41 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Safety of Direct Treatment of Pulpal Protection as an Ultra-Conservative Option in Extensive Cervical Injuries

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    Treatment of deep caries can result in exposure of the dental pulp, even in teeth with sensitive but asymptomatic pulps. Direct pulp capping (DPU) is used to preserve pulp health, although it may sometimes require additional follow-up treatments, such as root canal treatment (RTC), which could have been performed immediately after exposure, possibly with better results. . The purpose of this case report is to highlight the advantages of RPD compared to TCR, which, while having a high success rate, is not a predominantly conservative approach. The follow-up evaluations were carried out in a time range that varied from 2 to 30 days. It is important to highlight that the present case contributes to the existing clinical evidence and provides a perspective on the effectiveness and clinical implications of RPD as an ultra-conservative alternative in the management of deep neck injuries

    Inappropriate Use of Antibiotics Among Dentists in Ecuador

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    More than 50% of the use of antibiotics is considered inappropriate and dentists turn out to be part of the health professionals who misuse these drugs. Due to this, the objective of this study was to evaluate the prescription of antibiotics by Ecuadorian dentists after extraction of temporary teeth for systemic causes to determine the rational use of these drugs, among pediatric patients. This retrospective study used a survey of dentists in Ecuador as the primary database. The sample was obtained with the Epi Info application, with an expected frequency of 50%, a margin of error of 5% and a confidence level of 95%. Odd Ratio (OR) was used as a measure of association, obtained by logistic regression and Pearson's chi square to establish correlation. More than 11% of them mentioned having prescribed antibiotics after extracting a temporary tooth due to physiological causes. Those who most incurred this inappropriate use were male dentists, those under 30 years of age and those over 51 years of age, who work in urban areas and those who graduated from a public university and those who do not yet have a degree fourth level. The misuse or inappropriate use of antibiotics is a global problem in which many factors intervene, including the authorized prescribers of these drugs. Dentists are an important part of this problem and the factors identified in many studies are diverse

    Negative Impact of the Excessive Use of Electronic Devices in Children and Youth: A Scientific Approach

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    Aim: Electronic devices, such as television, are an integral part of the daily lives of children and adolescents. However, it is crucial to understand the possible long-term consequences that may arise due to their use. Material and method: Experts in the scientific field agree that these devices are not appropriate for very young children. Time spent watching television or playing computer games is considered wasted time that could have been spent on creative activities or social interactions. This problem has become a global concern. Worldwide, children and adolescents are allowed to use electronic devices daily, resulting in negative effects that affect their physical, emotional and behavioral health, such as vision problems, back pain and addiction. Statistics and Result: To prevent these consequences, it is advisable that parents become aware and take measures to avoid excessive use of electronic devices. It is important to educate children and adolescents about the risks associated with social networks, such as the presence of inappropriate content and the danger of sexual predators

    Psychophysiological and Oral Impact of The Covid-19 Health Crisis

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    Aim: The infectious disease known as COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has had a diverse impact on the population, affecting each person individually. Material and method: As a measure to curb its rapid spread, a mandatory quarantine was implemented involving the isolation of both carriers and non-carriers of the disease. This situation has triggered negative psychological and oral responses, generating disorders such as stress, depression and anxiety, which are characterized by alterations in cognition, emotional regulation and behavior. Statistics and Result: In addition, oral manifestations such as bruxism, periodontal disease and other lesions have been observed. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the possible relationship between the oral and psychophysical state of people due to the isolation caused by the pandemic and COVID-19 disease

    Endodontic treatment of third molars from a conservative perspective. A case report

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    Endodontic treatments of third molars are extremely difficult because they are located posteriorly, have unpredictable internal anatomy, strange occlusal anatomy, and unusual eruption patterns. A 28-years-old patient who attended the doctor鈥檚 office for endodontic treatment of the upper right third molar it is presented. Intraoral periapical radiography revealed a slight curvature in the mesial and distal canals. A wide trapezoidal access was prepared after the use of intermediate size files for apical preparation. K-type files No. 6, 8 and 10 were used for the preparation of the smooth tunnel (glide path) and a WaveOne Gold primary file for shaping. A single cone obturation was performed. The case is published with the purpose of offering a clear and complete vision of the endodontic treatment of the mandibular third molar that can have different internal configurations. Third molars, due to their posterior location, limited access, and severe curvature, pose the greatest clinical challenges and require meticulous skill, advanced technology, and patience to succeed

    Platelet rich fibrin and its use in dentistry

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    Introducci贸n: la fibrina rica en plaquetas (FRP) se considera un material regenerativo que posee una gran cantidad de factores de crecimiento, leucocitos, plaquetas y citoquinas que se requieren en los procesos de curaci贸n. En odontolog铆a, se presenta como una tendencia en auge por su versatilidad, sobre todo en cirug铆a bucomaxilofacial, implantolog铆a oral y en periodoncia.M茅todos: se utiliz贸 como metodolog铆a la denominada PRISMA Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocols, donde se cumplieron los criterios de b煤squeda de acuerdo a los est谩ndares Cochrane para revisiones sistem谩ticas. Adem谩s, para la extracci贸n de datos se utiliz贸 la herramienta Perish or Perish, con la finalidad de realizar esta b煤squeda de art铆culos relacionados al objeto de estudio.Desarrollo: la fibrina rica en plaquetas se obtiene mediante la centrifugaci贸n de sangre del propio paciente sin modificaci贸n bioqu铆mica artificial. Dentro de sus principales propiedades se puede encontrar el est铆mulo a la diferenciaci贸n y la proliferaci贸n de los osteoblastos, estimulaci贸n de la angiog茅nesis y efecto mit贸geno. Tiene un amplio uso en el campo de la odontolog铆a.聽 En la periodoncia y la implantolog铆a oral tiene m煤ltiples aplicaciones, para tratar las recesiones gingivales, en la elevaci贸n del piso del seno maxilar, aumenta el efecto de la coagulaci贸n/regeneraci贸n tisular en el sitio quir煤rgico mediante un co谩gulo natural que acelera la curaci贸n de los tejidos blandos y duros.Conclusiones: se concluye que los beneficios de las FRP en la recuperaci贸n de los pacientes, por lo cual, se evidencia la viabilidad de su uso en los diferentes procedimientos, sean estos de periodoncia, endodoncia, cirug铆a o armonizaci贸n f谩cil.Introduction: Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is considered a regenerative material that possesses a large amount of growth factors, leukocytes, platelets and cytokines that are required in healing processes. In dentistry, it is a growing trend due to its versatility, especially in oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral implantology and periodontics.Methods: The methodology used was PRISMA Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocols, where the search criteria were met according to Cochrane standards for systematic reviews. In addition, the Perish or Perish tool was used for data extraction, in order to carry out this search for articles related to the object of study.Development: platelet-rich fibrin is obtained by centrifugation of the patient's own blood without artificial biochemical modification. Among its main properties are the stimulation of osteoblast differentiation and proliferation, stimulation of angiogenesis and mitogenic effect. It has a wide use in the field of dentistry.聽 In periodontics and oral implantology it has multiple applications, to treat gingival recessions, in maxillary sinus floor elevation, increases the effect of coagulation/tissue regeneration at the surgical site by means of a natural clot that accelerates the healing of soft and hard tissues.Conclusions: It is concluded that the benefits of FRP in the recovery of patients, therefore, the feasibility of its use in different procedures, whether they are periodontics, endodontics, surgery or easy harmonization, is evidenced

    Perfil sociodemogr谩fico y monitoreo de la disfunci贸n tiroidea subcl铆nica en la poblaci贸n atendida en el Laboratorio Cl铆nico LABSERV

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    This thesis addresses subclinical thyroid dysfunction in a selected population, with the objective of determining its prevalence and analyzing its socio-demographic profile. Through an observational study, 81 patients were evaluated to establish the prevalence of subclinical thyroid dysfunction, finding that 19% of the studied population had this condition. An unequal distribution was observed between genders, with a higher proportion of women affected. In addition, sociodemographic variables such as age and educational level were analyzed in relation to hyperthyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism. Significant associations were found between age and subclinical hyperthyroidism, as well as between subclinical hypothyroidism and sex, age, and educational level. It is recommended to carry out longitudinal studies and early detection programs to improve care for this condition in the population studied. These findings provide a deeper understanding of subclinical thyroid dysfunction and may contribute to improved management of this condition in clinical practice.El presente art铆culo aborda la disfunci贸n tiroidea subcl铆nica en una poblaci贸n seleccionada, con el objetivo de determinar su prevalencia y analizar su perfil socio-demogr谩fico. A trav茅s de un estudio observacional, se evaluaron 81 pacientes para establecer la prevalencia de disfunci贸n tiroidea subcl铆nica, encontrando que el 19% de la poblaci贸n estudiada presentaba esta condici贸n. Se observ贸 una distribuci贸n desigual entre g茅neros, con una mayor proporci贸n de mujeres afectadas. Adem谩s, se analizaron variables socio-demogr谩ficas como la edad y el nivel de instrucci贸n en relaci贸n con el hipertiroidismo y el hipotiroidismo subcl铆nico. Se encontraron asociaciones significativas entre la edad y el hipertiroidismo subcl铆nico, as铆 como entre el hipotiroidismo subcl铆nico y el sexo, la edad y el nivel de instrucci贸n. Se recomienda realizar estudios longitudinales y programas de detecci贸n temprana para mejorar la atenci贸n de esta condici贸n en la poblaci贸n estudiada. Estos hallazgos proporcionan una comprensi贸n m谩s profunda de la disfunci贸n tiroidea subcl铆nica y pueden contribuir a mejorar la gesti贸n de esta condici贸n en la pr谩ctica cl铆nica

    S铆ndrome de burnout y su relaci贸n con factores sociodemogr谩ficos en estudiantes de odontolog铆a UNIANDES

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    La pr谩ctica y estudio odontol贸gico ha sido considerado como una de las actividades que ocasiona con mayor frecuencia algunas alteraciones y manifestaciones de la salud f铆sica y mental, en comparaci贸n con otras profesiones de la salud; siendo reflejadas en la mayor铆a de quienes la estudian como altas cargas de estr茅s emocional, psicol贸gico y f铆sico. Este estudio busc贸 determinar la prevalencia del S铆ndrome de Burnout y su relaci贸n con factores sociodemogr谩ficos en estudiantes de 7mo a 10mo semestre de la Carrera de Odontolog铆a UNIANDES. Este estudio descriptivo de cohorte transversal emple贸 la encuesta Unidimensional de Burnout Estudiantil y preguntas orientadas a valorar factores sociodemogr谩ficos; la aplicaci贸n de la encuesta se realiz贸 por SurveyMonkey. Participaron 204 estudiantes, de entre 20 a 25 a帽os y en su mayor铆a de sexo femenino; menos del 1% de la muestra estudiada seg煤n la escala de Burnout, se encuentra libre de estr茅s, encontr谩ndose las siguientes prevalencias seg煤n el nivel: leve 76.96%; moderado 20.59%, grave 1.47%; y no presentaron, 0.98%. Dentro de los principales factores de riesgo para padecer del s铆ndrome de Burnout, se encuentran molestias fisiol贸gicas previas que presenta el estudiante

    Prevalencia de bruxismo y estr茅s en estudiantes de odontolog铆a de la Universidad Regional Aut贸noma de los Andes

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    Introducci贸n: el bruxismo conocido como un trastorno de etiolog铆a multifactorial es una actividad parafuncional que consiste en el apriete y rechinamiento dentario, puede ser de causa conocida o de causa desconocida, sea cual sea, se puede realizar durante el d铆a o durante la noche. Objetivo: determinar la magnitud y presencia de bruxismo relacionado con el nivel de estr茅s y ansiedad, en los estudiantes de la carrera de odontolog铆a de la Facultad de Ciencias M茅dicas de la Universidad Regional Aut贸noma de los Andes en Ecuador. M茅todo: se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo y de corte transversal, en estudiantes de la carrera de Odontolog铆a de la Universidad Regional Aut贸noma De Los Andes en el a帽o 2022. El universo estuvo constituido por el total de estudiantes de la de Odontolog铆a de la Universidad Regional Aut贸noma de los Andes. La muestra se seleccion贸 mediante muestreo aleatorio simple, obteniendose 354 estudiantes. Resultados: se determin贸 que el 45% de estudiantes no presentaron bruxismo y el 55% de estudiantes presentaron bruxismo, con predominio en mujeres. Todos los alumnos que mostraron bruxismo presentaron niveles altos de depresi贸n, estr茅s y ansiedad. Conclusiones: existe claramente una relaci贸n entre estr茅s, ansiedad y bruxismo. Los resultados muestran la prevalencia de estr茅s y bruxismo en estudiantes de la carrera de odontolog铆a, debido a que hay una gran cantidad de la relaci贸n del factor depresi贸n, del factor ansiedad y del factor estr茅s con el nivel moderado de bruxismo

    Biosafety in Dentistry before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introducci贸n: en el caso de la odontolog铆a, la bioseguridad se centra en los procedimientos que se deben seguir dentro del consultorio odontol贸gico con el fin de garantizar la salud y seguridad tanto del odont贸logo y sus asistentes, como del paciente. Estos procedimientos de Bioseguridad en odontolog铆a involucran estrategias de inmunizaci贸n y tambi茅n la prevenci贸n de la exposici贸n de dentistas, asistentes y pacientes a materiales infecciosos.Objetivo: describir los cambios en las medidas de bioseguridad en la odontolog铆a a nivel mundial determinados por la detecci贸n del virus SARS-CoV-2.M茅todos: para realizar esta investigaci贸n se consultaron 27 art铆culos sobre el tema, obtenidos de b煤squedas en bases de datos como Elsevier a trav茅s de Science Direct, Google Acad茅mico yScielo, de ellos fueron utilizados 14 como bibliograf铆a. Predominaron los art铆culos publicados durante los 煤ltimos cinco a帽os y otros por su relevancia.Desarrollo: los protocolos de bioseguridad antes de la aparici贸n del Covid-19 estaban enfocados en evitar accidentes laborales, enfermedades propias de la profesi贸n e infecciones cruzadas. El lavado de manos se difund铆a para los profesionales de la salud y para la poblaci贸n en general no era muy com煤n. Luego de la detecci贸n del Covid-19 se mejoraron las condiciones de limpieza y bioseguridad dentro de la pr谩ctica odontol贸gica, pacientes m谩s informados, personal de limpieza eficaz, normas obligatorias lavado de manos, toma de temperatura, instrumental para cada paciente, normas estrictas de esterilizaci贸n y limpieza de 谩reas de forma general.Conclusiones: antes de realizar un tratamiento el paciente se debe enjuagar la boca durante un minuto por per贸xido de hidr贸geno al 0,5 % o 1 % (tener precauci贸n al prepararlo para evitar quemaduras en mucosa) o con Povidona al 0,2 % (tener cuidado con al茅rgicos a yodo).Introduction: in the case of dentistry, biosafety focuses on the procedures that鈥檚 hould be followed within the dental office in order to ensure the health and safety of both the dentist and his assistants, as well as the patient. These biosafety procedures in dentistry involve immunization strategies and also the prevention of exposure of dentists, assistants and patients to infectious materials.Objective: to describe the changes in biosafety measures in dentistry worldwide determined by the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.Methods: to carry out this research, 27 articles were consulted on the subject obtained from searches in databases such as Elsevier through Science Direct, Google Scholar and Scielo, of which 14聽 as a bibliography, with a predominance of articles published during the last five years and others due to their relevance.Development: biosafety protocols before the appearance of Covid-19 were focused on avoiding occupational accidents, occupational diseases and cross-infections. Hand washing was widespread among health professionals and was not very common among the general population. After the detection of Covid-19, cleaning and biosafety conditions within the dental practice were improved, more informed patients, effective cleaning staff, mandatory hand washing rules, temperature taking, instruments for each patient, strict sterilization rules and general cleaning of areas.Conclusions: before performing a treatment the patients hould rinse the mouth for one minute with hydrogen peroxide at 0,5 % -1 % (be careful when preparing it to avoid mucosal burns) or with Povidone at 0,2 % (be careful with those allergic to iodine)