc, even within high surface brightness regions of their host galaxies. When coupled with a differential emission line filtering (DELF) technique, MUSE becomes far superior to conventional narrow-band imaging, and therefore MUSE is ideal for accurate Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function (PNLF) distance determinations. MUSE enables the PNLF to become a competitive tool for an independent measure of the Hubble constant, and stellar population studies of the host galaxies that present a sufficiently large number of PNe.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, to appear in proceedings of IAU Symposium 384 "Planetary Nebulae", Krakow, September 4-8, 202

    The halo of M 105 and its group environment as traced by planetary nebula populations: I. Wide-field photometric survey of planetary nebulae in the Leo i group

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    Context. M 105 (NGC 3379) is an early-type galaxy in the Leo I group. The Leo I group is the nearest group that contains all main galaxy types and can thus be used as a benchmark to study the properties of the intra-group light (IGL) in low-mass groups. Aims. We present a photometric survey of planetary nebulae (PNe) in the extended halo of the galaxy to characterise its PN populations and investigate the presence of an extended PN population associated with the intra-group light. Methods. We use PNe as discrete stellar tracers of the diffuse light around M 105. These PNe were identified on the basis of their bright [O III]5007 A emission and the absence of a broad-band continuum using automated detection techniques. We compare the PN number density profile with the galaxy surface-brightness profile decomposed into metallicity components using published photometry of the Hubble Space Telescope in two halo fields. Results. We identify 226 PNe candidates within a limiting magnitude of m5007, lim = 28.1 from our Subaru-SuprimeCam imaging, covering 67.6 kpc (23 effective radii) along the major axis of M 105 and the halos of NGC 3384 and NGC 3398. We find an excess of PNe at large radii compared to the stellar surface brightness profile from broad-band surveys. This excess is related to a variation in the luminosity-specific PN number α with radius. The α-parameter value of the extended halo is more than seven times higher than that of the inner halo. We also measure an increase in the slope of the PN luminosity function at fainter magnitudes with radius. Conclusions. We infer that the radial variation of the PN population properties is due to a diffuse population of metal-poor stars ([M/H] < −1.0) following an exponential profile, in addition to the M 105 halo. The spatial coincidence between the number density profile of these metal-poor stars and the increase in the α-parameter value with radius establishes the missing link between metallicity and the post-asymptotic giant branch phases of stellar evolution. We estimate that the total bolometric luminosity associated with the exponential IGL population is 2.04 x 109 L⊙ as a lower limit. The lower limit on the IGL fraction is thus 3.8%. This work sets the stage for kinematic studies of the IGL in low-mass groups

    Planetary nebula spectrograph survey of s0 galaxy kinematics - ii. Clues to the origins of s0 galaxies

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    The stellar kinematics of the spheroids and discs of S0 galaxies contain clues to their formation histories. Unfortunately, it is difficult to disentangle the two components and to recover their stellar kinematics in the faint outer parts of the galaxie

    Intracluster Planetary Nebulae in Virgo: Photometric selection, spectroscopic validation and cluster depth

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    We have imaged an empty area of 34'x34' one and a half degree north of the Virgo cluster core to survey for intracluster planetary nebula candidates. We have implemented and tested a fully automatic procedure for the selection of emission line objects in wide-field images, based on the on-off technique from Ciardullo and Jacoby. Freeman et al. have spectroscopically confirmed a sample of intracluster planetary nebulae in one Virgo field. We use the photometric and morphological properties of this sample to test our selection procedure. In our newly surveyed Virgo field, 75 objects were identified as best candidates for intracluster PNe. The luminosity function of the spectroscopically confirmed PNe shows a brighter cut-off than the planetary nebula luminosity function for the inner regions of M87. Such a brighter cut-off is also observed in the newly surveyed field and indicates a smaller distance modulus, implying that the front end of the Virgo cluster is closer to us by a significant amount: 14% closer (2.1 Mpc) than M87 for the spectroscopic field, using the PN luminosity function distance of 14.9 Mpc to M87, and 19% closer (2.8 Mpc) than M87 for the newly surveyed field. Independent distance indicators (Tully-Fisher relation for Virgo spirals and surface brightness fluctuations for Virgo ellipticals) agree with these findings. From these two Virgo cluster fields there is no evidence that the surface luminosity density for the diffuse stellar component in the cluster decreases with radius. The luminosity surface density of the diffuse stellar population is comparable to that of the galaxies.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, accepted for pubblication in A

    Galaxy populations in the Hydra i cluster from the VEGAS survey:I. Optical properties of a large sample of dwarf galaxies

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    At ~50 Mpc, the Hydra I cluster of galaxies is among the closest cluster in the z=0 Universe, and an ideal environment to study dwarf galaxy properties in a cluster environment. We exploit deep imaging data of the Hydra I cluster to construct a new photometric catalog of dwarf galaxies in the cluster core, which is then used to derive properties of the Hydra I cluster dwarf galaxies population as well as to compare with other clusters. Moreover, we investigate the dependency of dwarf galaxy properties on their surrounding environment. The new Hydra I dwarf catalog contains 317 galaxies with luminosity between -18.5<MrM_r<-11.5 mag, a semi-major axis larger than ~200 pc (a=0.84 arcsec), of which 202 are new detections, previously unknown dwarf galaxies in the Hydra I central region. We estimate that our detection efficiency reaches 50% at the limiting magnitude MrM_r=-11.5 mag, and at the mean effective surface brightness Ό‟e,r\overline{\mu}_{e,r}=26.5 mag/arcsec2arcsec^2. We present the standard scaling relations for dwarf galaxies and compare them with other nearby clusters. We find that there are no observational differences for dwarfs scaling relations in clusters of different sizes. We study the spatial distribution of galaxies, finding evidence for the presence of substructures within half the virial radius. We also find that mid- and high-luminosity dwarfs (MrM_r<-14.5 mag) become on average redder toward the cluster center, and that they have a mild increase in ReR_e with increasing clustercentric distance, similar to what is observed for the Fornax cluster. No clear clustercentric trends are reported with surface brightness and S\'ersic index. Considering galaxies in the same magnitude-bins, we find that for high and mid-luminosity dwarfs (MrM_r<-13.5 mag) the g-r color is redder for the brighter surface brightness and higher S\'ersic n index objects.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 25 pages, 21 figure

    Virgo's Intracluster Globular Clusters as Seen by the Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    We report the discovery of 4 candidate intracluster globular clusters (IGCs) in a single deep HST ACS field of the Virgo Cluster. We show that each cluster is roughly spherical, has a magnitude near the peak of the Virgo globular cluster luminosity function, has a radial profile that is best-fit by a King model, and is surrounded by an excess of point sources which have the colors and magnitudes of cluster red giant stars. Despite the fact that two of our IGC candidates have integrated colors redder than the mean of the M87 globular cluster system, we propose that all of the objects are metal-poor with [M/H] < -1. We show that the tidal radii of our intracluster globulars are all larger than the mean for Milky Way clusters, and suggest that the clusters have undergone less tidal stress than their Galactic counterparts. Finally, we normalize our globular cluster observations to the luminosity of intracluster stars, and derive a value of S_N ~ 6 for the specific frequency of Virgo intracluster globular clusters. We use these data to constrain the origins of Virgo's intracluster population, and suggest that globular clusters in our intracluster field have a different origin than globular clusters in the vicinity of M87. In particular, we argue that dwarf elliptical galaxies may be an important source of intracluster stars.Comment: 24 pages, 1 table, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Looking into the faintEst WIth MUSE (LEWIS): on the nature of ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Hydra-I cluster.I. Project description and preliminary results

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    Looking into the faintEst WIth MUSE (LEWIS) is an ESO large observing programme aimed at obtaining the first homogeneous integral-field spectroscopic survey of 30 extremely low-surface brightness (LSB) galaxies in the Hydra I cluster of galaxies, with MUSE at ESO-VLT. The majority of LSB galaxies in the sample (22 in total) are ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs). The distribution of systemic velocities Vsys ranges between 2317 km/s and 5198 km/s and is centred on the mean velocity of Hydra I (Vsys = 3683 ±\pm 46 km/s). Considering the mean velocity and the velocity dispersion of the cluster, 17 out of 20 targets are confirmed cluster members. To assess the quality of the data and demonstrate the feasibility of the science goals, we report the preliminary results obtained for one of the sample galaxies, UDG11. For this target, we derived the stellar kinematics, including the 2-dimensional maps of line-of-sight velocity and velocity dispersion, constrained age and metallicity, and studied the globular cluster (GC) population hosted by the UDG. Results are compared with the available measurements for UDGs and dwarf galaxies in literature. By fitting the stacked spectrum inside one effective radius, we find that UDG11 has a velocity dispersion σ=20±8\sigma = 20 \pm 8 km/s, it is old (10±110\pm1 Gyr), metal-poor ([M/H]=-1.17±\pm0.11 dex) and has a total dynamical mass-to-light ratio M/LV∌14/L_V\sim 14, comparable to those observed for classical dwarf galaxies. The spatially resolved stellar kinematics maps suggest that UDG11 does not show a significant velocity gradient along either major or minor photometric axes. We find two GCs kinematically associated with UDG11. The estimated total number of GCs in UDG11, corrected for the spectroscopic completeness limit, is NGC=5.9−1.8+2.2N_{GC}= 5.9^{+2.2}_ {-1.8}, which corresponds to a GC specific frequency of SN=8.4−2.7+3.2S_N = 8.4^{+3.2}_{-2.7}.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Toward Precision Cosmology with Improved Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function Distances Using VLT-MUSE. II. A Test Sample from Archival Data

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    Thanks to the MUSE integral field spectrograph on board the Very Large Telescope (VLT), extragalactic distance measurements with the [O iii ] λ 5007 planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF) are now possible out to ∌40 Mpc. Here we analyze the VLT/MUSE data for 20 galaxies from the ESO public archive to identify the systems’ planetary nebulae (PNe) and determine their PNLF distances. Three of the galaxies do not contain enough PNe for a robust measure of the PNLF, and the results for one other system are compromised of the galaxy’s internal extinction. However, we obtain robust PNLF distances for the remaining 16 galaxies, two of which are isolated and beyond 30 Mpc in a relatively unperturbed Hubble flow. From these data, we derive a Hubble constant of 74.2 ± 7.2 (stat) ±3.7 (sys) km s ^−1 Mpc ^−1 , a value that is very similar to that found from other quality indicators (e.g., Cepheids, the tip of the red giant branch, and surface brightness fluctuations). At present, the uncertainty is dominated by the small number of suitable galaxies in the ESO archive and their less-than-ideal observing conditions and calibrations. Based on our experience with these systems, we identify the observational requirements necessary for the PNLF to yield a competitive value for H _0 that is independent of the Type Ia supernova distance scale

    Dynamics of Stars and Globular Clusters in Galaxy Halos

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    We have obtained kinematical data in the halos of the giant ellipticals M49 and M87. These include globular cluster velocities in M49 to 10 R_eff and planetary nebula velocities in M49 and M87 to 4 R_eff. We report initial results, including dynamical comparisons between the diffuse stellar components and globular cluster systems

    Constraining the internal dynamics of stellar systems using the NMAGIC particle code

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    NMAGIC is a parallel implementation of our made-to-measure (2M2M) algorithm for constructing N-particle models of stellar systems from observational data, which extends earlier ideas by Syer & Tremaine (1996). The2M2M algorithm properly accounts for observational errors, is flexible, and can be applied to various systems and geometries. We show its ability to reproduce the internal dynamics of an oblate isotropic rotator model and report on the modeling of the dark matter (DM) halo of NGC 3379 combining SAURON and PN.S kinematic data. The2M2M algorithm is practical, reliable and can be applied to various dynamical systems without symmetry restrictions. We conclude that2M2M holds great promise for unraveling the internal dynamics of bulges