34 research outputs found

    Técnica da imunoperoxidase utilizando um soro hiperimune anti-Leishmania (L.) chagasi no diagnóstico da leishmaniose tegumentar americana confirmada por cultura

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    The present study reports the production of the rabbit anti-Leishmania (L.) chagasi hyperimmune serum, the standardization of the immunohistochemistry (IHC) technique and the evaluation of its employment in cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) lesions diagnosed by Leishmania sp. culture isolation. Thirty fragments of active CL lesions were examined as well as 10 fragments of cutaneous mycosis lesions as control group. IHC proved more sensitive in detecting amastigotes than conventional hematoxylin-eosin (HE) stained slides: the former was positive in 24 (80%) biopsies whereas the latter, in 16 (53%) (p = 0.028). The reaction stained different fungus species causing cutaneous mycosis. Besides, positive reaction was noticed in mononuclear and endothelial cells. Nevertheless, this finding was present in the control group biopsies. It is concluded that IHC showed good sensitivity in detecting amastigotes.O presente estudo relata a produção do soro policlonal de coelho anti-Leishmania (L.) chagasi, a padronização da técnica de imunohistoquímica (IHQ) e sua aplicação em lesões de leishmaniose cutânea (LC) diagnosticadas por isolamento de Leishmania sp. em cultura. Foram examinados 30 fragmentos de lesões ativas de LC e 10 fragmentos de lesões de etiologia fúngica, utilizados como grupo controle. A IHQ mostrou-se mais sensível na detecção de amastigotas que a coloração em hematoxilina-eosina (HE), sendo positiva em 24 fragmentos de LC (80%) e ao passo que a HE foi positiva em 16 (53%) (p = 0,028). A IHQ também marcou diferentes espécies de fungos causadoras de micoses cutâneas. Adicionalmente, verificou-se positividade no citoplasma de células mononucleares e células endoteliais. Entretanto, esse achado esteve presente no grupo controle. Conclui-se que o método de IHQ apresentou boa sensibilidade na detecção de formas amastigotas

    A utilização do ELISA empregando antígenos homólogos e heterólogos para a detecção de IgG e subclasses (IgG1 e IgG2) no diagnóstico de Leishmaniose visceral canina

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    Indirect immunofluorescence is the method recommended for the diagnosis of visceral leishmanisis in dogs, however, the accuracy of this technique is low and its use on a large scale is limited. Since ELISA does not present these limitations, this technique might be an option for the detection of IgG or specific IgG1 and IgG2 subclasses. Canine ehrlichiosis is an important differential diagnosis of American Visceral Leishmaniasis (AVL). The present study compared ELISA using Leishmania chagasi and Leishmania braziliensis antigen for the detection of anti-Leishmania IgG and subclasses in serum samples from 37 dogs naturally infected with L. chagasi (AVL) and in samples from four dogs co-infected with L. braziliensis and L. chagasi (CI). The occurrence of cross-reactivity was investigated in control serum samples of 17 healthy dogs (HC) and 35 infected with Ehrlichia canis (EC). The mean optical density obtained for the detection of IgG was significantly higher when L. chagasi antigen was used, and was also higher in subgroup VLs (symptomatic) compared to subgroup Vla (asymptomatic). The correlation between IgG and IgG1 was low. The present results suggest that IgG ELISA using homologous antigen yields the best results, permitting the diagnosis of asymptomatic L. chagasi infection and the discrimination between cases of AVL and ehrlichiosis in dogs.A imunofluorescência indireta é o método recomendado para o diagnóstico de leishmaniose visceral em cães, entretanto, a acurácia dessa técnica é baixa e seu uso em grande escala é limitado. Uma vez que o ELISA não apresenta essas limitações, essa técnica poderia ser uma opção para a detecção de IgG ou subclasses IgG1 e IgG2 específicas. A ehrlichiose canina é um importante diagnóstico diferencial de Leishmaniose Visceral Americana (LVA). O presente estudo comparou o ELISA usando antígenos de Leishmania chagasi e Leishmania braziliensis para a detecção de IgG e subclasses anti-Leishmania em amostras de soro de 37 cães naturalmente infectados com L. chagasi (LVA) e em amostras de quatro cães co-infectados (CI). A ocorrência de reatividade cruzada foi investigada em amostras de soro controle de 17 animais saudáveis (HC) e 35 de infectados por Ehrlichia canis (EC). A média de densidade óptica obtida para a detecção de IgG foi significantemente maior quando o antígeno de L. chagasi foi usado e também mais elevada no subgrupo LVs (sintomático) quando comparado ao subgrupo LVa (assintomático). A correlação entre IgG e IgG1 foi baixa. O presente resultado sugere que ELISA IgG empregando antígeno homólogo, produz os melhores resultados, permitindo o diagnóstico de infecção assintomática por L. chagasi e a discriminação entre casos de LVA e ehrlichiose em cães


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    Pentavalent antimonials are the first drug of choice in the treatment of tegumentary leishmaniasis. Data on ototoxicity related with such drugs is scarcely available in literature, leading us to develop a study on cochleovestibular functions. Case Report: A case of a tegumentary leishmaniasis patient, a 78-year-old man who presented a substantial increase in auditory threshold with tinnitus and severe rotatory dizziness during the treatment with meglumine antimoniate, is reported. These symptoms worsened in two weeks after treatment was interrupted. Conclusion: Dizziness and tinnitus had already been related to meglumine antimoniate. However, this is the first well documented case of cochlear-vestibular toxicity related to meglumine antimoniate

    Sporothrix schenckii and sporotrichosis

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    For a long time sporotrichosis has been regarded to have a low incidence in Brazil; however, recent studies demonstrate that not only the number of reported cases but also the incidence of more severe or atypical clinical forms of the disease are increasing. Recent data indicate that these more severe forms occur in about 10% of patients with confirmed diagnosis. The less frequent forms, mainly osteoarticular sporotrichosis, might be associated both with patient immunodepression and zoonotic transmission of the disease. The extracutaneous form and the atypical forms are a challenge to a newly developed serological test, introduced as an auxiliary tool for the diagnosis of unusual clinical forms of sporotrichosis

    Trypanosoma madeirae sp. n.: A species of the clade T. cruzi associated with the neotropical common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus

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    Molecular phylogenetic studies have revealed the growing diversity of bat trypanosomes. Here, 14 isolates from blood samples of the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus (Phyllostomidae) from Rio de Janeiro, Southeast Brazil, were cultivated, and morphologically and molecularly characterized. All isolates represent a novel species named Trypanosoma madeirae n. sp. positioned in the Neobat lineage of the clade T. cruzi. The Neobat lineage also comprises closely related trypanosomes of clades Neotropic 1, 2 and 3 from diverse phyllostomid species. Trypanosomes of Neotropic 1, found in Trachops cirrhosus and Artibeus jamaicensis (phyllostomids), likely represent a different species or genotype closely related to T. madeirae. Consistent with its phylogenetic positioning, T. madeirae differs from Trypanosoma cruzi in morphology of both epimastigote and trypomastigote culture forms and does not infect Triatoma infestans. Similar to its closest relatives of Neobat lineage, T. madeirae was unable to develop within mammalian cells. To date, PCR-surveys on archived blood/liver samples unveiled T. madeirae exclusively in D. rotundus from Southern to Northern Brazil. The description of a new species of bat trypanosome associated with vampire bats increases the repertoire of trypanosomes infecting D. rotundus, currently comprised of Trypanosoma cruzi, T. cruzi marinkellei, Trypanosoma dionisii, Trypanosoma rangeli, Trypanosoma pessoai, and Trypanosoma madeirae. Keywords: Chiroptera, Vampire bats, Bat trypanosomes, Phylogeny, Taxonomy, T. cruzi clad

    Short Communication - First encounter of subclinical human Leishmania ( Viannia) infection in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the specificity of the Montenegro skin test (MST) in an area in Brazil, state of Grande do Sul State (RS), which was considered to be non-endemic for leishmaniasis. Sixty subjects presented a positive MST and were reevaluated by clinical examination, serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of peripheral blood for the detection of subclinical Leishmania infection. None of the subjects presented clinical signs or symptoms of current leishmaniasis or a history of the disease.Leishmania (Viannia) DNA was detected in blood by PCR and hybridization in one subject. The PCR skin test-positive individual remained asymptomatic throughout the study. Clinical examination showed no scars suggestive of past cutaneous leishmaniasis. Human subclinical infection with Leishmania (Viannia) in RS was confirmed by PCR. This is the first report of subclinical infection with this parasite in the human population of this area