200 research outputs found

    Three new species of Goera Stephens (Trichoptera: Goeridae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Three new species of the caddisfly genus Goera Stephens (Trichoptera: Goeridae) are described from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Goera neboissi sp. n., G. jolanda sp. n., and G. higleri sp. n. were found to be related to G. skiasma Neboiss, which is the only previously recorded species from Sulawesi. These species share the following combination of characters: an upright IXth segment; the absence of the median dorsal process of tergum X; a long, mesal process of the inferior appendage with a subbasal projection; and, the absence of parameres

    The genus Psilotreta Banks (Trichoptera: Odontoceridae) in Vietnam

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    Eight species of the genus Psilotreta Banks (Trichoptera: Odontoceridae) are currently known from Vietnam: P. albogera Mey 1997, P. androconiata Mey 1997, P. bidens Mey 1995, P. enikoae Oláh and Johanson 2010, P. frigidaria Mey 1996, P. jaroschi Malicky 1995, P. papaceki Malicky 1995, P. spitzeri Malicky 1995. A new species, Psilotreta kurenschikovorum, from Thua Thien-Hue Province is herein described. The new species differs from other species of the genus by peculiarities in wing venation, by the unusual shape of epicranial suture on the head, and by the bifid apical segment of the inferior appendage. Additional province and collection information for previously recorded species are included

    Interesting species of the genus Helicopsyche von Siebold (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae) from Vietnam

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    Three new species of the genus Helicopsyche von Siebold (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae), H. botosaneanui, H. verrucaspinosa, and H. inusitata, from Vietnam are described, and 1 new country record, H. pathoumthongi Johanson and Malm, is reported. The male of H. boniata Malicky and Chantaramongkol is redescribed to facilitate comparisons with two of the new species

    Two new species of the genus Pahamunaya Schmid (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) from Vietnam

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    Two new species of the genus Pahamunaya Schmid (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae), P. talon sp. n. and P. spinifera sp. n., from Vietnam are described and illustrated. Examination of the holotype male of P. khoii Oláh and Johanson, in combination with an additional specimen of the same species, revealed new characters. New illustrations for this species are provided

    Additions to the genus Goera Stephens (Trichoptera, Goeridae) from Southeast Asia

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    Two new species of Goera, G. zwicki and G. nozakii (Trichoptera, Goeridae), from the Philippines and one new species, G. meyi, from Vietnam are described and illustrated herein. In addition, type specimens of G. disparilis Banks, G. octospina Banks, G. tagalica Banks, and G. uniformis Banks are illustrated. All species of Goera known from both the Philippines and Vietnam are listed

    The genus Chimarra Stephens (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae) in Vietnam

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    Currently, the genus Chimarra Stephens (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae) is represented in the Oriental Region by 259 species. Of these, 61 species have been described or recorded from Vietnam. In this paper, 9 new species from Vietnam are described and illustrated (Chimarra aculeata, C. carinata, C. corneola, C. insolita, C. mina, C. prominens, C. rostrata, C. undulata, and C. ungula). In addition, 3 new country records are noted (Chimarra areli Malicky and Mey, Chimarra pipake Malicky and Chantaramongkol, and Chimarra suthepensis Chantaramongkol and Malicky), and 1 new species group (minuta Group) is proposed and populated. An additional species group (georgensis “Group”), with 1 new species from Vietnam, but otherwise only known from Africa, is discussed, but not formally defined. A table listing all known Vietnamese species of Chimarra is included, along with discussion of variability in the anal veins of the forewing found within this genus, and its relevance for defining subgenera and species groups

    The Trichoptera of Panama. XII. Contributions to the family Glossosomatidae (Insecta: Trichoptera) in Panama

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    Herein we describe five new species in the trichopteran family Glossosomatidae Wallengren (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Panama: Mortoniella calovebora Blahnik and Armitage, n. sp., M. yayas Blahnik and Armitage, n. sp., Protoptila inflata Blahnik and Armitage, n. sp., P. totumas Blahnik and Armitage, n. sp., and P. rambala Blahnik and Armitage, n. sp. Three of the species were collected as part of ongoing biological surveys of Panama’s national parks. We also record three new country records for Panama for this family: Culoptila costaricensis Flint, 1974, Mortoniella opinionis Blahnik and Holzenthal, 2008, and Protoptila spirifera Flint, 1974. Thirty-one species of glossosomatid caddisflies, nine of them endemic, are now known from Panama

    The Trichoptera of Panama XIV. New species of microcaddisflies (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from Omar Torrijos Herrera National Park

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    Abstract. In 2017, a new project was begun to assess the biodiversity of national parks and forest reserves in the Republic of Panama. Designated “Proyecto Sistema de Producción Sostenible Conservación de la Biodiversidad (PSPSCB)”, this project is managed by Panama’s Ministerio de Ambiente. The first park sampled in 2017 was Omar Torrijos Herrera National Park (OTHNP). Trichoptera (Insecta) were collected at four locations using both Malaise traps and UV light traps. The rugged terrain and lack of access in this remote park limited the sampled area. Sampling included streams in both the Caribbean and Pacific drainages. Seven new species of microcaddis­flies (Hydroptilidae: Alistotrichia coclensis Armitage and Harris, Cerasmatrichia akanthos Armitage and Harris, Metrichia corazones Armitage and Harris, Neotrichia espinosa Armitage and Harris, Neotrichia michaeli Armit­age and Harris, Neotrichia pierpointorum Armitage and Harris, and Neotrichia yayas Armitage and Harris) and one new country record, Metrichia macrophallata Flint, were identified from this preliminary survey and are re­ported herein. Other recently described species are reported here for the first time outside of their type localities. Based on other areas more extensively sampled compared to this modest survey, many more new species and new country records await discovery in OTHNP as are reported herein. There are now 439 species distributed among 15 families and 55 genera known from Panama. Resumen. En 2017, se inició un nuevo proyecto para evaluar la biodiversidad de parques nacionales y reservas forestales en la República de Panamá. Designado “Proyecto Sistema de Producción Sostenible Conservación de la Biodiversidad (PSPSCB)”, este proyecto es administrado por el Ministerio de Ambiente de Panamá. El primer parque muestreado en 2017 fue el Parque Nacional Omar Torrijos Herrera (OTHNP). Se recogieron Trichoptera en cuatro ubicaciones utilizando trampas Malaise y trampas de luz UV. El terreno accidentado y la falta de acceso en este parque remoto limitaron el área muestreada. El muestreo incluyó corrientes en los drenajes del Caribe y del Pacífico. Siete nuevas especies de micro-Trichoptera (Hydroptilidae: Alistotrichia coclensis Armitage and Harris, Cerasmatrichia akanthos Armitage and Harris, Metrichia corazones Armitage and Harris, Neotrichia es­pinosa Armitage and Harris, Neotrichia michaeli Armitage and Harris, Neotrichia pierpointorum Armitage and Harris, and Neotrichia yayas Armitage and Harris) y un nuevo registro de país, Metrichia macrophallata Flint, se identificaron a partir de esta encuesta preliminar y se informan aquí. Otras especies recientemente descritas se registran aquí por primera vez fuera de sus localidades tipo. Con base en otras áreas más extensamente mues­treadas, en comparación con esta modesta investigación, muchas más especies nuevas y nuevos registros para el país esperan ser descubiertos en el OTHNP como se informa aquí. Ahora en Panamá, hay 439 especies conocidas de Trichoptera distribuidas entre 15 familias y 55 géneros

    Three new species of \u3ci\u3eGoera\u3c/i\u3e Stephens (Trichoptera: Goeridae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Three new species of the caddisfly genus Goera Stephens (Trichoptera: Goeridae) are described from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Goera neboissi sp. n., G. jolanda sp. n., and G. higleri sp. n. were found to be related to G. skiasma Neboiss, which is the only previously recorded species from Sulawesi. These species share the following combination of characters: an upright IXth segment; the absence of the median dorsal process of tergum X; a long, mesal process of the inferior appendage with a subbasal projection; and, the absence of parameres

    The Trichoptera of Panama XIV. New species of microcaddisflies (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from Omar Torrijos Herrera National Park

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    Abstract. In 2017, a new project was begun to assess the biodiversity of national parks and forest reserves in the Republic of Panama. Designated “Proyecto Sistema de Producción Sostenible Conservación de la Biodiversidad (PSPSCB)”, this project is managed by Panama’s Ministerio de Ambiente. The first park sampled in 2017 was Omar Torrijos Herrera National Park (OTHNP). Trichoptera (Insecta) were collected at four locations using both Malaise traps and UV light traps. The rugged terrain and lack of access in this remote park limited the sampled area. Sampling included streams in both the Caribbean and Pacific drainages. Seven new species of microcaddis­flies (Hydroptilidae: Alistotrichia coclensis Armitage and Harris, Cerasmatrichia akanthos Armitage and Harris, Metrichia corazones Armitage and Harris, Neotrichia espinosa Armitage and Harris, Neotrichia michaeli Armit­age and Harris, Neotrichia pierpointorum Armitage and Harris, and Neotrichia yayas Armitage and Harris) and one new country record, Metrichia macrophallata Flint, were identified from this preliminary survey and are re­ported herein. Other recently described species are reported here for the first time outside of their type localities. Based on other areas more extensively sampled compared to this modest survey, many more new species and new country records await discovery in OTHNP as are reported herein. There are now 439 species distributed among 15 families and 55 genera known from Panama. Resumen. En 2017, se inició un nuevo proyecto para evaluar la biodiversidad de parques nacionales y reservas forestales en la República de Panamá. Designado “Proyecto Sistema de Producción Sostenible Conservación de la Biodiversidad (PSPSCB)”, este proyecto es administrado por el Ministerio de Ambiente de Panamá. El primer parque muestreado en 2017 fue el Parque Nacional Omar Torrijos Herrera (OTHNP). Se recogieron Trichoptera en cuatro ubicaciones utilizando trampas Malaise y trampas de luz UV. El terreno accidentado y la falta de acceso en este parque remoto limitaron el área muestreada. El muestreo incluyó corrientes en los drenajes del Caribe y del Pacífico. Siete nuevas especies de micro-Trichoptera (Hydroptilidae: Alistotrichia coclensis Armitage and Harris, Cerasmatrichia akanthos Armitage and Harris, Metrichia corazones Armitage and Harris, Neotrichia es­pinosa Armitage and Harris, Neotrichia michaeli Armitage and Harris, Neotrichia pierpointorum Armitage and Harris, and Neotrichia yayas Armitage and Harris) y un nuevo registro de país, Metrichia macrophallata Flint, se identificaron a partir de esta encuesta preliminar y se informan aquí. Otras especies recientemente descritas se registran aquí por primera vez fuera de sus localidades tipo. Con base en otras áreas más extensamente mues­treadas, en comparación con esta modesta investigación, muchas más especies nuevas y nuevos registros para el país esperan ser descubiertos en el OTHNP como se informa aquí. Ahora en Panamá, hay 439 especies conocidas de Trichoptera distribuidas entre 15 familias y 55 géneros