18 research outputs found

    Congenital Zika virus infection as a silent pathology with loss of neurogenic output in the fetal brain

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) is a flavivirus with teratogenic effects on fetal brain, but the spectrum of ZIKV-induced brain injury is unknown, particularly when ultrasound imaging is normal. In a pregnant pigtail macaque (Macaca nemestrina) model of ZIKV infection, we demonstrate that ZIKV-induced injury to fetal brain is substantial, even in the absence of microcephaly, and may be challenging to detect in a clinical setting. A common and subtle injury pattern was identified, including (i) periventricular T2-hyperintense foci and loss of fetal noncortical brain volume, (ii) injury to the ependymal epithelium with underlying gliosis and (iii) loss of late fetal neuronal progenitor cells in the subventricular zone (temporal cortex) and subgranular zone (dentate gyrus, hippocampus) with dysmorphic granule neuron patterning. Attenuation of fetal neurogenic output demonstrates potentially considerable teratogenic effects of congenital ZIKV infection even without microcephaly. Our findings suggest that all children exposed to ZIKV in utero should receive long-term monitoring for neurocognitive deficits, regardless of head size at birth

    Customer Service and Support : Layanan dan dukungan kepada pelanggan; penerapan strategi yang efektif

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    Jakartaix, 319 hlm.; ilus.; 23 cm

    Customer Service and Operations Management in Service Businesses

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    Service organisations have in the recent past become the focus of attention in America and Westem Europe because of the business perfomiance of service companies, their potential for creating employment, and the intemationalisation of service organisations [Bank of England, 1985]. Customer service is being recognised as being of great importance. Successful service businesses see being good at delivering a high level of customer service as an effective means of gaining advantage over existing competitors in a national market, as a way of resisting the infiltration of foreign competitors, or as a means to intemationalise. Consequently many service organisations are now starting to pay more than just lip-service to the creation of the operational means to deliver a competitive level of quality of service to match customers' expectation of service. The difficulties faced by a service organisation in maintaining quality of service have been well documente

    International factory networks

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    Multinational Companies (MNCs) very often manufacture in a number of different countries. The management of these international factory networks has received very little direct attention from operations management specialists either in terms of research findings or the development of conceptual models. There is clearly a need to fill this gap to improve the operations of existing multinational manufacturing companies and to provide models for new emerging international companies (EICs). A review has been made of the literature on the experience of EICs and the general concepts presented by writers on operations management and business strategy. A research model is proposed which examines material and information flows according to the extent of the interlinking of individual factory units with each other and with a central manufacturing function. Factors suggested for investigation are the nature of the factory network, taking into account the business strategy, marketing strategy, organisation, finance policy, and human resources policy. Ten factors are taken as indicators of the performance of the network; product quality, customer service, network production flexibility, production costs, productivity, inventory, procurement, distribution, new product introduction and technology.

    Customer Service And Support

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    23 cm; 319 ha

    Customer Service And Support (Layanan Dan Dukungan Kepada Pelanggan)

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    319 hlm.: - ; 24 cm