59 research outputs found

    Identification of medicinal plants of Urmia for treatment of gastrointestinal disorders

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    The gastrointestinal tract is one of the most important organs of the human body and is vulnerable to different diseases. Available drugs often have low efficacy or are associated with many adverse effects. Therefore, alternative drugs are necessary to treat gastrointestinal complications. This study intended to identify medicinal plants in Urmia, Iran, that can affect common gastrointestinal disorders and diseases. Data was collected from public resources via interviews and questionnaires applied from April to June 2013. Herbarium specimens were collected from the region and authenticated by a botanist. A total of 41 indigenous medicinal plants from the Urmia region, belonging to twenty families, have a traditional medicinal role in the treatment of parasitic and infectious diseases, diarrhea, reflux, gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer, constipation, bloating, among other gastrointestinal tract disorders. Analysis showed that most plants affecting the gastrointestinal tract belonged in the Asteraceae family (24%). The most used part of the plants was the seed at 17%. Decoction at 65% was the most popular form of treatment used. Some of the medicinal plants discussed in this article have new implications presented for the first time. Pharmacological studies on the therapeutic effects of the indigenous plants mentioned in this study are necessary in order to investigate their claimed clinical effects and the use of their effective compounds to produce natural and useful drugs. Currently, there is no data on the herbal plants used to treat gastrointestinal disorders in northwestern Iran. Therefore, these findings are important for the management of gastrointestinal disorders and to conduct future studies on traditional medicine for drug development. (C) 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved


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    Quṭb al-Din Shīrāzī (1236-1311 AD), the Persian polymath had great contributions to the fields of philosophy, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, music, literature, and Islamic studies. He lived during the Ilkhanid kingdom in Iran. He wrote an autobiography in the preface of his medical manuscript, al-Tuḥfa al-Sa‘dīya. He discussed his views on science and then, he explained his life story, in particular his education and contribution to science. He mentioned the reasons that led him to write al-Tuḥfa al-Sa‘dīya, his main medical work. As a great polymath, he traveled to many countries, and his words cleared the scientific atmosphere of 14th century AD. Also, he directly introduced his teachers and their abilities and works. Furthermore, scientists who worked on the Canon of Medicine had commentaries on this book, which were comprehensively introduced in this autobiography.Quṭb al-Din Shīrāzī (1236. – 1311.), perzijski homo universalis dao je velik doprinos u po-dručju filozofije, matematike, medicine, astronomije, glazbe, književnosti i islamskih studija. Živio je za vrijeme Ilhanidskog Kraljevstva u Iranu. U predgovoru svoga medicinskog ru-kopisa a l -Tuḥfa al-Sa‘dīya napisao je autobiografiju. Promišljao je o svojim pogledima na znanost, a zatim objasnio svoju životnu priču, posebno svoje obrazovanje i doprinos znano-sti. Spomenuo je razloge zbog kojih je napisao a l -Tuḥfa al-Sa‘dīya, svoje glavno medicinsko djelo. Kao veliki homo universalis putovao je u mnoge zemlje i svojim je riječima razjasnio znanstveno ozračje 14. stoljeća. Izravno je predstavio svoje učitelje i njihove sposobnosti i djela. Znanstvenici koji su radili na Kanonu medicine imali su komentare na tu knjigu, a ti komentari su sveobuhvatno uvedeni u a l -Tuḥfa al-Sa‘dīya

    Rhazes, pionir koji je pridonio istraživanju u medicinskoj praksi

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    Medical history explains that Persian physicians used scientific methods based on clinical experiences and observations for treatment from pre-Islamic time (before 637 AD) and centuries later (in the Islamic era). Rhazes was one of the Persian physicians acknowledged as a pharmacist, chemist and prominent scientific writer on various subjects of medicine and philosophy. In this study, we aimed to investigate clinical experiences, as well as the ethical and critical views of Rhazes in medical practice. Rhazes promoted ethics in the medical profession. He expressed critical key points about ancient written texts. He broke ancient physicians’ taboos in medical theories and evaluated them based on his own experiences. He designed animal and preclinical evaluations for his theories and also performed the first clinical trials with control groups in the history. His critical views about medical sciences as well as his beliefs in experiments resulted in many medical, chemical and pharmaceutical findings. Therefore, in history, he can be considered as the pioneer in using trials and experiments for approving medical methods.Medicinska povijest pokazuje da su se perzijski liječnici služili znanstvenim metodama u liječenju, temeljenim na kliničkim iskustvima i promatranjima još od predislamskog vremena (prije 637. godine) i stoljećima poslije (u islamskom dobu). Rhazes je bio jedan od perzijskih liječnika priznat kao ljekarnik, kemičar i istaknuti znanstveni pisac o različitim temama iz medicine i filozofije. U ovom radu nastojali smo istražiti klinička iskustva, kao i etičke i kritičke stavove Rhazesa u medicinskoj praksi. Rhazes je promovirao etiku u medicinskoj struci. Iznio je kritične ključne točke o antičkim pisanim tekstovima. Srušio je drevne liječničke tabue u medicinskim teorijama i procijenio ih na temelju vlastita iskustva. Provodio je evaluacije za svoje teorije na životinjama i u predklinici te proveo i prva klinička ispitivanja s kontrolnim grupama u povijesti. Njegova kritička stajališta o medicinskim znanostima, kao i vjerovanje u eksperimente rezultirali su mnogim medicinskim, kemijskim i farmaceutskim otkrićima. Stoga se Rhazesa u povijesti može smatrati pionirom u korištenju ispitivanja i eksperimenata za odobravanje medicinskih metoda

    Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used in the management of diabetes mellitus in the Urmia, Northwest Iran

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    Objective: To collect and document information on anti-diabetic plants traditionally used in the treating of diabetes in Urmia at Northwest Iran because ethnomedicines are considered as valuable sources to find new potential drugs. Methods: We used the method of direct observation and interview (35 traditional healers) along with gathering herbarium specimens mentioned plants in site. Results: There were 30 medicinal plants from 17 families for the treatment of diabetes. The family with most plants was Lamiaceae (20). Leaves (20) are often used and its form is decoction (70). It was also found that Citrullus colocynthis has the most frequency of use among traditional healers. Conclusions: Furthermore, base on current findings many of the mentioned plants have potential active ingredients to influence diabetes. © 2014 Hainan Medical College


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    Throughout history, opium has been used as a base for the opioid class of drugs used to suppress the central nervous system. Opium is a substance extracted from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). Its consumption and medicinal application date back to antiquity. In the medieval period, Avicenna, a famous Persian scholar (980-1037 AD) described poppy under the entry Afion of his medical encyclopedia Canon of Medicine. Various effects of opium consumption, both wanted and unwanted are discussed in the encyclopedia. The text mentions the effects of opioids such as analgesic, hypnotic, antitussive, gastrointestinal, cognitive, respiratory depression, neuromuscular disturbance, and sexual dysfunction. It also refers to its potential as a poison. Avicenna describes several methods of delivery and recommendations for doses of the drug. Most of opioid effects described by Avicenna have subsequently been confirmed by modern research, and other references to opium use in medieval texts call for further investigation. This article highlights an important aspect of the medieval history of medicine.Opijum se kroz povijest rabio kao temelj za opioide koji suprimiraju na središnji živčani sustav. To je tvar koja se ekstrakcijom dobiva iz makovih glavica (Papaver somniferum L.). Uporaba opijuma i njegova medicinska primjena bili su poznati još u antičko doba. U srednjem je vijeku poznati perzijski učenjak Avicena (980. –1037.) spominjao mak u svojoj medicinskoj enciklopediji Medicinski kanon pod natuknicom afion. U enciklopediji se raspravlja o različitom djelovanju opijuma, povoljnom i štetnom. Spominje se da opioidi ublažavaju bol, djeluju poput hipnoze, protiv kašlja, na probavu, na um, na oslabljene funkcije disanja, poremećaj živčano-mišićnog sustava tespolne funkcije, a govori se i o trovanju opioidima. Avicena je opisao nekoliko načina primjene i dao preporuke vezane uz doze lijeka. Većina učinaka na koje se Avicena osvrće, kasnija su istraživanja potvrdila, a drugi srednjovjekovni izvori koji govore o uporabi opijuma zanimljivi su za buduća istraživanja. U ovome se članku ističe jedan važan aspekt povijesti medicine srednjega vijeka

    Wound Healing Agents as Described by Avicenna in the Canon of Medicine

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    Topical wounds are common complications, and it is necessary to find new remedies and approaches for their treatment. In this study, Avicenna’s definitions of topical wounds and his treatment strategies are investigated and compared with contemporary findings. Data were extracted from the fourth chapter of the fourth volume of the Canon of Medicine and databases of PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar using keywords of wound healing, Avicenna, Persian medicine, etc. Avicenna tries to clarify categorizations, semiology, pathophysiology, dressing, remedies and treatment strategies for wound. Many of his descriptions—like callus and the importance of angiogenesis in wound healing—are close to current definitions. He also mentioned to strategies like using gauze in dressing, control of bleeding and swelling (inflammation), washing and clearing wounds, using suture and surgery in some cases and also prescribing tonic foods. Furthermore, the efficacy of many natural remedies mentioned by Avicenna like Boswellia sacra Flück., Hordeum vulgare L., Prangos ferulacea Lindl., Quercus persica Jaub. & Spach, Brassica oleracea L., and Plantago major L. have been evaluated and approved by contemporary investigations. These results demonstrate the impact of Avicenna’s knowledge on wounds and wound healing process. Therefore, besides historical impact, it is important as a novel natural source to find new medicaments based on this ancient knowledge


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    During the final hours of pregnancy, uterine contractions cause the foetus to move through the birth canal and leave the mother’s body. Haly Abbas (died 982-994 CE), is believed to be the first writer to explain the role of these contractions. However, this concept had in fact been described in the text titled Bab-e-Borzouyeh, written four centuries earlier by the physician Borzouyeh (Perzoes in Latin) as a prologue to his translation of the Indian collection of fables known as the Panchatantra. Because Haly Abbas probably had access to ancient Persian medical textsKontrakcije maternice u zadnjim satima trudnoće uzrokuju prolaz ploda kroz porođajni kanal i napuštanje majčinog tijela. Smatra se kako je Haly Abbas (u. 982–994) prvi koji je opisao ulogu tih kontrakcija. Međutim ovaj je pojam četiri stoljeća ranije zapravo opisao liječnik Borzouyeh (lat. Perzoes) u tekstu naslovljenu Bab-e-Borzouyeh, uvodu njegova prijevoda Panchatantre,zbirke indijskih basni. Budući da je Haly Abbas vjerojatno imao pristup staroperzijskim medicinskim tekstovima, prvo izvješće o kontrakcijama maternice trebalo bi biti priznato starijem autoru