452 research outputs found

    Seafood fraud incidents control: Histological based methods as reliable tools for fresh and frozen/thawed products discrimination

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    Freezing is one of the commonest methods applied for seafood shelf-life extension and long-term preservation. Nevertheless, the quality decay caused by water crystallization and cellular dehydration is responsible of significant reduction of the frozen-thawed products commercial value. Therefore, according to the European Legislation on food labelling, the declaration of freezing process represents a mandatory information for the protection of consumers’ rights. In fact, the lack of such information, besides entailing a non-conformity, can favor commercial frauds. The present work aims to present the development and validation of a histological approach, based on quali-quantitative histological markers, for the discrimination between fresh and thawed-frozen fishery products. In particular, the results of the application of the histological method on Merluccius merluccius and Octopus vulgaris, respectively selected as study models for white meat fish and cephalopods species, will be presented

    a test procedure for energetic and performance analysis of cold appliances for the food industry

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    In this article we present a novel approach for the characterization of cold appliances and in particular of refrigerators based on the standard vapour compression cycle with a reciprocating on/off compressor. The test procedure is based on a virtual instrument that perform both the stimulus and the data acquisition on the device under test. Acquired data is elaborated to fit a semi-empirical model based on the energetic balances between thermal and electrical sub systems and the heat exchanged with the environment. This approach results in a simple method to calculate useful parameters of the refrigerator, such as energetic performance, cooling effect and limit values of thermal loads. The test procedure requires only a few temperatures and the electric power consumption to be monitored, resulting in a low impact on the refrigerator. Preliminary tests showed a good estimation of parameters and prediction of energy consumption and heat extraction capacity of the refrigerator under test

    An Experimental Platform for the Analysis of Polydisperse Systems Based on Light Scattering and Image Processing

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    In this work an experimental platform for light scattering analysis has been developed using image sensors, as CCD or CMOS. The main aim of this activity is the investigation of the feasibility of using these types of sensors for polydisperse systems analysis. The second purpose is the implementation of an experimental platform which is enough versatile to permit the observation of different phenomena in order to develop novel sensors/approach using data fusion

    Safety and commercial issues in fresh mushrooms and mushroom-based products sold at retail in Tuscany region

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    The compliance to European and National safety and labelling requirements relating to the sale of spontaneous and cultivated mushrooms and mushroom-based products in Tuscany was assessed. The evidence was collected by the Mycological Inspectorate of North-West Tuscany Local Health Authority during 90 inspections (from 2016 to 2020) at large-scale distribution stores, wholesalers, and restaurants in 10 cities belonging to 3 provinces, and on the labelling analysis of 98 commercial products collected at retail in 2021. Despite a substantial compliance of the inspected activities and products with the regulatory requirements, critical issues were highlighted: 1) EU legislative gap in the definition of specific measures for the safe sale of spontaneous mushrooms; 2) improper shelf storage temperatures of fresh-cut products; 3) incorrect condition of use on the labels of pre-packaged products; 4) lack of countryof-origin declaration in pre-packaged products. Furthermore, the labelling analysis highlighted that 18.4% and 15.3% of the products presented issues in the validity and correctness of the scientific names respect to national requirements in. A revision of the current EU legislation is needed to guarantee consumers safety, also considering the relevant number of poisoning cases related to false mycetisms (ingestion of edible mushrooms unproperly stored or used). Also, a specific revision and harmonization of the EU labelling of mushrooms would be desirable to protect consumers

    Evolution of the Anisakis risk management in the European and Italian context

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    Due to the social and legislative implications, the presence of Anisakis spp. larvae in fishery products has become a concern for both the consumers and the official Control Authorities. The issuance of a large number of provisions, aimed at better managing fish products intended to be consumed raw or almost raw and the associated risks, resulted in a very complicate legal framework. In this work, we analyzed the evolution of the normative through an overview on the local and international legislations, focusing on issues that are of practical interest for Food Business Operators (FBOs) in the fishery chain. In addition, we performed a survey across the Department of Prevention of the Italian Local Health Authorities (LHA) and the main fish markets in Italy to collect the operating procedures and the monitoring plans. Overall, we found many differences, due to the absence of a national reference standard for the management of the Anisakis risk. From this examination, it turns clear that only a participation of all the involved institutions, a strategy of synergistic interventions, as well as a correct training of FBOs, can result in an effective risk management and a proper risk communication, which should overcome states of confusion and unnecessary negative impacts on the economy

    Identification of candidate genes associated with Bacterial and Viral infections in Wild Boars hunted in Tuscany (Italy)

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    Wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) is one of the large mammals most spread worldwide, highly adaptable, and its population has rapidly increased in many areas in Europe. Central Italy, as well as Tuscany, is an area particularly suitable for wild boar. Wild boars are potential hosts for different etiological agents, such as Brucella spp., Leptospira spp. and Pseudorabies virus and can contribute to maintain and/or to disseminate some bacterial or viral pathogens to humans and domestic animals, above all-in free-range farms. In order to identify hypothetical genomic regions associated with these infection diseases, 96 samples of wild boars hunted in Tuscany during the 2018–2019 and 2019-2020 hunting seasons were considered. Diagnosis was achieved by serological tests and 42 Pseudorabies, 31 Leptospira and 15 Brucella positive animals were identified. All animals were genotyped with Geneseek Genomic Profiler Porcine HD (70k) and a genome-wide scan was then performed. Significant markers were highlighted for Pseudorabies (two SNPs), Brucella (seven SNPs), and Leptospira (four SNPs) and they were located within, or nearby, 29 annotated genes on chromosome 6, 9, 12, 13, 14 and 18. Eight genes are implicated in viral (SEC14L1, JMJD6, SRSF2, TMPRSS2, MX1, MX2) or bacterial (COL8A1, SPIRE1) infections, seven genes (MFSD11, METTL23, CTTNBP2, BACE2, IMPA2, MPPE1 and GNAL) are involved in mental disorders and one gene (MGAT5B) is related to the Golgi complex. Results presented here provide interesting starting points for future research, validation studies and fine mapping of candidate genes involved in bacterial and viral infections in wild boar


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    Nowadays, six of the seven species belonging to the Genus Lophius have an important commercial value in the national and international markets. Usually they are sold beheaded and for this reason they are called tails. This kind of preparation is a limit for the specie-identification by means of the morphological characteristics. The mitochondrial cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene is considered a useful genetic marker to identify fish species. In this work, after obtaining the Cyt b complete sequence of the Lophius species that were missed in the databases, we set up a method based on PCR-RFLP able to identify the six species of Lophius with a commercial denomination in the Italian market

    Selection of Histological Parameters for the Development of an Analytical Method for Discriminating Fresh and Frozen/Thawed Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) and Preventing Frauds along the Seafood Chain

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    This study aimed at selecting effective histological indicators of the freezing process, for the discrimination of fresh and frozen common octopus Octopus vulgaris. Histological indices of freezing process were selected in mantle and arm muscle and axial nerve tissues. Seven histological parameters were chosen: overall muscle tissue structural organization (a); gaping among muscle bundles (b); presence of optically empty spaces between and within muscle bundles (c); white spaces percentage between and within muscle bundles (d); overall nerve structural organization (e); presence of linear fissures and/or empty spaces within neuropil and axonal tract (f); presence of empty spaces within connective tissue matrix surrounding the nerve (g); empty space percentage within arm axial nerve region (h). The parameters were assessed on 150 mantle muscle sections (a, b, c, d), 150 arm muscle (b, c) and nervous (e, f, g, h) tissue sections belonging to 20 fresh exemplars further subdued to conventional freezing procedure at − 20 Â°C, 25 fresh curled exemplars, 25 exemplars industrially frozen at − 80 Â°C, and 20 thawed, curled, and individually quick frozen exemplars. Overall structural organization (a, e), gaping (b), and presence of optically empty spaces (c, f) confirmed significant morphological freezing indices in mantle and arm sections. In mantle, two d values (d < 25% and 25% < d < 33%) were proposed as complementary thresholds to be applied in association with b and c indices for freezing discrimination. These parameters appear eligible to set a method for discriminating fresh/thawed octopus products to be applied both in official control and self-check activities

    Five-years management of an emerging parasite risk (Eustrongylides sp., Nematoda) in a fishery supply chain located on Trasimeno Lake (Italy)

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    In the last few years, the widespread diffusion of potentially zoonotic parasitic nematodes of the genus Eustrongylides in the Trasimeno Lake, Central Italy, prompted Food Business Operators (FBOs) operating in the freshwater fish supply chain to define preventive measures to reduce or eliminate this new hazard from fishery products. The results of the self-checks for parasite risk management of a fishermen's cooperative over a five-year period (January 2016–April 2021) are presented. Nine freshwater commercial species, perch (Perca fluviatilis), largemouth black bass (Micropterus salmoides), big-scale sand smelt (Atherina boyeri), eel (Anguilla anguilla), black bullhead (Ictalurus melas), carp (Cyprinus carpio), tench (Tinca tinca), goldfish (Carassius auratus), and pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus), differently processed (filleted, whole gutted or whole ungutted), were investigated. The presence of visible parasites was assessed by visual inspection during processing and recorded. Eustrongylides sp. were found in all species examined except for goldfish. Eustrongylides sp. occurrence was negligible in large mouth black bass, eel, carp, and tench, while increasing prevalence rates over the years were observed in fillets of perch <400 g (from 4.2% in 2016 to 68% in 2021), batches of sand smelt (<1%–40%) and pumpkinseed sunfish (6%–99%). Still low but slightly increasing prevalence rates were also observed for black bull head. The rising of the infection in perch, sand smelt, and pumpkinseed sunfish lead to a progressive implementation of preventive measures including the definition of a sampling plan for the visual inspection followed by trimming or removal of the parasites from the muscle or the application of a threshold value to define the marketability of fish batches. This is the first study describing an approach for the management of the emerging risk posed by nematodes of the genus Eustrongylides in a freshwater fishery supply chain. Besides providing an updated epidemiological scenario in Lake Trasimeno, where this parasite was described for the first time in Italy in 2015, it could support other FBOs in the implementation of preventive measures to safeguard consumers' health and trust
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