109 research outputs found

    Boni und Managergehälter - neue Regeln, bessere Anreizwirkung?

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    Die neueren gesetzlichen Regelungen zur Vergütung von Managern setzen wichtige Anreize zum verantwortungsvollen und nachhaltigen Handeln, gehen aber nicht weit genug. Im Vordergrund stehen nachhaltige Vergütungsmodelle, klarere Haftungsvorschriften und mehr Beteiligungsrechte. Allerdings lässt auch das neue Regelwerk Spielräume, um die Zielsetzung der neuen Vorschriften zu unterlaufen

    More Security for the Security Apparatus

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    Wie eine Finanztransaktionssteuer funktionieren kann

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    Die Finanztransaktionssteuer wird zumindest in Deutschland immer populärer. Nachdem sie lange nur von Kapitalismuskritikern gefordert wurde, fi nden sie auch unter den Mitgliedern der Euro-Zone immer mehr Anhänger. In diesem Beitrag werden verschiedene Ansätze diskutiert, wie eine solche Steuer ausgestaltet werden könnte

    Ultra schwierig

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    Verlockung der Macht

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    Schutz vor einer Politik durch Köpfe

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    Krisenmanagement fĂĽr Jurist_innen

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    The EU debt crisis: Testing and revisiting conventional legal doctrine. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 108/2016 April 2016

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    Controversies surrounding the European sovereign debt crisis loom prominent in the public debate. From a legal perspective, the no-bailout rule and the ban on monetary financing constitute the main principles governing the legality review of financial assistance and liquidity measures. Interpretation of these rules are full of empirical claims. According to conventional legal doctrine, bond spreads only depend on the country’s debt position, largely ignoring other causal factors including liquidity. We test the hypotheses implicit in conventional legal reasoning. We find evidence that a significant part of the surge in the spreads of the peripheral Eurozone countries was disconnected from underlying fundamentals and particularly from a country’s debt position, and was associated rather strongly with market sentiments and liquidity concerns. We apply our empirical findings to the legal principles as interpreted by recent jurisprudence arguing that application of the nobailout principle and the ban on monetary financing should be extended to capture non-debt related factors. Also, the empirical results suggest taking recourse to alternative legal grounds for reviewing the legality of anti-crisis instruments and allowing for a lender of last resort in the euro zone

    Designing a European restructuring mechanism without taxpayers’ money

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    The European Commission's approach to the supervision and restructuring of the EU banking system has numerous shortcomings. As an alternative, this article proposes a European Resolution Authority and a European Restructuring Fund for systemically important banks and the implementation of a levy paid by banks in accordance with their systemic relevance. This levy should be designed to reduce the risk of future bailouts and the moral hazard inherent in implicit government guarantees
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