634 research outputs found

    Cu,Zn,Al layered double hydroxides as precursors for copper catalysts in methanol steam reforming – pH-controlled synthesis by microemulsion technique

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    By co-precipitation inside microemulsion droplets a Cu-based catalyst precursor was prepared with a Cu:Zn:Al ratio of 50:17:33. A pH-controlled synthesis was applied by simultaneous dosing of metal solution and precipitation agent. This technique allows for continuous operation of the synthesis and enables easy and feasible up-scaling. For comparison conventional co-precipitation was applied with the same composition. Both techniques resulted in phase pure layered double hydroxide precursors and finally (after calcination and reduction) in small Cu nanoparticles (8 nm) and ZnAl2O4. By applying the microemulsion technique smaller Cu/ZnAl2O4 aggregates with less embedded Cu particles were obtained. The microemulsion product exhibited a higher BET and specific Cu surface area and also a higher absolute catalytic activity in methanol steam reforming. However, the Cu surface area-normalized, intrinsic activity was lower. This observation was related to differences in interactions of Cu metal and oxide phase

    Digitalisation and sustainability – legal challenges for the insurance sector, especially with regard to the use of AI

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    Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit sind zwei aktuelle und für die Versicherungswirtschaft bedeutsame Themenfelder, die auf den ersten Blick wenig miteinander zu tun haben. Indessen gibt es eine ganze Reihe von inhaltlichen Bezügen und Querverbindungen. Der Beitrag behandelt unter diesem Blickwinkel die rechtlichen Herausforderungen, welche sich aus der Digitalisierung im Versicherungssektor und insbesondere aus dem Einsatz von KI-Systemen ergeben.Digitalisation and sustainability are two current and important topics for the insurance industry that at first glance have little to do with each other. However, there is a whole series of substantive references and cross-connections. From this perspective, the article deals with the legal challenges arising from digitalisation in the insurance sector and in particular from the use of AI systems

    Neue Technologien. Politische, wirtschaftliche, rechtliche und faktische Auswirkungen in Deutschland : Deutscher Länderbericht. Weltkongress der Internationalen Vereinigung für Versicherungsrecht (AIDA) 2018

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    New technologies influence the insurance sector in Germany in many ways. This is also reflected in changes in the legal framework. For example, the German legislator has introduced new rules for highly and fully automated driving. In the future, autonomous driving will raise the question of the effects of the fact that there is no longer a driver on liability and insurance. The article shows that the German system of owner (“holder” or “keeper”) liability in combination with compulsory liability insurance also offers a convincing solution for this challenge, especially with regard to an effective protection of traffic victims. Another field is cyber risks. They have led to the development of a new insurance cover. Digitalisation presents new opportunities for the contract conclusion process and the regulation of insurance claims, but there are also some legal challenges to be addressed. Last but not least, the use of robots and nanotechnology is leading to new types of risks and to modified coverage concepts. This article deals with current developments in Germany.Neue Technologien beeinflussen den Versicherungssektor in Deutschland in vieler Hinsicht. Dies spiegelt sich auch in veränderten rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen. So hat der deutsche Gesetzgeber neue Regeln für das hoch- und vollautomatisierte Fahren in Kraft gesetzt. In der Zukunft wird das autonome Fahren die Frage nach den Auswirkungen des Umstands, dass es keinen Fahrer mehr gibt, auf Haftung und Versicherung aufwerfen. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass das bewährte deutsche System einer Halterhaftung in Kombination mit einer obligatorischen Haftpflichtversicherung auch dafür eine überzeugende Lösung bietet, die insbesondere dem Schutz von Verkehrsopfern gerecht wird. Ein weiteres Feld sind Cyber-Risiken. Sie haben zur Entwicklung einer neuen Versicherungsdeckung geführt. Auch der Vertragsschlussprozess und die Regulierung von Versicherungsfällen werden durch die Digitalisierung vor neue Möglichkeiten, aber auch vor rechtliche Herausforderungen gestellt. Nicht zuletzt führen der Einsatz von Robotern und von Nanotechnologie zu neuartigen Risiken und zu veränderten Deckungskonzepten. Der Beitrag geht auf die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Deutschland ein

    Arbitrating in Italy and Germany

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    This volume assembles overviews on recent developments in German and Italian arbitration. In both countries there have been changes and amendments of the institutional rules issued by the respective institutions, being the “Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS)” for Germany and the ”Camera Arbitrale di Milano (CAM)” for Italy, in the last few years. These reforms reflect common goals such as speeding up arbitral proceedings, but there remain differences in some respects. In addition, new developments in legislation and in case law of both countries are explained and compared in the articles

    Arbitrating in Italy and Germany

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    This volume assembles overviews on recent developments in German and Italian arbitration. In both countries there have been changes and amendments of the institutional rules issued by the respective institutions, being the “Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS)” for Germany and the ”Camera Arbitrale di Milano (CAM)” for Italy, in the last few years. These reforms reflect common goals such as speeding up arbitral proceedings, but there remain differences in some respects. In addition, new developments in legislation and in case law of both countries are explained and compared in the articles

    Intermetallic compounds in heterogeneous catalysis - a quickly developing field

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    The application of intermetallic compounds for understanding in heterogeneous catalysis developed in an excellent way during the last decade. This review provides an overview of concepts and developments revealing the potential of intermetallic compounds in fundamental as well as applied catalysis research. Intermetallic compounds may be considered as platform materials to address current and future catalytic challenges, e.g. in respect to the energy transition