321 research outputs found

    Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate preservatives in food stuffs in Iran

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    A high-performance liquid chromatography method was applied for the determination of the levels of benzoate and sorbate in 400 food samples, including pickled cucumbers, canned tomato pastes, sour cherry jams, soft drinks, fruit juices and dairy products (UF-Feta cheeses, Lighvan cheeses, lactic cheeses, yogurts and doogh). The results showed that 270 (67.5%) of all samples contained benzoate ranging from 11.9 to 288.5 mg kg⁻¹ in lactic cheese and fruit juice, respectively. The levels of sorbate in 98 (24.5%) of the samples were 20.1 to 284.3 mg kg⁻¹ in doogh and fruit juice, respectively. Moreover, benzoate was detected in all dairy products ranging from 11.9 mg kg⁻¹ in lactic cheese to 91.2 mg kg⁻¹ in UF-Feta cheese. A low concentration of benzoate could originate naturally, due to specific biochemical mechanisms during cheese, yogurt and doogh maturation. In conclusion, a minimum level for benzoate in dairy products should be defined in the legislation. © 2015 Taylor & Francis

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Mutasi Karyawan pada PT. Sakato Jaya dengan Metode Multi Faktor Evaluation Proses

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    Proses pengambilan keputusan penyeleksian mutasi karyawan di PT. Bina Sakato Jaya Kiliran Jao saat ini masih dilakukan secara sederhana yaitu menggunakan Microsoft Office dalam penentuan karyawan yang dimutasi mempunyai faktor penilaian Disiplin, Prestasi kerja, dan Tanggung Jawab. Dalam pengambilan keputusan seleksi mutasi karyawan di instansi ini cukup lamban dan masih memakai aspek subjektif. Oleh Karena itu perlu dibuat sebuah aplikasi yang mampu menentukan seleksi mutasi karyawan yang optimal yang dapat membantu pimpinan instansi dalam mengambil keputusan yang lebih objektif. Untuk keputusan yang berpengaruh secara strategis, lebih dianjurkan menggunakan sebuah pendekatan kuantitatif seperti Multifactor Evaluation Process (MFEP). Dalam pengambilan keputusan dengan multifaktor, pengambilan keputusan secara subyektif dan intuitif dapat dihindarkan

    Synthesis of single-component metallic glasses by thermal spray of nanodroplets on amorphous substrates

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    We show that single component metallic glasses can be synthesized by thermal spray coating of nanodroplets onto an amorphous substrate. We demonstrate this using molecular dynamics simulations of nanodroplets up to 30 nm that the spreading of the nanodroplets during impact on a substrate leads to sufficiently rapid cooling (10^(12)–10^(13) K/s) sustained by the large temperature gradients between the thinned nanodroplets and the bulk substrate. However, even under these conditions, in order to ensure that the glass transition outruns crystal nucleation, it is essential that the substrate be amorphous (eliminating sites for heterogeneous nucleation of crystallization)


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    The purposes of this study were to investigate the effect of administration of GnRH and PGF2α on onset of estrus and conception rate in different postpartum swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Twenty postpartum (pp) buffalo-cows were divided into four groups of five buffaloes as follows: Group A (30 day pp), Group B (45 dpp), Group C (60 dpp), and Group D (75 dpp). The buffaloes in each group were injected intramuscularly with 3 ml GnRH at day 0, followed by intramuscular injection of 2.5 ml PGF2α, 10 ml) at day 7 after GnRH injection. Observation of estrus was performed 24 h after injection of PGF2α. Artificial insemination was performed 18 h after estrus signs clearly visible. The result of study showed that there were no difference (p>0.05) among treatments on the percentages of estrus (100%), onset of estrus (37.4 to 38.4 h), duration of estrus (16.8 to 18.2 h) and conception rate (100%). In conclusion, buffalo-cows in Kampar Regency can be served as early as 30 days post partum using combination of 3 ml GnRH and 2.5 ml of PGF2&#945

    Application of Lokal Wisdom Society in Rehabilitating River Erosion at Kenegerian Rumbio Kabupaten Kampar

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    Research on the application of local wisdom in rehabilitating river erosion was carriedout in Kenegerian Rumbio Kampar District from February to December 2017. The aimof this research is know the forms implementation of local wisdom to rehabilitate rivererosion, identifying factors that are inhibiting in rehabilitating river erosion, identifyingfactors that are inhibiting in rehabilitating river erosion, as well identifying and evaluating effort made in overcoming the obstacles of river erosion rehabilitation atKenegerian Rumbio Kabupaten Kampar. Results of research local wisdom is obtained1) effort rehabilitation of river erosion has been implemented, because it has been rundown hereditary by the community and in its application is done by vegetative methodand civil engineering method, 2) factors resistor there are 4, hat is household waste dumped into the river, replacement of river bank vegetation with economical vegetationdue to the change of mindset, mining activities, and land clearing In river banks, and 3) efforts undertaken to overcome the obstacles of river erosion rehabilitation shall be sanctioned to the violator custom rulesand villages such as: verbal reprimands, ostracism from society, and sanctions are not served in the affairs of Kenegerian Rumbio community

    Tinjauan Terhadap Sistem Multi Partai Dalam Sistem Pemerintahan Presidensial Di Indonesia Pada Era Reformasi

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    Amendment Act of 1945 that occurred in the era of reform based on a commitment to reinforce the Presidential system. In contrast, multi-party system in combination with the current presidential system of government is to encourage parties to form a coalition that actually weakens the presidential system itself. The Coalition is one of the institutions of parliamentary systems which negatively berekses governance. Practices in Indonesian coalition formed before the general election of President and Vice President dominated political dealings regarding the division of public office without the formulation of a common platform. In fact, the coalition was formed not ensure that parties who are members of the coalition that has a representative in the legislature will always support government programs. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the application of multi-party system in the Presidential system of government in Indonesia in the reform era at once formulate implications for the executive and legislative relations and the implementation of the ideal. This type of research can be can be classified into types of normative juridical research, because it makes the literature as the main focus. Source of data used, the primary legal materials, secondary law, and tertiary legal materials. Data collection techniques in this study using the method of literature study.The results showed that the application of multi-party system in the Presidential system of government actually weaken the presidential system and have implications for the executive and legislative relations. Three things that the implications are; First, the number of political parties interests that conflict with government policy. Second, the absence of permanent coalition arrangement. Third, the weak position of President. Ideally the implementation of a multi-party system, in order to create stability in the Indonesian presidential system of government, then there are three (3) things that need to be addressed in our Presidential system, namely: First, the simplification of the political parties, the second, setting the coalition remains, and the third, the strengthening of institutional design presidency. The author suggests needed coalition of political parties that are permanently defined by the rules of Law clearer so that it will produce a strong and efficient government.Keywords: multi-party system, coalition, a Presidential system

    Dialektika Arsitektur dan Perubahan Perilaku Masyarakat Pasca Urbanisasi

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    Paradigma ber-arsitektur erat kaitannya dengan perilaku masyarakat sehingga arsitektur dapat digunakan untuk membentuk perilaku manusia melalui rekayasa lingkungan maupun bangunan.. Masuknya arsitektur moderen di Indonesia berakibat pada Perubahan perilaku masyarakat tradisional khususnya di wilayah urban olehnya, penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mendokumentasikan faktor - faktor yang menyebabkan Peruban perilaku masyarakat pra urban (masyarakat tradisional) pasca urbanisasi di Kota Kendari dalam perspektif kearsitektural, lingkungan dan paradigma filsafat, (2) merumuskan langkah dan tindakan kearsitektural dalam upaya merestorasi nilai - nilai kebudayaan terhadap masyarakat urban. Penelitian ini diselenggarakan di kota Kendari dan berlandaskan pada paradigma post-positivisme yakni metode fenomenologi pendekatan kualitatif dimana aspek – aspek yang dianalisis pedagogi, lingkungan dan perilaku, serta budaya masyarakat kota Kendari dan Sulawesi Tenggara pada umumya sebagai landasan determinisme arsitektur. Penelitian ini menemukan dua temuan yakni (1) uraian deskriptif paradigma filsafat terhadap pendidikan dan konsepsi arsitek dan user mengenai arsitektur yang mengakibatkan Perubahan perilaku masyarakat urban, (2) rumusan model kawasan kantong pedestrian dengan fasilitas terpadu berbasis lingkungan dan kearifan lokal sebagai determinisme arsitektur dalam merestorasi nilai – nilai budaya pada masyarakat urban

    A bioresorbable peripheral nerve stimulator for electronic pain block

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    Local electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves can block the propagation of action potentials, as an attractive alternative to pharmacological agents for the treatment of acute pain. Traditional hardware for such purposes, however, involves interfaces that can damage nerve tissue and, when used for temporary pain relief, that impose costs and risks due to requirements for surgical extraction after a period of need. Here, we introduce a bioresorbable nerve stimulator that enables electrical nerve block and associated pain mitigation without these drawbacks. This platform combines a collection of bioresorbable materials in architectures that support stable blocking with minimal adverse mechanical, electrical, or biochemical effects. Optimized designs ensure that the device disappears harmlessly in the body after a desired period of use. Studies in live animal models illustrate capabilities for complete nerve block and other key features of the technology. In certain clinically relevant scenarios, such approaches may reduce or eliminate the need for use of highly addictive drugs such as opioids

    Risk factors of developing critical conditions in Iranian patients with COVID-19

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    COVID-19 due to novel Coronavirus was first reported in Wuhan, China. Nowadays, the Islamic Republic of Iran stands among countries with high COVID-19 prevalence and high burden of disease. Since the medical resources are limited, we aimed to identify the risk factors for patients developing critical conditions. This can help to improve resource management and treatment outcomes. In this retrospective study, we included 12,677 patients who were from 26 hospitals, supervised by Tehran University of Medical Sciences with signs and symptoms of COVID-19, until April 12. University integrated IT system was adopted to collect the data. We performed Logistic regression to evaluate the association between death in COVID-19 positive patients and other variables. Cough, respiratory distress and fever were the most common symptoms in our patients, respectively. Cancer, chronic lung diseases and chronic neurologic diseases were the strongest risk factors for death in COVID-19 patients. © 202