13 research outputs found

    Fibra de carbono en lesiones articulares de r贸tula de conejos

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    Hemos utilizado implantes de fibra de carbono para rellenar defectos osteocartilaginosos creados en la superficie articular de la r贸tula de 18 conejos, con el objetivo de estudiar a largo plazo la evoluci贸n histol贸gica del proceso de reparaci贸n. A los 6 meses de evoluci贸n postoperatoria el defecto fue rellenado por tejido fibroso, a los 9 meses se desarroll贸 tejido fibrocartilaginoso y a los 12 meses los defectos estaban cubiertos por tejido cartilaginoso hialino.Carbon fiber implants were used to fill osteochondral defects created on the articular surface in the patella in 18 rabbits for the purpose of studying the long-term histological changes of the repair process. Six months after surgery the defect was filled by fibrous tissue, where the superficial area was organized parallel to the joint surface. Fibrocartilage developed after 9 months and, after 12 months, the defects were covered by hyaline cartilage tissue

    Capacidad condrog茅nica de injertos libres de periostio en la reparaci贸n de defectos del cart铆lago articular: estudio experimental en conejos

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    Ante la incapacidad de reparaci贸n de las lesiones del cart铆lago articular, hemos dise帽ado un modelo experimental, consistente en la realizaci贸n de una 煤lcera condral de 8 mm, en la superficie articular de la r贸tula, en 48 conejos distribuidos en 2 series. Mientras en la serie control (24 conejos) dicha 煤lcera se dej贸 a evoluci贸n espont谩nea, en la experimental (24 conejos) fue cubierta con plastia libre de periostio tibial para poder investigar la posibilidad de regeneraci贸n del cart铆lago articular. Los resultados se valoraron macrosc贸pica y microsc贸picamente a intervalos de 1, 2, 4 y 8 semanas, comprobando la ausencia de regeneraci贸n espont谩nea y el desarrollo de un neocart铆lago hialino a partir de la plastia de periostio, con lo que se demuestra la capacidad condrog茅nica de la misma.An animal experimental study was designed in order to repair chondral defects of 8 mm. diameter, performed at the articular surface of the patella in adult rabitts. A total of 48 animals were operated. The control serie consisted of 24 animals in which the defect was not repaired. In other 24 animals, the defect was covered whit a free tibial periosteal praft. Rcsults were evaluated macro and microscopically at 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks after surgeon. In control cases, there were no spontaneous repair while in case with periosteal implantation, a new trialine cartilage originated in the implanted tissue was observed. These findings demonstrated the chondrogenic capacity of periosteal free grafts for repair of articular surface defects

    An谩lisis a largo plazo del cart铆lago producido por injertos libres de periostio tibial en lesiones articulares del c贸ndilo femoral del conejo

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    Prop贸sito de estudio: Analizar la reparaci贸n de lesiones del cart铆lago articular con injertos libres de periostio. Material y M茅todos: 36 conejos de Nueva Zelanda, de 4 a 6 semanas. Creaci贸n de 煤lcera condral en c贸ndilo femoral interno. Evoluci贸n espont谩nea en 18 animales. Tratamiento con injerto libre de periostio tibial fijado con Tissucol R en otros 18 animales. Sacrificio en grupos de 67 animales a las 8, 12 y 24 semanas. Valoraci贸n de resultados macrosc贸picos, histol贸gicos e histoqu铆micos. An谩lisis estad铆stico mediante el Test de la "U" de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: La evoluci贸n espont谩nea de la lesi贸n no conllev贸, en ning煤n caso, su reparaci贸n completa. El injerto libre de periostio tibial proporcion贸 una reparaci贸n completa de la lesi贸n y una restauraci贸n de la superficie articular con diferencia estad铆sticamente significativa. Conclusiones: El presente estudio pone de manifiesto, en el conejo, la escasa capacidad de reparaci贸n espont谩nea del cart铆lago articular y el potencial condrog茅nico de injertos libres de periostio tibial, con mantenimiento a largo plazo de las caracter铆sticas macrosc贸picas, histol贸gicas e histoqu铆micas del neocart铆lago. Se discute la posibilidad de su utilizaci贸n como m茅todo alternativo en la reparaci贸n de lesiones osteocondrales circunscritas en pacientes j贸venes.Purpose of the study: To analyze the healing capacity of articular cartilage lesions treated with periostium free grafos. Material and Methods: 36 New Zealand rabbits, 4-6 weeks old were used. A chondral defect was created in the medial femoral condyle and a free graft of tibial periostium filling the defect was fixed with Tissucol in 18 animals. The other 18 rabbits were used as controls. The specimens for laboratory study were harvested at 8, 12 and 24 weeks. Evaluation included macroscopic, histological and histochemical results. Mann-Whitney test was used for statistical analysis. Results: Spontaneous evolution of the lesion did not lead to complete repair of cartilage lesions and restoration of the articular surface that was statistically significant. Conclusions: the study confirms, in the rabbit, the scarce spontaneous repair of articular cartilage and the chondrogenic potential of tibial periosteum free implants, with long term maintenance of the macroscopic, histologic and histochemical characteristics of neocartilage. The potential for its use as an alternative method in repair of circumscribed osteochondral lesions in young patients is discussed

    Reconstruction of osteochondral lesions using carbon fiber

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    Objetivo: Estudiar a largo plazo la evoluci贸n histol贸gica de defectos osteocondrales de la r贸tula de conejos tratados con fibra de carbono. Material y M茅todo: 18 conejos de raza gigante espa帽ol, variedad parda, de ambos sexos, con un peso aproximado de 1.5 a 2 Kg y 18 discos Cleveland de fibra de carbono de 8 mm de di谩metro (Medicarb庐, fabricado por Leyland Medical International). Creaci贸n de un defecto de 6 mm. de di谩metro en la superficie articular de la r贸tula, hasta alcanzar el tejido 贸seo subcondral sangrante, que fue rellenado con un disco de fibra de carbono previamente humedecido en soluci贸n salina y recortado para una adecuada adaptaci贸n al defecto. Resultados: A los seis meses de evoluci贸n postoperatoria el defecto fue rellenado por tejido fibroso, a los nueve meses se desarroll贸 tejido fibrocartilaginoso y a los 12 meses los defectos estaban cubiertos por tejido cartilaginoso hialino. Conclusiones: Demostramos la neoformaci贸n de cart铆lago hialino en defectos osteocondrales de r贸tula de conejo rellenados con fibra de carbono.Peer Reviewe

    Fibra de carbono como material de interposici贸n en defectos del cart铆lago de crecimiento: estudio experimental

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    El problema que plantean los traumatismos de cart铆lago de crecimiento, con respecto al tratamiento de los puentes 贸seos y sus secuelas han motivado la realizaci贸n del presente trabajo experimental. Se ha pretendido valorar la utilidad de la fibra de carbono como material de interposici贸n en la prevenci贸n de la formaci贸n de puentes 贸seos tras una lesi贸n fis谩ria distal femoral provocada quir煤rgicamente. Se han utilizado 24 conejos, de ambos sexos, de cuatro semanas de vida y un peso medio de 1.200 g distribuidos en cuatro grupos de seis animales cada uno, seg煤n el momento de sacrificio, 1, 2, 4 y 8 semanas. Los animales fueron intervenidos en ambos f茅mures realiz谩ndoles una resecci贸n externa de la placa de crecimiento en la extremidad distal. El f茅mur izquierdo fue considerado como control, y en el f茅mur derecho se implant贸 fibra de carbono en el defecto creado. Todos los espec铆menes fueron estudiados macrosc贸pica, radiol贸gica, e histol贸gicamente, observando que la fibra de carbono utilizada como material de interposici贸n en los defectos de cart铆lago de crecimiento, act煤a como barrera pasiva retrasando la aparici贸n del puente 贸seo.The problem set forth by the traumatisms of growth cartilage regarding the treatment of the osseus bridges and its sequelas has motivated the carrying out of an experimental model in rabbit. It has been our pretension to evaluate the utility of the carbon fibre as a material of insertion in the prevention of osseous bridges formation after a physeal distal femoral lesion surgically provoked. 24 rabbits, of both sexes, 4 weeks old and with an average weight of 1.200 g have been used for this experiment. These have been distributed into 4 group composed of 6 animals each, taking into account the moment of sacrifice, 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks. Both femurs of each animals were operated on executing an external resection of the growth plate in distal extremity of the femur. The left femur was taken as control and was left to evolve. A carbon fibre was implanted on the right femur, taken as experimental. All the specimen were studied macroscopically, radiologically and histologically, observing that the carbon fibre used as material of interposition in the defects growth cartilage sets as a passive barrier retarding the appearance of the osseous bridges

    Profilaxis de los puentes 贸seos fisarios mediante interposici贸n de injerto aut贸logo de periostio. Estudio experimental en conejos

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    Se ha realizado un trabajo experimental sobre la profilaxis de los puentes 贸seos epifisometafisarios mediante la interposici贸n de injerto aut贸logo de periostio, planteando los siguientes objetivos: 1) Conseguir una barrera epifisometafisaria que impida la comunicaci贸n de los vasos epifisarios y metafisarios y 2) Estudiar la capacidad condrog茅nica del periostio. Se han utilizado 48 conejos, distribuidos en dos Series de cuatro Grupos cada una, seg煤n el momento del sacrificio a la 1a, 2a, 4a y 8a semanas. En la serie Control, se procedi贸 a la extirpaci贸n de 1/3 de la fisis distal externa, mientras que en la Experimental se interpuso un injerto Ubre de periostio. Todos los espec铆menes se estudiaron macrosc贸pica, radiol贸gica e histol贸gicamente. Las conclusiones han sido, que el periostio como injerto Ubre: 1) Act煤a como barrera pasiva en las lesiones fisarias en las primeras semanas. 2) Tiene capacidad condrog茅nica en las primeras semanas. 3) A largo plazo no es un material efectivo en la profilaxis de los puentes 贸seos ep铆fiso-metafisarios.An experimental work has been carried out on prevention of fiseal bone bridges formation by means of interposing autologus periosteum graft, bringing up the following objetives: 1) To achieve a barrier which can prevent the communication between epiphyseal and metaphyseal vessels, and 2) To study the condrogenic potencial of periosteum. A total of 48 rabbits have been used, arranged in three series of four groups each, acording to the moment of sacrifice in the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 8 t h weeks. They were all operated on the right femur. In the control serie an extirpation of 1/3 of the outer and distal growth plate was carried out, while in the experimental series the created defect was filled up with a free periosteum graft. All the specimens were studied macroscopically, radiologically and histologically. As conclusions, the periosteum used as a free graft: 1) In the first weeks act like a pasive barrier in physeal lesions, 2) It has also condrogenic capacity in the first weeks and, 3) On large follow-up studies, the periosteum do not seems to be a efective material to prevent physeal bone bridges

    Injertos osteocondrales congelados en el conejo: Estudio experimental

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    Con el prop贸sito de analizar un protocolo de congelaci贸n de cart铆lago completo estudiando y la viabilidad del cart铆lago tas la implantaci贸n se ha realizado un estudio experimental en 60 rodillas de 45 conejos de Nueva Zelanda en poblaci贸n no gen茅ticamente pura. Se extrajeron injertos osteocartilaginosos de 4 mm de di谩metro y 2-3 mm de espesor, incluyendo cart铆lago articular y hueso subcondral que fueron sometidos a congelaci贸n lenta hasta -196潞 en Planer Kryo-10, Serie II, Controlled Rate Freezers, siguiendo un descenso de temperatura controlada bajo crioprotecci贸n con Dimetilsulf贸xido, propanodiol y sacarosa. Posteriormente fueron descongelados e implantados en c贸ndilos femorales. Los injertos evolucionaron a tejido amorfo acelular y pasados los 2 meses, tras la incorporaci贸n del componente 贸seo se desarroll贸 tejido ibrocartilaginoso de sustituci贸n. El presente estudio indica que el cart铆lago articular congelado no mantiene su viabilidad tras la implantaci贸n.The purpose of this study was to analyze a protocol for freezing whole cartilage and to study the viability of cartilage after the implant in 60 knees of 45 New Zealand rabbits from a genetically impure population. Osteocartilaginous implants were removed, measuring 4 mm in diameter and 2-3 mm thickness, inclunding the articular cartilage and the suchondral bone, and slow freezing up -196潞 using Planer Kyro-10, Series II, Controlled Rate Freezers, following a controlled drop in temperature under cyrso-protection with Dimethylsulfoxide, propanediol and sacarose. After thawing grafts were implanted in femoral condyles. The implants evolves into an acellular amorphous tissue and after 2 months, period in which the incorporation of the osseous compound occurs, substitute fibrocartilaginous tiusse develops. This study shows that frozen articular cartilage does not remain viable after implant

    Reparaci贸n del cart铆lago articular con injerto libre de pericondrio estudio experimental

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    Ante la incapacidad de regeneraci贸n espont谩nea de lesiones profundas y amplias del cart铆lago articular, estudiamos la reparaci贸n cartilaginosa con plastias de pericondrio tomadas de la regi贸n condro-costal e implant谩ndolas con su cara condrog茅nica sobre una lesi贸n osteocondral realizada en la superficie articular rotuliana. Macrosc贸pica e histol贸gicamente, a la octava semana, el neocart铆lago formado ten铆a igual apariencia que el cart铆lago hialino normal, no existiendo separaci贸n entre el cart铆lago remanente y el neoformado a partir de la plastia. Estos resultados corroboran el gran potencial condrog茅nico del pericondrioFaced with the incapacity of spontaneous regeneration of deep and extensive lesions of the articular cartilage we studied the cartilaginous repair with pericondrium grafts taken from the chondro-costal region. Grafts were implanted with their condrogenic face over an osteochondral defect located at the surface of the patella. At the 8th week, the neocartilage formed had macroscopically and histologically, the same appearance as the normal hyaline cartilage, with no separation between the remaining cartilage and the neocartilage induced by the graft. These results corroborate the high chondrogenic potential of the perichondrium

    Reparaci贸n de lesiones del cart铆lago articular de la r贸tula de conejos con injertos libres de pericondrio costal y periostio tibial: Estudio histol贸gico comparativo

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    El prop贸sito del presente, estudio experimental es comparar la capacidad condrog茅nica de injertos libres de pericondrio y periostio en lesiones que afectan a todo el espesor del cart铆lago articular rotuliano. Para ellos, se eligieron 18 conejos adolescentes de Nueva Zelanda con un peso comprendido entre los 2400 y 3600 gramos, a los que se realiz贸 una lesi贸n de 6 mm de di谩metro y 3 mm de espesor en la superficie articular de la r贸tula, y se distribuyeron de modo aleatorio en tres grupos: control, tratados con injerto libre de pericondrio (PC) y tratados con injerto libre de periostio (PO). Todos los animales fueron sacrificados a las 8 semanas y las preparaciones histol贸gicas fueron evaluadas con arreglo a una escala que concede una puntuaci贸n de 0 a 17 puntos. En el an谩lisis estad铆stico, las diferencias encontradas han sido, en todos los casos, entre el control y los grupos tratados, para ninguna de las variables se ha podido demostrar diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas entre los grupos PC y PO.The purpose of this experimental study was to compare the chondrogenic capacity of both perichondrium and periosteal free grafts in lesions affecting all the articular chondral thickness of the patella. A total of 18 white New Zeland rabbits with a weight ranging from 2.4 to 3.6 kg were operated. A chondral lesion o f 6 mm of diameter and 3 mm in depth was performed at the articular surface on the patella. The lesion was repair with either a perichondrium (6 animals) or a periosteal free grafts (6 animals). In other 6 animals, the control group, the lesion was not repaired. All animals were killed 8 weeks after surgery. Histological studies were performed using a modified O'Discoll's scale. Statistically significant differences were found between the control group and the two groups in which the lesions were repaired, but not between lesions treated with perichondrium and periosteal grafts

    Oral lichenoid lesions related to contact with dental materials : a literature review

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    Oral lichenoid lesions related to contact are defined as oral-cavity eruptions with an identifiable etiology, and are clinically and histologically similar to oral lichen planus. Within this group are found oral lichenoid lesions related to contact with dental materials (OLLC), the most common being those related to silver amalgam. Currently, it remains difficult to diagnose these lesions due to the clinical and histopathological similarity with oral lichen planus and other oral mucosa lesions of lichenoid characteristics. In the present paper, we carry out an updated review of the tests for, and the different characteristics of OLLC, which may aid the diagnosis. For this review, we made searches in the Pubmed庐 and Cochrane庐 databases. Among the literature we found several published papers, from which we have used review papers, case papers, cohort studies, case and control studies, and a meta-analysis study. After carrying out this review, we can conclude that the diagnosis of these lesions is still difficult and controversial. However, there are different aspects in the clinical presentation, pathological study and results obtained when replacing suspect materials, which, when taken together, may be useful when establishing the final diagnosis of OLLC